
Tang Shen shouted "This is my turf" in the Thunder's home three-point shot, and he denied it when the reporter mentioned it after the game

Beijing time on February 8 news, golden state Warriors 110-98 away to oklahoma thunder, to achieve nine consecutive wins. In this campaign, one of the core of the team, Klay Thompson, scored 21 points.

Tang Shen shouted "This is my turf" in the Thunder's home three-point shot, and he denied it when the reporter mentioned it after the game

And it is worth mentioning that less than two and a half minutes before the end of the game, the Warriors were 101-96 Thunder, only five points ahead, at this time it was Thompson who stepped forward, and he personally shot two consecutive three-pointers to keep the lead firmly within a safe range.

Tang Shen shouted "This is my turf" in the Thunder's home three-point shot, and he denied it when the reporter mentioned it after the game

And after shooting such a winning three-pointer, there was a live broadcast camera that caught Thompson shouting "this is my house" in the stands.

At the press conference after the game, someone mentioned this matter to Tang Shen, and the answer he gave after calming down was that some people couldn't help but be amused.

"I don't remember, man! At that moment, I felt completely confused. Tang Shen replied.

The reporter then asked Thompson if he remembered some of his personal historic moments at the arena after shooting a crucial three-pointer. Thompson said that although those moments are very memorable, they have been too long to remember.

Tang Shen shouted "This is my turf" in the Thunder's home three-point shot, and he denied it when the reporter mentioned it after the game

"It didn't end well that year, there were a lot of heartbreaking moments, and even though we also had some historic achievements, it was a tough summer." Thompson continued.

In the 2016 Western Conference Finals, the Warriors won three consecutive games after falling behind the Thunder 1-3 to reach the Finals with a total score of 4-3. In the crucial sixth game, Thompson played a phenomenal performance at home for the Thunder, scoring 11 three-pointers and scoring 41 points to save the Warriors.

Of course, for the Warriors, the most painful memory of that year is the Finals. With 73 wins in the regular season, they led the Cleveland Cavaliers to complete the reversal with a 3-1 lead over the Cleveland Cavaliers, losing the Finals 3-4 and missing the championship.

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