
A few days ago, my daughter invited me to celebrate her mother-in-law's birthday, and at the dinner table, after a word said by my mother-in-law, my heart was like a knife, and I slapped myself hard! My daughter called me the other day

author:Acquaintances and mundane things

A few days ago, my daughter invited me to celebrate her mother-in-law's birthday, and at the dinner table, after a word said by my mother-in-law, my heart was like a knife, and I slapped myself hard!

A few days ago, my daughter called me to say that it was her mother-in-law's sixty-sixth birthday, and the family also invited some relatives, as a relative, I naturally had to participate, and I also specially prepared a thousand yuan red envelope, but I did not expect that at the birthday banquet, something very unpleasant happened.

My name is Zhao Guimei, 64 years old this year, Shanxi, living in the countryside for more than sixty years, is a farmer of his duty, born in that era of food scarcity so that our generation are very frugal, my wife and I met through the introduction of the matchmaker, he is a year older than me, get along for less than a year, the two of us got married.

In the second year after marriage, I became pregnant, gave birth to a daughter, in order to make my daughter live a little better, my wife went out to work, sent back 600 yuan a month to the family, and the life was not bad.

But unexpectedly, when my daughter was 10 years old, my wife fell from the top of the tower and died on the spot, and all the burden of my wife's walking home was on my shoulders.

At that time, I was still young, and many people introduced me to blind dates, but I did not agree, on the one hand, I still had a dead wife in my heart, on the other hand, I was worried that my stepfather was not good for my daughter, so I have been alone for so many years, and I am a father and a mother, and life is not easy.

I have such a daughter, it can be said that I have always hurt this daughter, because the conditions of our family are not good, and the husband died early, but the needs of my daughter are as much as possible to meet.

The life before our mother and daughter was not easy, so I put all my hopes on my daughter, and I felt that my daughter was the continuation and hope of my life.

All along, I hope that she can study well, get into a good university, find a decent and stable job, be able to support herself, and then find a good in-law, I don't expect to be able to enjoy the happiness with my daughter, I only hope that my daughter will not live as hard as I have lived, as long as she lives happily, my life will be worth it, and I am worthy of my dead wife.

My daughter is very contentious, her academic performance is good, her college is not bad, she is still the only college student in our village, especially gives me a long face, and the neighbors around me are very envious of me, and I have a very good child.

After graduation, my daughter returned from Xi'an and found a good job in our place, working in a foreign company, with weekends, nine to five, and a monthly salary of 24,000 yuan.

All along, I have instilled in my daughter the idea that I want to find a rich husband, which may really be that I have been poor and tired in my life.

Because I always say this, and the daughter is also particularly obedient, and finally really found a son-in-law with good conditions, looking for a tall and handsome man, the conditions in the home are good, the father is in business, the mother also opens her own shop, and it is also an only child, I am particularly satisfied.

However, at first, the daughter's in-laws did not like their daughters very much, but the son-in-law loved her daughters, so I believe that after they got married, her in-laws would definitely accept their daughters, and I have always encouraged my daughters to be with my son-in-law.

In the end, the daughter and son-in-law were still married, and the relationship between the two people has always been very good, but not long after the marriage, my daughter complained to me, called and cried, saying that she was actually not happy and unhappy.

She has told me before, but I think it is my daughter's own problem, I always tell her to adjust her mentality, and I believe that people's hearts are flesh, I always tell my daughter to be filial to my in-laws, they will accept her daughter.

The daughter married in the second year, gave birth to a granddaughter, because her in-laws prefer sons to daughters, so after the birth of the granddaughter, the status of the daughter is even lower, the daughter once thought about divorce, but I always told her to learn to be patient, time is naturally good, but also told her to insist.

A few days ago, my daughter called me to say that her mother-in-law had a birthday, and I also went, and the whole process that day was after the daughter was busy, and there was a relative who praised her daughter's virtuousness with her daughter's mother-in-law, and filial piety, and I was very happy to hear others praise her daughter.

But unexpectedly, her mother-in-law said, "Virtuous? Can you get it, a countryman from the countryside, can he marry into a family like ours, and can he still not seduce us? Moreover, my stomach was not angry, I had a daughter, and if I could not give birth to a son again, I would let my son divorce her. ”

Before the daughter said that the mother-in-law often made it difficult for her, I still thought it was the daughter's problem, but now, I really understood her mother-in-law's meanness, so many people her mother-in-law actually said such words, it can be seen that usually worse for my daughter, just then, I slapped myself twice.

I know that it is my stubbornness and paranoia that made my daughter wronged, that day I talked to my daughter for a long time, I told her, if you feel unhappy, divorce it, this time, I will not stop her, because no matter what, my daughter is the treasure in my heart, I do not agree with others to bully her.

@Acquaintances mundane

Every family has a difficult scripture, I think the daughter is not welcomed in the in-laws' house, the main reason for this matter is still in you, from childhood to adulthood you instilled in your daughter is wrong, now it is the 21st century, love has been free, and not to find a rich husband, life will be happy.

The most important thing is that two people tolerate each other and love each other, only in this way can they grow old in vain, is the real happiness, and the rest is in vain.

And the door is right, I think it is particularly important at any time, because the economic income of the two is not the same, there will definitely be contradictions and conflicts in many places, and the economic conditions will be very uncomfortable, but it is better to find a better one with similar conditions in all aspects.

Now that you've made it clear to your daughter and realized that it's been your fault all these years, let your daughter pluck up the courage to live a good life, and if it really doesn't work, get a divorce! After all, life is only a few short decades, don't waste time on the wrong person.

#Emotion# #情感事务所 #

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