
Many countries have relaxed the restrictions on covid-19 epidemic prevention, WHO: The lifting of the lockdown should be combined with the national situation, and it needs to be slow and steady

Proofreader: Sun Huan

Source: Health Times reporter Kong Tianjiao

As of that date, Denmark, Norway, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland and other countries have cancelled comprehensive epidemic prevention measures.

In the face of these circumstances, since the beginning of February, the World Health Organization has called on countries that have begun to lift covid-19 lockdown measures to gradually adopt a steady and slow approach, as recent data show that the number of reported COVID-19 deaths around the world is increasing dramatically.

Denmark: Since February 1, the requirement to wear a mask has been abolished

On February 1, agence France-Presse Copenhagen reported that despite still facing a record number of infections, Denmark became the first EU country to lift all COVID-19 prevention restrictions from February 1 local time.

Many countries have relaxed the restrictions on covid-19 epidemic prevention, WHO: The lifting of the lockdown should be combined with the national situation, and it needs to be slow and steady

Report by Agence France-Presse Copenhagen

According to reports, Denmark has lifted anti-epidemic restrictions such as the requirement to wear masks, hold a "COVID-19 pass" and restrict the opening hours of bars and restaurants from the same day, leaving only some measures in the border area for unvaccinated entrants from non-Schengen areas.

Norway: Relax covid-19 restrictions and retain the requirement to wear masks

According to the Europa News Agency, on February 1, local time, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gar Strauss announced that "the government will relax the epidemic prevention restrictions on the new crown virus, and the high vaccination rate and the milder Omiljung allow us to relax the restrictions and also cancel many of the anti-infection measures taken this winter." ”

Norway has lifted restrictions on the number of people gathering in private homes, and the capacity of people is no longer limited. Cinemas, theaters and other places have abolished the requirement for seating distance. Both university and continuing education students can take classes offline without the need for social distancing. Travelers to Norway will no longer need to take the CORONAVIRUS test upon arrival in Norway. Previously, all arrivals in Norway had to be tested for COVID-19, regardless of their vaccination status.

France: Relaxation of epidemic prevention restrictions and no longer mandatory outdoor mask wearing

According to CCTV News, from February 2, France further relaxed the epidemic restrictions as planned, no longer mandatory outdoor masks, no longer mandatory to work from home for at least three days a week, and lifted restrictions on the number of people in sports and cultural activity venues.

Many countries have relaxed the restrictions on covid-19 epidemic prevention, WHO: The lifting of the lockdown should be combined with the national situation, and it needs to be slow and steady

Picture according to CCTV news

All sports and cultural venues in France will allow no restriction on the number of participants while wearing masks, while allowing both indoor and outdoor activities. The rule to wear masks outdoors will also end on Wednesday, and working from home will no longer be mandatory, but will still be recommended. From 16 February, nightclubs can reopen to the public and will once again allow concerts, drinks in bars and food and drinks on trains, cinemas and stadiums.

United Kingdom: Most of the epidemic prevention restrictions have been lifted, and masks are no longer required indoors

According to China Daily, since January 27, local time, the United Kingdom has officially lifted most of the epidemic prevention restrictions, no longer requires masks to be worn indoors, and the government no longer requires people to work from home. The requirement for vaccine passports to enter venues and participate in events has been changed to voluntary.

Starting 27 January in England, a Covid pass showing vaccine status or a recent negative test will no longer be a mandatory condition for entry to venues and events. In any public place, masks will no longer be mandatory, and the use of masks will still be recommended only in some places. Nightclubs reopened in Scotland from 24 January; restrictions on the size of indoor events were lifted; social distancing of 3 feet was not required indoors; there was no limit to the number of families gathering indoors; but masks were mandatory on public transport and most indoor venues.

Netherlands: Relaxation of COVID-19 measures,

Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and Health Minister Koopers will hold their first press conference on January 15 since the inauguration of the new cabinet, mentioning that "non-essential stores are allowed to reopen without appointments, but the number of people is limited according to the size of the store; physical contact industries such as haircuts can resume work; universities, colleges and secondary schools can resume physical teaching; and stadiums will also reopen." ”

Coopers said: "We are dealing with a large number of infection cases, but we have still decided to take some measures to reopen, and the current restrictions to maintain will be detrimental to our health and society." ”

Is the restriction feasible?

WHO: Plan the route at your own pace, according to your country's circumstances

According to Xinhua News Agency's report in Geneva on February 1, WHO urgently gave a recommendation: the unsealing needs to be slow and steady. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a news conference on the same day: "Since the first detection of the Omiljung (variant) 10 weeks ago, nearly 90 million confirmed cases have been reported to WHO globally, which is more than the number of cases reported in all of 2020. We are now beginning to see a very worrying increase in the number of deaths in most parts of the world. ”

Maria Van Kerkhofer, technical director of WHO's health emergencies programme, said at a press conference on 1 February that more than 22 million confirmed cases have been reported to WHO worldwide in the past seven days, and the surge in the number of cases is mainly caused by the Omilon strain. But what is even more worrying now is that the number of deaths around the world has also increased dramatically over the past four weeks. She believes that this situation should not have happened, because the existing epidemic prevention tools and measures can completely prevent such a situation.

At the same time, Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergency project, also said that in terms of lifting epidemic prevention restrictions, countries should plan their own paths according to their own conditions and at their own pace, and can learn from the experiences and practices of other countries, but cannot blindly follow. He cautioned that countries that have decided to loosen their outbreak control also need to ensure that they have the ability to quickly reintroduce restrictions that are acceptable to their communities when needed.

Many countries have relaxed the restrictions on covid-19 epidemic prevention, WHO: The lifting of the lockdown should be combined with the national situation, and it needs to be slow and steady

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