
Freestyle skier Zhao Yang: 80 points for the debut of the Winter Olympics, looking forward to young people catching up in the future

Freestyle skier Zhao Yang: 80 points for the debut of the Winter Olympics, looking forward to young people catching up in the future

Chongli, Hebei, February 5 (Xinhua) -- In the second round of the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle skiing men's snow skills qualification tournament held on the evening of the 5th, although Zhao Yang scored higher than the first round of the qualification round, he ultimately missed the final. But he still made the history of Chinese men's snow skills. As the first Chinese athlete to stand on the men's snow skiing stage of the Winter Olympics, Zhao Yang said that he was satisfied with his performance at the Winter Olympics.

"Today was a good one, better than the first game, and two seconds faster in time." Coming to the mixed mining area and taking off the snow mirror, you can see that although he failed to advance to the final, the smile still hung on Zhao Yang's face.

On February 5, the second round of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Freestyle Skiing Men's Snow Skills Qualification Tournament was held at Chongli Genting Ski Park. The picture shows Chinese player Zhao Yang in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang took the photo

In the first round of the qualifiers, Zhao Yang ranked 28th among 30 players. After the game, he said he would let go of the slide next. In the second round, Zhao Yang's jumping action and gliding speed have improved significantly compared with the previous round, and although he failed to advance in the end, he had no regrets.

"If the perfect score is 100, I give my performance an 80. Stripped of the tension factor, I have shown all the progress I have made in the competition in the past few years. Zhao Yang said.

In fact, before moving to the freestyle ski snow skill program, Zhao Yang was an alpine skier. Talking about the choice at that time, Zhao Yang said: "Mainly I like jumping on the stage, and it just so happens that I can also have some alpine skiing skills, so I wondered if I could practice it." ”

This choice then changed the trajectory of Zhao Yang's life. Zhao Yang said that no matter how difficult the process was, he never regretted it. "I think since I chose, I will keep working hard, and I am really very happy to be able to stand on the Olympic field until the end, only grateful."

On February 3, Zhao Yang competed in the first round of the freestyle ski men's snow skill qualifier. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu

Standing on the field of the Winter Olympics, Zhao Yang also saw the gap between China and foreign teams in this project. He hopes that in the future, young people will also be able to catch up. "We have such a professional venue now, the training conditions are top notch, the only thing they need to do is train well."

Becoming the first person in China to snow skills to stand on the Winter Olympics, Zhao Yang said there was pressure, but more of an incentive. "It was proved that the whole team's plan and the rhythm of the training were very correct, and then I could make such a big progress and finally be able to stand on the field of the Winter Olympics." He said.

The 29-year-old is no longer young for athletes, but Zhao Yang still has a vision for the future. "I will continue to study, and I will continue to train hard, and then find my shortcomings and try to improve my level a little more." The next Winter Olympics, if my health allows, if I am still needed, I will try. ”

(Xinhua News Agency)

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