
1. One day five years ago, my sister was beaten by my brother-in-law, and my sister cried and went back to her mother's house. When my dad found out, he got up and said to my mom: You comfort your daughter, I'll go out. Then my dad had red eyes

author:Sister Lulu who loves music

1. One day five years ago, my sister was beaten by my brother-in-law, and my sister cried and went back to her mother's house. When my dad found out, he got up and said to my mom: You comfort your daughter, I'll go out. Then my father went to my brother-in-law's house with red eyes and said to my brother-in-law: If my daughter does anything wrong in the future, you will beat me, because I did not educate her well. After saying that he was ready to kneel, he was pulled up by my brother-in-law, and he slapped himself with tears and said: Dad, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Until now, I had never heard of my brother-in-law beating my sister.

2. There are two poor boys in the village, one of whom has a good brain and has made a lot of money to go to the city to become a local tycoon. The other was still a poor boy, eating food in the field. One day, the upstart called the village and showed off to the poor boy: Do you know, I'm in Bali! The poor boy said happily, "Really, brother, I'm five miles away from you!" The upstart wondered: Brother, you also got rich and went abroad? The poor boy said: Out of what country, I am in Sanlitun!?

3, this day playing a game, our side of the blind monk is very grumpy is a troll, sent a message: Han Bing, you are a primary school student, right? Technology so dish, 1 plus 1 equals how much? Blind Monk: Answer so slowly, don't guess the affirmation of primary school students, don't hurry to write homework, what game to play! Blind Monk: If only I could play the game of early departure like you did! I couldn't take it anymore and said, "Big brother, you can see clearly that there is no cold ice in our team." Blind Monk: I read it wrong, it turned out to be a bounty. Raven: Brother, I see you're really blind.

4. When the brother-in-law went shopping in Wanda, he happened to meet the English teacher in the third year of high school. The brother-in-law took the initiative to come forward to greet me: "Teacher, you once said that I have no future when I grow up and achieve nothing. The English teacher patted his head: "I remember, it was you, I knew you were going to get by receiving a relief payment." The brother-in-law said, "No, I didn't receive a relief payment, I'm now a teacher." ”

5, eat breakfast, see a couple eating on the side. The woman's few bites were finished: "Husband, I'm going to be late, I'll go first!" The woman just left, and the man suddenly stood up and shouted: "Wife, you haven't given the breakfast money yet!" The woman said, "Don't you still have 11 pieces in your right trouser pocket?" "The man was very reluctant to sit down and wipe the money out of his pocket, I looked at it, it was really only 11 yuan!

6, a new colleague, in the morning the boss led and colleagues one by one introduction. The guy was very handsome and praised me for being pretty. I was so happy that I exchanged contact details. At 10 o'clock, send some website information to the guy, let the guy update the unit's website, and the result is rejected. Go to the big office to see that there is no shadow, a question to know, the original guy suspected that the unit did not have a beautiful woman, left !??

7. After dinner, I went around the square and suddenly saw my junior high school classmate and her girlfriend dancing in the square. I went up to greet her, her girlfriend was playful and cute, and looked at the milk tea in my hand and asked me to buy her a cup. I teased her and said, "I took it to buy, aren't you afraid that I'll sell you?" She said, "Auntie, you should be the ugly old classmate my mother said, especially kind." I was speechless after hearing this, is this praising me?

8. My brother originally worked in the personnel department on the 19th floor, and a month ago, he was transferred to the administrative department on the 18th floor. Yesterday, my brother called the personnel department to find him: "Is Xiao Wang here?" A colleague who answered the phone said: "Xiao Wang is no longer in personnel affairs. Brother classmate: "Huh? When did I not know, ah, before I could send him?" Brother colleague: "It's okay, you can go to the 18th floor below to find him"?

9, go out at night to participate in socializing, drink a lot of wine, come home confused, when I woke up to see my daughter was giving herself TUO shoes, my heart was suddenly very moved, and I said to my daughter: Baby, is it okay to bring a glass of water to my father? My daughter went upside down, and then looked at me with a large glass of water, and I took a big sip and felt that something was wrong, and asked my daughter: Where did you pour water for your father? Who knew the girl proudly said: it's a faucet! I dizzy, tap water!

10, the big boss went bankrupt and became an ordinary person who didn't even have a job. One day, the big boss saw a job advertisement for prison guards and went to apply for employment. The warden said, "These guys are not easy to manage, do you think you can do it?" The big boss replied, "No problem! If you dare to disobey discipline, I will let them all get out of the egg! The warden said, "Think beautifully, don't use the posture of being a boss here!" ”

11. Two rural countrymen sold a pig, and when they had money, they went to eat at a restaurant in the city. There was a plate of mustard on the table, and A thought that the mustard was sweet, so he scooped a full spoonful into his mouth and immediately burst into tears. B asked, "What's wrong?" A: "I think my mother, she has never tasted such a delicious thing." B also scooped a spoonful full of mustard into his mouth, and suddenly tears flowed. A: "Why are you crying too?" B said, "I also miss your mother, how did she give birth to such an unfilial son as you." ”

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