
The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

Wang Shuzhen (1897-2003.03.06), born in Guangxu, grew up in the Republic of China, became a republic, and died in the 21st century. Spanning three centuries, the old Chinese man gave birth to 13 children and trained 13 doctorates.

Foreword: In fact, many people know the "Chinese detective" Li Changyu better, especially he has cracked a lot of major cases in his career, he has cracked a total of more than 8,000 cases, and his twilight love with his 18-year-old wife in the past two years has also attracted much attention. Even if there are still some controversies about his marriage, his excellence is beyond doubt, and many people who know Li Changyu's family should know that in fact, this has a lot to do with his mother.

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

Her mother, Wang Shuzhen, married a wealthy merchant at the age of 19

His mother, Wang Shuzhen, was also from a large family, the family was relatively well-off, after she was born, she also received a good education, and even went to a middle school, and she liked poetry and music very much, and overall, she was the representative of everyone's boudoir. At the age of 19, she married Li Haomin, the second generation of the rich. In fact, before this, there were many people who came to kiss, but she finally came together with her husband Li Haomin. The Li family also has a lot of land in the Jiangsu region, so after the two get married, their lives are also very happy.

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

The two also had many children after marriage, and at that time, it was considered to be more children and more blessed, so she had a total of 13 children, of which 5 sons and 8 daughters. Perhaps in that era, if the family was not well-off, 13 children was a very big burden, but because the Li family was a particularly famous rich merchant family in the local area, the family's life was still very happy.

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

The husband died tragically, and he took care of the whole family

Later, they moved to Taiwan in 1948, and after arriving in Taiwan, Li Haomin was originally engaged in the family business, but at this time the Taiping Wheel Incident occurred. It also allowed him to die in that incident, and such bad news was also a thunderbolt on a sunny day for Wang Shuzhen. After all, the family's financial resources are all in the husband, and as a rich lady, she has always been a rich lady after marriage. Such a blow was still very big for her, but she also quickly changed her life position.

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

In order to let the 13 children in the family go to school, she changed from a full-time wife to a maid, and even a person and several jobs, doing a lot of work to support 13 children, the family lived in the suburbs, but she still resolutely decided to let the 13 children in the family continue to go to school, which may have a lot to do with her origin and educational philosophy. Even after Li Changyu graduated from the police academy and became a patrol officer, she still felt that her son could be better, and asked Li Changyu to study for a master's and doctorate.

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors
The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

Knowledge changes destiny

As a rich lady and full-time wife, Wang Shuzhen also quickly adapted to her new role, and the education of her children is also very strict, in addition to being strict with her sons, in fact, her education of her daughters is the same, not patriarchal at all. Of the 13 children in the family, none of them fell behind, all of them became top talents, and all 13 children in her family became doctors. This is a miracle for many, she died in 2003 at the age of 106, and many people call her "Great Mother".

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

In fact, for Wang Shuzhen, her own suffering is not the most important, the most important thing is that her children receive a good education, and it is to let the children in the family learn more knowledge and understand the world. Her family's 13 children have a particularly prominent performance in various fields. Although she was also born in Shuxiangmendi and became a rich wife after that, there were still many twists in her life, and she also experienced a lot of pain after that.

The mother of Chinese detective Li Changyu, married a wealthy businessman at the age of 19, was widowed for 54 years, and all 13 children became doctors

To sum up: in her eyes, education is the first. Children must learn knowledge, only knowledge can change their destiny, and it is precisely because of her persistence that 13 doctors will be trained, and I have to say that her pattern is very large.

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