
In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

author:Twilight time
In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

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Everyone says that fatherly love is like a mountain, but this is just a general concept, more of an adjective!

But in real life, there is such a father, in order to be able to treat his terminally ill son, even if he only has a high school education, he is willing to take legal risks to teach himself relevant knowledge, and successfully developed a special drug.

How the hell did he do it?

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

For his son to become the "God of Medicine"

Everyone in the world says that having a son and a daughter under your knees is already complete.

In June 2019, it should have been the happiest moment for Xu Wei's small family, because Xu Wei's son was born in this world.

Everyone envied him for having both children and a complete life, and Xu Wei was also very happy.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

But Xu Wei didn't realize that the arrival of this child would completely change the trajectory of his life! With the growth of the child, Xu Wei and his wife soon discovered the problem.

Compared with the eldest daughter's growth period, the younger son's physical development speed seems to have been paused, which has to worry Xu Wei and his wife!

I thought it was cerebral palsy, but after coming to the hospital for an examination, I accidentally found that the child had a congenital genetic defect, which is called curly hair syndrome.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

According to the normal situation, if the child has a disease, it would be good for the parents to treat it, but the doctor's words were more like a thunderbolt from the sky, which directly made Xu Wei and his wife pale in shock.

The probability of a genetic mutation was so small that there was no effective treatment at the level of medical care at that time, because the life expectancy of a child would not last at that time.

It is precisely because of the gene mutation that Xu Wei's son Xu Haoyang has abnormal copper metabolism, which leads to serious retardation of his physical development.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

Not only that, the doctor also told Xu Wei and his wife that the treatment of this situation requires a lot of money, which is definitely not something that ordinary families can afford, and the second point is that even after modern medical treatment, the child's life expectancy will not exceed three years old.

The doctor's words basically sentenced Xu Haoyang to death!

On the one hand, the treatment requires high costs, on the other hand, the treatment of the child also requires great pain, and the most important thing is that it is a disease that cannot be cured at all.

So in the face of whether to continue to treat the child, Xu Wei and his wife also had disagreements.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

Xu Wei's idea is that this is his son, even if he empties the family property, he needs to cure his son, and even if he can't cure it, he needs to fulfill his responsibilities as a parent.

But the wife put forward a completely different opinion, in the wife's opinion, the child has encountered such an illness when he first came into the world, which shows that he does not like the world, and it is better to let him be relieved in time than to let him struggle to survive in pain.

In this way, the suffering of the child can be relieved, and the family can avoid being burdened with huge debts because of one child.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

The whole family almost all had the same attitude, and they all stood on the side of their wives, hoping that the child would be able to go through this short life smoothly and then have another child.

But only Xu Wei and his daughter have insisted on saving!

Information source: People's Information 2021-10-02——"High School Degree Father's Self-medicated Rare Disease Son Called "Life-Sustaining Pharmacist": Not a Pharmacist is Just an Ordinary Father, I Hope Professionals Can Help
In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

The self-made special medicine was successful

Especially when he learned that Xu Wei planned to develop his own special medicine to treat his son, he was sneered at by his wife.

Xu Wei is just a person with a high school degree and has not even studied in college, and he wants to develop a special drug? Sounds like a fantasy indeed! But even if he didn't know anything, Xu Wei still chose to insist.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

Xu Wei first consulted a large number of materials, and there was a relative lack of information on this aspect in China, which meant that Xu Wei, who did not know English, had to learn from scratch, and even needed to use translation software to start reading these foreign journals.

After many aspects of study, Xu Wei finally discovered a drug that can treat curly hair syndrome, that is, by supplementing patients with "copper histidine", it can slow down the degeneration of the patient's brain.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

Of course, this is only a delay, and it cannot really effectively and completely solve the problem of such congenital genetic defects, but this is already very good news for Xu Wei.

This means that there is hope, and if there is hope, Xu Wei needs to seize it and go all out!

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

It's a pity that God seems to be unwilling to help Xu Wei, and it just so happened that there was a three-year epidemic at that time.

When it was serious, the whole of Wuhan was forced to lock down, and Xu Wei's first thought at that time was to buy copper histidine. But unfortunately, due to the problem of epidemic control, transportation has become a key problem.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

In this case, Xu Wei still did not choose to give up, in Xu Wei's opinion, now that his son has not given up, he can't take the initiative to give up as a father.

That would be disrespectful to the child's life and a condemnation of one's own conscience. At the beginning, when the epidemic was not serious, Xu Wei rented a public laboratory in Shanghai to conduct experiments.

But with the pressure of the epidemic, Xu Wei had to choose to set up a small laboratory at home and start researching and making copper histidine by himself.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

What makes Xu Wei happiest is that the raw materials for the production of copper histidine are still very easy to obtain, which also provides him with enough help.

In addition to developing special drugs, he is also constantly supplementing his biological and chemical knowledge, trying to bring better help to his son.

In fact, homemade drugs are a violation in the mainland itself. After all, homemade drugs can't be tested at all, let alone sold to the public.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

In other words, once Xu Wei's behavior is stabbed out, then he is very likely to face prison!

But fortunately, God did not give up Xu Wei this time, let alone his son. Xu Wei actually developed copper histidine.

And after the experiment, it is true that there is no harm to the human body. is just a result that Xu Wei didn't expect, and his wife actually took the initiative to join the process of experimenting.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

And this scene also made Xu Wei very moved, he knew that his wife did not love the child, but the way of loving the child was different from him, if possible, the wife also hoped that the child could live.

And Xu Wei relied on this medicine to successfully let his son live past the age of three, breaking the doctor's judgment.

In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

And Xu Wei's matter was also exposed by the media, but the interesting thing is that the government department did not impose any punishment after learning about Xu Wei's related things, but only asked Xu Wei not to sell this drug!

Obviously, for a character like Xu Wei, everyone admires him more, admiring that he can grow from a high school degree to a person who develops special drugs.

Information source: Take a look at the news Knews 2021-10-01 "Homemade medicine saves the child Can this "rare disease drug" be bought? 》
In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!

Among them, Xu Wei spent much effort, and I am afraid that only he knows. It is worth affirming that Xu Wei's efforts have paid off.

In 2022, his son had already completed gene therapy. This year his child is 5 years old, and his body is gradually developing, and everything is going in a good direction.

A lot of people are expecting his child to get better, and if it can be successful, then it will be a miracle!

Information source: Hao Yang Dad - Douyin homepage
In 2021, in order to save his son with rare diseases, a man with a high school degree made his own special medicine and created a miracle!
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