
The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

At the end of January 1949, many dignitaries and dignitaries saw that the situation was not good, and they packed up gold and silver and prepared to flee to Taiwan, and the Taiping ferry between Shanghai and Keelung was even more difficult to find.

A wealthy businessman named Li Haomin in Jiangsu finally boarded the giant ship with his belongings and prepared to go to Taiwan to reunite with his wife and children, but unexpectedly, the ship full of all his hopes sank because of the shipwreck, and Li Haomin was buried in the sea.


The news spread to Taiwan, his wife Wang Shuzhen was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, she could not believe that her husband who had been with her for many years had left him, she was a woman, she had lived dependent on her husband before, how could she live now?

She wanted to die, but she still had 13 children, they had no father, and if they lost their mother, how would they live? Thinking of this, she had to dry her tears and silently shoulder the burden of the family.

The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

Wang Shuzhen, like her husband, is a native of Jiangsu, and she was also one of the largest families in the local area, received the best education since childhood, and married Li Haomin at the age of 19.

The husband and wife have a good relationship, the husband is doing business outside, the wife runs the whole family, the family is well-kept outside the home, they have given birth to 8 daughters and 5 sons, and it is really a big family.

The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, I originally thought that I could live a peaceful life, but I did not expect that the old Chiang Kai-shek insisted on fighting a civil war, and after repeated measurements, Li Haomin let his wife and children go to Taiwan to live first, and he would be reunited with them after handling business matters, but he did not expect that in the end, he would be separated forever.


Wang Shuzhen and her children's lives are very hard, and so many people in the family have to eat, dress, and go to school, which is a very huge expense.

She has not suffered hardships since she was a child, but in order to live, she went to a rich family as a maid with children, because her education level is not bad, so she can also do tutoring, teaching singing and dancing. As long as she can make money, she will grit her teeth and do it, with only one purpose, not to let a child drop out of school.

The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

Some people think that she is too hard to do this, and persuade her not to insist that every child must become a child, and her daughter is going to marry anyway, and she will not study. On this point, she firmly disagrees, girls must have a good skill in reading, otherwise they will not be able to support themselves in the event of an accident.

At that time, in order to save money, they lived in a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Taoyuan, and they had to walk dozens of miles to the city every day to go to school, which was very hard, but the children saw that their mother was so difficult and had to provide them with education, and they were determined to give back to their mother.

The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

Under the efforts of Wang Shuzhen, although the children lost their fathers and became single-parent families, the love they received was not reduced at all, and under the care and cultivation of their mothers, they grew up in a healthy and happy atmosphere.


The most incredible thing is that All 13 of Wang Shuzhen's children have been trained by her as doctors, and her youngest son is Li Changyu, a world-renowned criminal investigation expert.

After the 18-year-old Li Changyu was admitted to college, he found that the admission of the police academy could not only waive tuition but also get living subsidies, so he resolutely chose to study at the police academy.

The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

After graduating with the first place, he became the youngest sheriff in Taipei, and in 1964, with the encouragement of his mother, he went to the United States with 2 boxes and 50 US dollars to study, and has since embarked on the road of Chinese altar.

Li Changyu, who was almost 40 years old when he got his doctorate, said that if his mother had not encouraged him, he probably would not have been able to get this degree. Not only him, but the rest of his brothers and sisters all read doctorates and cultivated so many talents, Wang Shuzhen became a role model for many parents for a while.

The Chinese mother gave birth to 8 sons and 5 daughters, and all of them developed a doctorate, but unfortunately all joined the foreigners

Children have come to the United States to live, Wang Shuzhen also moved to the United States in the 60s, for a completely unfamiliar environment, a Chinese old lady who can't speak a word of English, it only took a few months to pass the English test of the Immigration Bureau, to this extent, no wonder her children can grow!

Wang Shuzhen's encounter tells us that in the face of misfortune, instead of complaining about ourselves, it is better to cheer up and redouble our efforts, as long as we pay, we will definitely get rewards, and the harder we work, the luckier we will be!

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