
| Fan Duoyao at the Winter Olympics: Give yourself 7 points

On the evening of February 6, the men's single bobsleigh competition of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics began a gold medal competition at the National Bobsleigh Center "Snow Dragon", and Fan Duoyao, the captain of the Chinese bobsleigh team, played in the third round as the only Chinese player. In this round, he skated a time of 58.895 seconds to finish 24th with a total time of 2:56.626, missing the fourth round. For the Chinese bobsleigh team, which debuted at the Winter Olympics, this result will become a new starting point for the team to continue to move forward.

After the game, Fan Duoyao, who walked to the mixed interview area, was slightly regretful, he said: "My clothes and equipment were not packed at the starting point, and before the game, I really thought that I could rush and enter the fourth round, and I really didn't expect to stop at the third round." For his debut in the Winter Olympics, Fan Duoyao said he gave himself 7 points.

Talking about the gap between the Chinese bobsleigh team and the European strong team, Fan Duoyao believes that China is still only a newcomer in this project, and the overall development time is relatively short, unlike Germany and Austria, which have been accumulated for many years, forming a talent training system for athletes and coaches. These are the future development directions of the Chinese bobsleigh team.

For more information, please pay attention to the Winter Olympics.

Client The Winter Olympics | Reporter Wang Yang

Edited by Kang Dian

Process Editor Wu Yue

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