
The backpack was lost and recovered, and the French athletes praised the winter Olympic power support team members

"Thank you very much! At about 22:00 on February 5, at the entrance of the sports building near the Snow Skills Competition In Zhangjiakou Genting Ski Park, The French athlete Bunyaman Kawe, who had just won the fourth place in the snow skills final of the Beijing Winter Olympics that night, praised li Dong, a member of the Power Support Team of the State Grid Jibei Electric Power Genting Ski Park, when he saw the lost backpack.

The backpack was lost and recovered, and the French athletes praised the winter Olympic power support team members

The Power Assurance Team at Genting Ski Park conducted a equipment inspection

Bunyaman Kawe said that the backpack contains valuables such as passports, various documents to participate in the competition and other various cards, which will cause great trouble if they cannot be found in time after they are lost.

It turned out that at 21:10 on the 5th, Li Dong, who was responsible for the power protection task in the departure area of the snow skill final of Genting Ski Park, found a beige backpack on the snow when he was checking the power supply equipment after the end of the competition that night. At this time, the athletes, referees, etc. have long left, and the scene is empty.

"This backpack must have been lost by the athletes who competed." Li Dong thought that athletes would be very anxious after they found out that their backpacks were missing. So he decided to wait at the scene for the owner to come to him.

The Snow Trick Departure Area is located at the top of the mountain at an altitude of 1980 meters, when the temperature is already minus 24 degrees Celsius, accompanied by strong winds of four or five. The cold wind scratched his face like a knife, but Li Dong was still holding on. He waited in place for more than 40 minutes, still unclaimed.

The backpack was lost and recovered, and the French athletes praised the winter Olympic power support team members

The Power Assurance Team at Genting Ski Park conducts equipment inspections at night

After asking Xu Jing, the power manager of Genting Ski Park, Li Dong took the backpack back to the power office first. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, Li Dong first disinfected the entire backpack with the alcohol he carried with him, and then took it down the mountain.

After more than 20 minutes of searching, finally contacted the owner Bang Ya Man Ka wei who was doing post-match doping tests in the sports building near the snow skill field, Bang Ya Man Ka Wei was very touched by the spirit of the Winter Olympic power support team members who were not ignorant and dedicated.

It is understood that during the Winter Olympics, more than 800 members of the State Grid Jibei Electric Power team insisted day and night at the power protection site, and they braved the severe cold and wind and snow to go all out to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the equipment and escort the power supply of the event. Not only that, they also bring warmth to athletes and staff in various positions in various ways. At the scene of the Winter Olympics, the State Grid Jibei Electric Power set up 5 temporary party branches, 86 communist party member commando teams, service teams, 112 party member responsibility areas, demonstration posts rushed in front, worked in front, active in the first line of the Winter Olympic power supply guarantee, providing various extended services for various venues, solving various power problems, and winning wide praise.

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