
Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

Author | Inspector (total 1764 words, about 4 minutes to read)

Chatting with a friend a few days ago, she was particularly annoyed and said: "I have to change the name of my daughter, she was in the first grade this year, and she was actually nicknamed." ”

Puzzled, I asked, is the child's name a harmonic? She said helplessly: "At that time, the name was not satisfied with it, and finally the mother-in-law fixed a Qin Jingyu, and it rained every day during the month. We all thought it sounded good, but who would have thought that her classmates now nicknamed her (pro-whale), making the children reluctant to go to school. How come I didn't hear the harmonic sound at that time, I really regret it! ”

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

When it comes to names, many parents are now afraid of having a "harmonic" name.

But the perspective of parents and the perspective of children are not the same, parents read catchy names, in the stage when children do not understand Chinese characters, they may string those names into some playful sounds, so the child is unconsciously nicknamed.

Therefore, when naming children, parents must be cautious and cautious, and combine every tone of each word in the name to read it to prevent the possibility of harmonics.

Some parents may read it many times and carefully avoid the harmonic sound, but do not notice the flat tongue sound and the tongue-twisting sound, resulting in another embarrassment of the child's name.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

★ Bao's father's surname is Du, and his mother's surname is Zhi, and he makes jokes when he registers his son

This father surnamed Du, when naming his children, because his own cultural level is not high, he can't think of any poetic names, so he has a good way, "combine his surname and his wife's surname, hoping that his son can take off in his career." ”

His wife's surname is Zhi, so he gave a name of "Du Zhiteng", and the family was very satisfied with it, but it was embarrassing when they went to register their children.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

When the father read out the child's name, the staff did not hear clearly and asked: "Name the child stomachache?" Bao Dad denied it with some doubt, and repeated it again and wrote down the name.

When the staff saw this name, they cried and laughed, are you sure to call this name? If this is not standard to read, but a little harmonic "stomach pain", if the child goes to school, it is likely to be nicknamed by classmates. Bao Dad suddenly realized, thanks to the police reminded, otherwise he would have to change his name in the future, and the child should also make a mockery of inferiority.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

★ Pay attention to the harmonic sound of the name

A name is a person's code name, and people often like easy to remember names.

In kindergarten or first grade, because the children's vocabulary is not much, the pronunciation is not very accurate, especially some children have a flat tongue and tongue, and the front nasal sound is incorrect after the nasal sound, so there will be a case where the name is mispronounced but the children do not know.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

Therefore, when parents name names, they should pay more attention to the harmonic aspect, and combine the front and back nasal sounds of a word, the flat tongue and the various tones to read more to avoid the harmonic sounds that may be pronounced.

This also avoids the situation of changing the name later or the child does not like his name and thus gets into trouble with the parents.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

★ In addition to harmonic sounds, you should also pay attention to these problems when taking names:

Name wording should be accurate

Many parents often use some idioms or words that they want to bless their children when naming names, but there may be improper use of words and incorrect expression of meanings.

For example, "canopy" (or the consonant words Tian Peng, TianPeng, etc.) is easy to make everyone think of the Eight Precepts of the Pig, which will make many other students unconsciously nickname.

● When parents want to express their good wishes, then they must be accurate in wording.

Parents can consult the relevant dictionaries to figure out the exact meaning of the word they want to use and other negative meanings that may be implied, so that they can avoid the situation where others read out the name and joke about it.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

Avoid using "paternal surname" plus "maternal surname"

The naming method of the father's surname and the mother's surname, although it implies the deep feelings of the parents and the love for the child.

However, some surnames are not easy to combine together, and it is likely to occur in harmony, so it is not the best choice.

For example, "Li Liu", "Wei Zhu", "Ma Wang", etc., these compound surnames are not only awkward but also not beautiful to pronounce, and parents should think twice before acting.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

Avoid strange words as much as possible

In life, we can often see that some people's names have a total of three words, and they don't know two words, and the embarrassment of seeing the names can't be read out often occurs.

Many parents often feel that the same sound, if you use a strange word to represent, you will avoid the same name and can imply the culture of your family. For example, "舋 (tongxin's pronunciation)", "筩 (tong barrel's pronunciation)", "訾 (tongzi's pronunciation)", etc., these words not only look difficult to write, but also do not know how to open their mouths, which will bring certain trouble to children's daily dating and writing their own names.

And too strange words, there will be a situation that the computer can not type, in the exam or entry, the name of the machine will appear a space, which will bring great inconvenience and even obstacle to the child's grades and life.

Bao's father's surname is Du, his mother's surname is Zhi, and the staff when he gives his son a household registration: are you sure to call this name?

Spicy Mom Quotes:

The name is not only a code name, but also contains the parents' love for their children and the cultural literacy of the family, so parents should pay attention to their children's names.

The name can be simple but not too casual, can be full of cultural atmosphere but not too strange, in the choice of words, parents should be cautious, use their brains, give children a wonderful name, will be in their growth process, produce an invisible motivation, help them develop just wonderful.

Parents, what funny names have you heard?

(Image from the Internet)

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