
The two most attractive men in reality, which one are you?

Two kinds of boys who attract girls, see which one are you?

A question that everyone has been very concerned about all along, I think it should be what kind of boys do girls really like?

The two most attractive men in reality, which one are you?

Why have you been single for a long time, why can't you always attract the girl you like, and watch your beloved girl pass by? What about this problem, in fact, it is very simple, girls will only choose two kinds of boys:

One is valuable and the second is secure. So next, I will explain to you these two types of attractive men.

First of all, let's talk about the value, the valuable boy is full of excellent genes, and such a boy is very much needed by every girl, the girl will be uncontrollably attracted to this kind of boy, we call this kind of boy a gene provider, then here are three words of value including youyan. Only money, personality charm, personality charm can be relatively difficult to understand, a word summary is that you can provide emotional value to girls, let him feel that with you are incomparably happy, valuable will be needed, so girls will never find a boy with a lower value than themselves, we often see girls in love with the object is always more valuable than themselves, attractive boys, this boy may not be able to make girls feel very secure, but girls are like, he is not rationally controlled. Then we will say that such boys with a sense of security are often very high-income people, or the material conditions are very superior, and the boys with a sense of security can give girls the guarantee of material life, so some girls are also willing to be with such boys.

The two most attractive men in reality, which one are you?

Then we say that when girls enter puberty, there will be a large number every day. Time to cultivate social intuition to screen out boys or providers of good quality or good genes.

The provider can give girls enough security and life security, so insecure girls and some girls with weaker economies will choose safe boys.

Then let's talk about the difference between the gene provider and the provider, the gene provider, will confidently show their desires, will be very attitude, because of enough self-confidence, so when interacting with girls, will be self-centered, the provider, will hide their inner desires, will lack of attitude, because self-confidence comes from external additional conditions, that is, material, so the mode of getting along or girls-centered, easy to please girls, pleasing girls.

The two most attractive men in reality, which one are you?

Then we say that their own conditions belong to the first attraction, the additional conditions belong to the second attraction, and their own good conditions are often the appearance. This kind of group of people who are high and have personality charm, then this kind of boy, belongs to the gene supplier, and only when his own conditions are insufficient, he needs to attach conditions, such as money. The provider, who attracts the opposite sex through the second attraction, is the condition attached, so the first attraction of the donor of the gene has more advantages. What if you don't have good looks and don't have enough money?

Then you need to improve your personality charm, because it is much easier to improve your personality charm than to make money.

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