
U.S. media commented that Wei Shao 2 big potential next home, teaming up with Randall is expected to disrupt the East?

U.S. media commented that Wei Shao 2 big potential next home, teaming up with Randall is expected to disrupt the East?

With the 21-22 season regular season trade deadline approaching, the los Angeles Lakers trade Russell Westbrook's probability is constantly decreasing, few teams will want to trade to Westbrook during the regular season, the only one who really released the intentional signal is the Rockets, but unfortunately the Rockets want to win the Lakers' future first-round picks, and the operation of Westbrook to John Wall itself does not have much significance...

Whether it is to prove the correctness of management, or the operability of the actual transaction, the NBA Lakers in the regular season during the trade wei shao is unlikely, and because of this, this transaction is pushed to the 2022 offseason, that is estimated to be the most realistic choice, and on February 7, Beijing time, the US media "lakeshowlife" made an analysis, they rated The two potential next home of Wei Shao in this summer's offseason, may wish to see which team Westbrook may play next season?

U.S. media commented that Wei Shao 2 big potential next home, teaming up with Randall is expected to disrupt the East?

2. Sacramento Kings

The Kings currently have a win rate of 36.4%, which is third from the bottom in the West and sixth from the bottom in the league, and the turnover of Luke Wharton has so far been 14 wins and 24 losses, with a win rate of 36.84%, and it is clear that there is no obvious effect after their change of coach, under the existing contract, their total salary for the 22-22 season is $104 million, and whether to renew Marvin Bagley has become a problem they have to consider now.

Bagley's average data so far this season is 9.3 points + 7.2 rebounds + shooting rate of 46.3% + three-point shooting rate of 24.2%, his contract expires this summer, giving him a big contract is not suitable, not giving a big contract is afraid of not being able to stay, which is very embarrassing, Westbrook is a more interesting choice for the Kings, the Kings have the operating space to swallow Westbrook's 47.06 million contract next season, Westbrook can assist Fox and let the Kings have higher hopes of entering the playoffs, popularity, and Bagley is only 22 years old, Maybe he can play a different future for the Lakers.

U.S. media commented that Wei Shao 2 big potential next home, teaming up with Randall is expected to disrupt the East?

1. New York Knicks

Last season the Knicks performed very well, but so far this season their winning rate is only 45.3%, which is 2.8% lower than the Lakers, the Knicks have been trying to sign superstars, but their operation is always fascinating, and because of this, Westbrook is the Knicks' more easily available supergiant (similar to the Rockets John Wall), Westbrook + Randall can form an internal and external dual core, if the 2 chaos masters join forces, this is the hope of disrupting the situation in the East!

Fournier's average data so far this season is 14.1 points + 2.9 rebounds + 1.8 assists + shooting rate of 42.8% + three-point shooting rate of 40%, his performance is mediocre, but he looks more suitable than Westbron james to play around LeBron James, the Knicks can use him as a core asset for trading, the Knicks get big names, the Lakers send away Westbrook, this is estimated to be a win-win operation, then this is fair, in the US media listed Westbrook offseason 2 potential home, Which team would you prefer him to be traded to by the Lakers?

U.S. media commented that Wei Shao 2 big potential next home, teaming up with Randall is expected to disrupt the East?

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