
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

author:Watching the film with a cold eye

Last year, a variety show relied on "farming" to get out of the circle.

Abroad, there is also a movie that focuses on "farming".

It is the Danish movie "Bastard" starring Uncle Ba.

With this film, Uncle Ba won the Best Actor at the 36th European Film Awards.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm


The film tells the historical story of Denmark that took place in 1755~1763.

The Danish king at that time, in order to increase the revenue of the national treasury and expand the territory, encouraged the people to go to the Jutland wilderness to reclaim and establish settlements.

In the 18th century, Jutland was known as the "Siberia of Denmark", especially in the western region, the natural environment was harsh, and there were often gangsters, and none of the settlers sent there were triumphant.

Everyone avoided it, but our Uncle Ba volunteered to open up the wasteland.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The protagonist played by Uncle Ba, named Karen, is a retired soldier.

In order to obtain a title of nobility, land, and servants, and achieve a class jump, he chose to pay out of his own pocket to open up the wasteland.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Although Karen was already a highly decorated captain, he was humiliated because he was the illegitimate son of a nobleman and a maid.

In order to become a nobleman, he was willing to give everything.

The minister is naturally willing, and the drudgery is not only received, but there is no need to pay for it, so why not do it.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm


Karen, who was full of enthusiasm, knew that this plan was difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Before joining the army, Karen worked as a gardener on his father's estate, and he had skilled farming skills.

But the barren land of the wasteland can be described as a scorched earth.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Moreover, there will be extremely vicious bandits at night, and if it weren't for the army, Karen would have died a long time ago.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The endless wasteland, Cullen alone, will definitely not be able to do it all, he needs manpower.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

With limited funds, he can only hire the cheapest labor.

In this way, Karen is clearing the wasteland in the wasteland, just like upgrading and fighting monsters, just after solving a problem, there is an even bigger trouble waiting for him.

De Singel, the largest landowner near the wasteland, has his sights on Karen.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Although the rights to the wasteland reclaimed by Cullen are unknown, it is tacitly considered to be Singh's domain.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

He demanded that Cullen sign a concession agreement, in which he would receive fifty percent of the future income from the wasteland.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Naturally, Karen refused, because this was the land of the king.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Soon, Cullen was retaliated against by Singh.

The workers were pryed away, but two people remained.

They were a husband and wife, the man was named Johannes and the woman was called Barala.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

They had been tenant farmers who had escaped from Singar, because Balala had been humiliated by Singar.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

However, Johannes was captured by Singal and finally doused alive with boiling water.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Singal also said that anyone who was employed by Cullen would die without a place to bury.

A group of gypsies rehired by Cullen also left one after another.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Balala, who lost her husband, was originally ready to leave, but for revenge, she chose to stay and help Karen.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Together, they rescued a gypsy girl and formed a makeshift "family of three".

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The land does not deceive, what you have sown and what you have paid, but wherever there is a glimmer of life, it will respond to you.

Spring arrives and the seeds sprout.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The potatoes grown by Karen alarmed the royal family, and this was the first time in 50 years of land reclamation that it had borne fruit.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The king ordered colonists to be sent to Karen and made sure that proper rewards were given.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm


If the story ends here, it will be nothing more than an ordinary movie.

Ordinary people's counterattack, how can it be so "easy" to succeed, life is like to give you another punch when everything is good.

Singall's killers infiltrated the wasteland late one night, killing half of the livestock, as well as women and children.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Finally enraged, Cullen finds the killer's hiding place and kills them all.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

However, one of the people killed was a military officer, who was used by Singer to make a big fuss, and a lawsuit brought the matter to the king.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Karen has become a prisoner, and what awaits him will be doused alive with boiling water.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The female characters in this film are not vase-like existences.

Lady Ida of Nobles · Helena, because of her family's marriage, was forced to marry the extravagant and perverse Singel. After meeting Karen, she sees Karen as the last straw to escape from Singh's clutches.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

And Karen also hopes to achieve a class leap because of her.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

And Balala, in the process of getting along with Karen day and night, the relationship has already quietly changed.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

It was these two women who also had a crush on Karen who turned the tide of the battle.

Balala took advantage of the chaos to return to Singh's manor, teamed up with Helena, and tricked Singh into the room under the pretext of a marriage contract and drugged him.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Barala slaughtered livestock as usual, with a knife in her hand, and the Singer and the chicken were separated, and she was dying.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm
Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Karen is released, but Balala is imprisoned for life and loses her freedom.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm


The original intention of the story is only because Cullen desperately wants to become a nobleman and no longer be bullied.

It took him 25 years to go from civilian to captain; And the aristocracy, it only takes 6 months.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The aristocracy, who not only possessed wealth, but also local power.

Singh was both a local landlord and a local judge. He killed civilians without accountability, and Cullen was convicted of death when he fought back.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

After all, if Karren is eradicated, the fruits of his reclamation will become Singh's territory.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

In the film, bugs appear many times.

The daughter said that in gypsy legend, bugs can eat people. Cullen said, how can bugs eat people? People can pinch insects to death.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

The pastor, who was reading a book on the side, happened to kill a small flying insect with a book.

After Karen is framed, another small bug appears in the camera.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

These little insects, like most people at the bottom, exist like ants, and it's easy for people to mess with you.

By the time the king's canonization was delivered to the wasteland, it was years later, his daughter had grown up, and Karen was getting old.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

At this time, everyone around him left him, and the whole wasteland was left with only Karen alone.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm

Eventually, Cullen left the wasteland and his title of nobility was revoked.

After working hard for half a life, he is still a pariah when he returns.

Douban 8.3, Uncle Ba, who eats people, teaches you to farm