
Sleigh "first man" Van DuoYao: I could have been better

Sleigh "first man" Van DuoYao: I could have been better

Live Bar February 7, 2017 "Practice for yourself, don't lose yourself because your opponents are strong." These are the words that Fan Duoyao repeatedly wrote in his training diary. Although the Beijing Winter Olympics have regrets, he slipped out of "his own first".

Record sledding performance with a timer accurate to one thousandth of a second. Even if the audience keeps their eyes on the track, it is difficult to capture the taxi trajectory of the sled car. The sleigh hand buries his mind deep until he is released when he removes his helmet.

As the first Chinese men's bobsleigh to stand on the Olympic track of the National Bobsleigh Center "Snow Dragon", Fan Duoyao stopped the third round of skating. He was reluctant, but also with his trademark smile.

On the two rounds before February 5, he entered the 59-second mark every time he slid, and his performance was significantly higher than that of last year's World Cup Yanqing station. Removing his helmet, he shouted and celebrated, but calmed down in an interview: "Just slide down as you normally train." ”

After the first two rounds, he ranked 25th overall, and as long as he jumped 5 places, he could reach the top 20 and advance to the fourth round, but it was not easy for the bobsleigh event to significantly improve the results in a short period of time.

The past seven years have been seven years since Fan Duoyao and the Chinese bobsleigh team started from "zero" and struggled to catch up. When he joined the Chinese bobsleigh team in the form of cross-discipline selection, he found that the sledding was almost completely different from the cross-country skiing he had engaged in. Cross-country skiing values endurance, and long-distance, high-intensity skiing has left him lean. The sled focuses on explosiveness, does not accumulate enough strength and weight, instantaneous start, continuous acceleration can not be talked about.

"When I joined the team, I was only over 70 kilograms, and there were a lot of twists and turns in order to gain weight." Fan Duoyao said that throughout the summer training last year, he was thinking about how to improve his starting results every day, although he made adjustments, it was still not enough.

In the third round, he riveted a full breath and broke another 59 seconds. At the end of the third round, he finished 24th, and the individual olympics were stopped. But when he landed at the Winter Olympics, he had already created a new history for Chinese bobsleigh.

"I give myself a 7." Fan Duoyao replied very calmly, "I never thought that I would not be able to slide into the fourth round, and my clothes and equipment would still be in the departure area, and I could be better." ”

"In fact, the most important thing to board the Winter Olympics is to let everyone know about sledding. No matter how unpopular the project is, I want you to know that this team is always working hard. Fan Duoyao said.

(Xinhua News Agency)

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