
2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

author:Listen to the rain

On July 1, two attacks on Chinese overseas were exposed on the Internet, which aroused the attention of domestic netizens. Because the popularity of the incident that just happened in Suzhou has not subsided, netizens naturally compare these incidents.

One of the two incidents exposed was a kidnapping case against Chinese, resulting in the death of two Chinese.

2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

According to media reports, the two Chinese who were kidnapped were executives of two medical companies who were kidnapped while on a business trip to the Philippines.

The family of one of the victims paid a ransom of 3 million yuan to the kidnappers, but the kidnappers still tore up the ticket. At present, the local police have intervened in the investigation and have not disclosed the progress of the case.

2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

According to the screenshot of the chat of the insider, the two executives met the Philippine agent at the European annual meeting, and this time they made an appointment to talk about business, but they didn't expect to be kidnapped when they got off the plane. From this point of view, the kidnappers have already set a trap, and the Philippine agent may not be simple.

2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

The family of the victim said that a memorial service had been held in Beijing on the morning of the 1st, and they are now returning to their hometown with ashes for burial. The family of the victim said that the company has given corresponding help to the family, and the relevant aftermath work is ongoing.

Another attack on Chinese took place in Auckland, New Zealand, targeting a 16-year-old Chinese student.

At around 9 a.m. on June 28, a 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked by a woman with a metal stick on a bus in Auckland, New Zealand, resulting in serious facial injuries.

According to media reports, three of the Chinese students in the attack had three teeth knocked out and two others damaged. The woman also shouted racial slurs during the attack.

2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

The Chinese boy who was attacked was very frightened afterwards, he told reporters: "I'm a little scared, this time it's a stick, who knows what will happen next time, maybe a knife?" ”

After the incident, the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland strongly condemned it and demanded that the police make every effort to investigate the case. The local police said that they attach great importance to this case, are stepping up the investigation, and are willing to maintain close communication with the Consulate General.

2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

These two incidents cannot but remind netizens of the attack on foreigners in Suzhou a few days ago.

The two expatriates suffered only a few skin injuries, and many were indignant, and of course they were right. Our Ms. Hu Youping also took her life to save the lives of the two foreigners.

But now our compatriots are seriously injured by bad people in foreign countries, kidnapped by kidnappers and tear off tickets, but they don't come out to strongly condemn them? Why is this happening?

2 cases in a row: 2 Chinese were kidnapped and torn off tickets in the Philippines, and 1 Chinese was attacked in New Zealand

In particular, I would like to hear what a group of former media personalities have to say about the attack.

It is no longer an isolated case or an isolated case for our citizens to be attacked abroad, and it always ends up being undone. We demand that the New Zealand side take it seriously and punish the perpetrators severely

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