
"13 Mink Street" has been booked to more than 30,000, have you read these five urban novels recommended by the starting point?

Continuing our analysis of the starting point book list, this issue is going to talk about the five urban novels recommended before the starting point.

However, I personally feel that there are only three pure urban works in these five novels, one is semi-urban, and the remaining one is purely published in the urban classification. So let's take a closer look at which five works are.

1. "13 Mink Street": all ordered 32,000

"13 Mink Street" has been booked to more than 30,000, have you read these five urban novels recommended by the starting point?

The work of the suspense god Pure Di Xiaolong is also the novel I said above that is purely published in the urban classification.

The theme of this novel is more appropriate in fantasy or fantasy, and the work belongs to the weird Western fantasy text. If you make a specific analogy, it is still a bit similar to the style of "Lord of Mysteries". Of course, squid and dragons have their own characteristics.

The novel mainly tells the story of the protagonist who was a psychiatrist in a previous life, when he cooperated with the police to rescue a kidnapped little girl, fell from the sky, died and was summoned to the other world to resurrect, and embarked on an alternative path to becoming a god.

The battle for the extraordinary in the novel is fierce, and the protagonist is currently in the stage of development.

I personally chase more, I feel very good, here is also recommended for everyone to see.

2, "This star wants to retire": both set twenty-seven thousand

"13 Mink Street" has been booked to more than 30,000, have you read these five urban novels recommended by the starting point?

The work of the first leader of the kindergarten, the urban classification of the ten kings in the starting twelve kings last year.

The novel belongs to the theme of urban entertainment, telling the protagonist of the past life who can generally only be a good singing and dancing bean, after crossing into the parallel world, he became a big handsome guy and had a super plug-in, thus further playing the story of the entertainment circle.

The results of this novel are still very good, creating the first record of the starting point of cultural and entertainment themes, and it is also the second grade of the current cultural and entertainment works serialized in the starting point, the score is second only to the novel of "My Whitest" and "Full-time Artist".

In addition, this novel also created the best grade of the kindergarten leader, and the word count exceeded all his previous works.

I have also read the novel for a while, the early draft part is very interesting, and the later personal feeling seems to be a lot of routine.

Many readers feel that they can achieve this result because they rely on their peers, because the cultural and entertainment themes are easily homogenized. Recently, there is still a lack of more bold works.

The last time I saw a breakthrough was "This is not entertainment" that "sleep will turn white", taking the route of subverting the entertainment industry, just writing 600,000 words and ending.

3. "The Year of Rebirth Like Water Flow": all set 20,000

"13 Mink Street" has been booked to more than 30,000, have you read these five urban novels recommended by the starting point?

Cang Shanyue's work is also a novel in which he rediscovers his state. In 2017, he originally won the place of historical kings in the twelve kings at the starting point of the year with the novel "Tuning the Great Song".

After this novel, many people were optimistic that he could quickly upgrade the great god, but after writing "Mastiff Tang", it was a slump, and the novel was later eunuch.

After that, I also opened trumpet writing, but I didn't produce results, and finally returned to the big number and wrote this urban era text, and then rose again.

I have also read a little of the novel, but I can't remember what the content is, the overall impression is that it is written more delicately, but it is more screening readers, and there have also been controversial plots in the middle, and those who are curious can try it.

4. "The Reborn Industrial Tycoon": all set 12,000

"13 Mink Street" has been booked to more than 30,000, have you read these five urban novels recommended by the starting point?

The work of the passer-through, this is also a member of the Twelve Heavenly Kings who are more frustrated.

He was one of the first twelve kings to qualify in 2016 with his sports novel The All-Around Athlete. Originally, he was also full of spirits, and wanted to make a path to the god in sports novels.

However, the heart is higher than the sky, but the result is not satisfactory, and the results of many subsequent sports works are very ordinary.

At present, there is only one big god of sports at the beginning, that is, Lin Hai Tingtao, a platinum author who writes football novels, which still eats the dividends of early online articles. Of course, his sports novels are really good. It can be said that it is difficult to rely on niche sports novels to become a god.

After hitting the wall many times, he also chose to transform and wrote this urban rebirth article of industrial orientation. I've seen it for a while before, but I haven't been able to get his cool spot.

The novel's ten thousand fixed results are related to his previous persistent manual anti-theft, and now I don't know whether there is anti-theft or not.

However, I went to see the recent plot feedback and found that it was not very good, so whether to try it or not, or to see everyone's own choice.

5. "What is it like to be a saint": all set ten thousand

"13 Mink Street" has been booked to more than 30,000, have you read these five urban novels recommended by the starting point?

To leave the works of Thorn Jingke, I personally feel very sorry for a big god. Earlier, he signed a contract with the historical novels "I want to be the emperor" and "I want to be a door valve". Only later, it was rotten, and a new book of history was opened because of poor grades, and the eunuch was quickly eunuch.

After this, he opened a vest and followed the trend to write the anti-routine work "I am really not a demon god", because the hot work "I am really not an evil god running dog" caused great controversy in the early stage of imitating the hedgehog cat Wan Haohuo (this novel booker is ordered thirty-seven thousand, ranking second among the bookers, or very powerful).

After this, his reputation as a great god of history is basically gone, although his current achievements in novels are not bad, but the impression given to readers is no longer a list of gods.

This "What is it like to be a saint" is also a follow-up work, grasping a small trend of time and space double wear in the starting two years, telling the story of a modern person and the Honghuang Gangster Tongtian Sect Lord exchanging souls every once in a while. The main point of interest is the contrast between the two in different environments, and those who are interested can try it.

The above is all the content of this issue, I don't know the five novels recommended by the starting point, do you like it?

I was personally chasing "13 Mink Street", and the other four books were tried to read for a while, but then the interest was not great, so I did not continue to read. Anyway, I hope there are works that attract you.

So this issue is here, I am Elle, a web lover, we will see you in the next issue.

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