
Winter Olympics | Fan Duoyao: Climb aboard the Snow Dragon to write a new history

Winter Olympics | Fan Duoyao: Climb aboard the Snow Dragon to write a new history

At about 7 p.m. on February 5, the first official competition in the Yanqing Division of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was staged at the National Bobsleigh Center "Snow Tour Dragon", and Fan Duoyao, the captain of the Chinese bobsleigh team, played in the first round of the men's single bobsleigh as the only Chinese player. The moment he slid out of the departure area, the Chinese bobsleigh team made its debut at the Winter Olympics, and the new history of the Chinese Winter Olympics was born. After two rounds, Van Duo Yao was provisionally ranked 25th with a total time of 1:57.731.

In the first round of skating, Van Duo Yao made his 25th appearance. Although the German and Austrian bobsleigh players took the lead in the race, the excellent performance of these athletes did not affect Van Duoyao's state. His start was smooth and powerful, and in the following few corners, Fan Duoyao fully controlled the balance of the pry body, trying to maintain a high cornering speed, and finally he did not make a significant mistake and finished with a time of 58.848 seconds.

In the second round of skating, Fan Duoyao was the last of the 34 players to start, this time his departure was still stable, but slightly inclined in the second half of the corner, sliding out of the round of 58.883 seconds, and temporarily ranked 25th after the two rounds of results were added together.

The Chinese delegation has never qualified for a bobsleigh event in previous Winter Olympics. Even the Chinese bobsleigh training team was formed after the successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics. After nearly 6 years of hard training, the Chinese bobsleigh team has faced difficulties, and more and more Chinese players have appeared in the World Series. And the captain Fan Duoyao is undoubtedly one of the most shining.

In November last year, in the qualification round of the 2021-2022 International Bobsleigh Federation Bobsleigh World Cup Yanqing Station, Fan Duoyao became the first male player in China to qualify for the Bobsleigh World Cup as the 17th. In the main competition, Fan Duoyao basically played at a normal level, and finally ranked 32nd with a time of 1:59.038.

Since then, Fan Duoyao has participated in many World Cup sub-stations, accumulated rich competition experience, and also saw his own shortcomings and gained self-confidence through the same competition with the world's top players.

After the game, Fan Duoyao was basically satisfied with his performance in the first two rounds, he admitted: "The first time I appeared on the Winter Olympic Games, I felt very different, after all, there were many spectators who supported me on the scene, which made me feel a little pressured. For the next third round of matches, Fan Duoyao firmly believes that he will get a good result.

Speaking of the significance of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Fan Duoyao said: "A strong youth is a strong country, and a strong sports country is a strong country, and the successful holding of this Winter Olympics also shows the thriving national strength of our motherland." With the 'Snow Dragon' track, it will also make the sport of bobsleigh develop in China. ”

(Beijing Daily)

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