
The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Anyone who likes suspenseful stories will definitely not miss Conan and Sherlock Holmes, whose detective stories read strangely and grippingly. Strange unsolved cases are also emerging in real life, and a detective is urgently needed to solve the mystery for us.

Li Changyu, an outstanding Chinese with the reputation of "contemporary Sherlock Holmes", is a detective who has repeatedly solved strange cases. However, the detective was more divine in that all thirteen of his brothers and sisters were doctors. According to conventional thinking, the families that have cultivated so many talents must be rich families, but in fact, they are all noble sons who came out of the cold door.

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Women's Book Weakness

Detective Li Changyu, who has solved the "US President Kennedy Murder Case", "911 Incident" and so on, is the first Chinese to hold the highest position in the US state police. "Challenge the Impossible" and "Open Lecture", which have attended CCTV programs as guests, are also known by the Chinese people.

As a successful person, his resume is impressive, but what is more admirable is his family education, he is not a rich young master who has always enjoyed a rich life, but a cold disciple cultivated by a mother with a rich and strong heart in the dilemma.

"Titanic" is a movie of ship sinking, its sinking leaves us with a poignant and mournful love story, and China also has a "Taiping Ship" movie that has nothing to do with the sinking of ships. The Titanic is real, and so is the Wheel of Peace. What the real Taiping Wheel in history has left us is the legendary story of this "Thirteen Doctors of one door".

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Li Changyu was born in 1938 in Gaoru County, Jiangsu Province, his father Li Haomin was a famous local businessman, and his mother Wang Shuzhen was a traditional lady, gentle and virtuous.

In the 1940s, when war was frequent and Shanghai was being contested by all sides as a critical metropolis, Li Changyu's father, Li Haomin, who was in Shanghai, did not dare to settle down in Shanghai even if he was rich, so he decided to move his family to Taiwan. As soon as the Anti-Japanese War was won, Li Haomin went to Taiwan to run a fishing farm business and placed his wife and children in Taiwan.

In early 1949, after handling all the affairs of the mainland, Li Haomin bought a batch of fish fry in Shanghai to be brought back to Taiwan and reunited with his wife and children.

In this year, the great defeat of the Nationalist government was a foregone conclusion, and for a time, the price of the Taiping steamship on which Li Haomin was riding soared, and countless people boarded the ship, far exceeding the carrying capacity of the Taiping Ship.

At night, when the Taiping Ship traveled to the Zhoushan Islands, it collided with the oncoming ship, and although the Taiping Ship did not sink immediately, the Taiping Ship was still submerged in the sea due to the excessive wind and waves. Due to the large number of people on board and the presence of many celebrities on board, the "Taiping Ship Incident" shocked China and foreign countries, and Li Haomin was also unfortunately killed.

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

When the news of the sinking of the Taiping Wheel reached Taoyuan in Taiwan, the whole family was grief-stricken and unbelievable. Wang Shuzhen hired a plane to search for the sea where Li Haomin was buried, trying to prove that this was a rumor, but her hopes were dashed. Overnight, the top beams and pillars of the home collapsed, and Wang Shuzhen did not know where to go.

The 52-year-old Wang Shuzhen will feel the pressure of breathlessness at the thought of 13 children, although 4 of the 13 children are already adults, but there are 8 young children who need enough money and time to cultivate.

At this time, a worker in the fishery run by his son Li Changduo unfortunately drowned, although it was the worker's failure and had nothing to do with the fishery, but Wang Shuzhen insisted on compensation, and finally could only sell the fishery. For Wang Shuzhen, this is a kind of integrity and responsibility of businessmen.

A family of fourteen people with no income can only sit on the mountain and eat, in order to make a living, Wang Shuzhen can only continue to sell antiques, calligraphy and paintings and jewelry. Women are weak, but mothers are strong.

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Wang Shuzhen and her children

In order to make more money, Wang Shuzhen changed from a lady who enjoyed all the blessings and did not know the sufferings of the world to a maid who did all the dirty work overnight, no matter how hard and tired, Wang Shuzhen would do it, in addition, she also helped the host family with children, as a music tutor, washing and cooking.

Her mother, who is more than half a hundred years old, resolutely shouldered the burden of the family, and the will and strength that erupted in her emaciated and weak body were amazing.

Even if Wang Shuzhen does everything, it is still a drop in the bucket for the family. Under such circumstances, Wang Shuzhen still insisted on letting the children go to school, even if there was only one desk for the children to use, the tuition was difficult to afford, she did not make the decision to let the children drop out of school, and she never thought of letting her daughter give her son the opportunity to study.

Every evening, when the family had dinner, she would do the stitchwork in her hands while telling the children the story of the Li family's development, hoping that they would not change their ambitions in such a difficult situation. Every day, the mother's gentle teaching nourishes the children's hearts, and the children finally live up to their mother's expectations and become towering trees.

Born in Guangxu 23 years ago, Wang Shuzhen witnessed three centuries of change, and died in New York in 2003 at the age of 106. She has the life of countless traditional Chinese women, but also has the same experience and strength as a man, and more commendably, she is a greatest mother.

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Statue of Wang Shuzhen

The cold door can also produce Takako

Under the teaching of his mother day after day, at the age of eighteen, Li Changyu was admitted to the Ocean University, because the Central Police Academy did not have to pay tuition fees, and also had to give students living allowances, and after graduation in the future, he could get an iron rice bowl, so he changed to the police officer school. After graduation, Lee Chang-wook became a sheriff.

For most people, having a stable job and a salary sufficient to maintain their daily life is enough, but the mother Wang Shuzhen still has requirements for her son, she told Li Changyu to continue to study, not only to study for a master's degree, but also for a doctorate.

So in 1964, Li Changyu carried a suitcase and took dozens of yuan to study in the United States, and completed four years of courses in two and a half years while working three part-time jobs.

Not only for Li Changyu, Wang Shuzhen also has strict requirements for other children, under her careful teaching, her thirteen children have become outstanding talents in scientific research, design, business, engineering, IT, art and other fields.

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Wang Shuzhen and her children

Great mothers can cultivate excellent children, and after the children went to the United States for further study, 62-year-old Wang Shuzhen studied English assiduously in order to obtain immigration qualifications and successfully passed the immigration exam. Perhaps it was her strong and self-reliant character that sustained her and her children in those gray days, and let her children learn from her the key to success.

Each of the 13 children became the best of the best, which made the then US Presidents Clinton and Bush notice, and they both praised her as a great mother. On her 100th birthday, when the children asked her what she wanted, she said, "I'm going back to build schools for Chinese children." It seems that this mother has always had her own insistence on education.

Nowadays, people with good family conditions win at the starting line as soon as they are born, and people can't help but wonder: Can you still produce a noble son in the cold door today? The answer, of course, is yes.

The widow of the cold door has trained 13 children all of whom are doctors, can the cold door counterattack the noble son today?

Wang Shuzhen

Wang Shuzhen's story is a good answer, their material life suddenly fell to the bottom, but her rich and positive spiritual life set the right example for the children, so in that era of poverty, the children became useful people one by one.

In today's country's creation of all kinds of favorable times and places, whether the cold door can produce a noble son is beyond doubt. Whether the family is rich or poor is not the key to raising noble children, the key is to give their children an invisible influence on parents to understand the importance of education, to pay attention to the cultivation of children's lofty ideals and good conduct.

Material life should never be a worry about raising children, "cold door" is not an element that restricts a person and a family, what is important is "poor and strong, do not change the ambition of qingyun", not poor heart and upward spirit is the important factor that determines whether today's cold door can produce noble children.

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