
Want to buy an iPad first? A false sense of ritual is hollowing out your wallet

Tablets are becoming more and more standard for young people, and paperless learning is becoming more and more respected. But without these "standards", people are struggling?

What Little E wants to say is, don't be limited by tools to limit your imagination.


Recently, I brushed up a question: "Is it necessary to buy an iPad for graduate school?" ”

The poster is a college student who will be taking his graduate exams in December this year, and when he saw that his roommates had all bought iPads, as if owning a tablet was standard for learning, the question arose.

He also mentioned that the mobile phone he uses is Huawei, that is, to buy an iPad, you have to register a new account, and everything starts from scratch.

Want to buy an iPad first? A false sense of ritual is hollowing out your wallet

When Xiao E was in high school, the Apple series of products had just become popular, and at that time, whether it was a mobile phone or a tablet, the general price was high, and it was not particularly common, and the bookstore also published a lot of tutorial books on how to use Apple products. And because the tablet market has not yet grown, at that time, at least for Xiao E, the iPad function is to use it to chase the drama.

Later, tablet computers also became a commercial blue ocean, and paperless learning became more and more respected.

There are so many products on the market that you can use your iPad and its special pen to annotate on college campuses, and on college campuses, you often see students without a pen or paper.

Is it convenient and fast? Tablets are really good for learning, not only can be networked, but also scanned, annotated, and calculated.

But must it? This is clearly questionable.


Is it possible that without iPads or other tablets, students can't take a class?

Can't afford to buy these high-tech products, will they be defeated because of this?

Of course not. You can borrow high-tech tools to assist learning, but traditional paper and pen have been used by humans for thousands of years and have not been eliminated so far, which fully proves the value of its existence.

Want to buy an iPad first? A false sense of ritual is hollowing out your wallet

Although if you want to do a good job, you must first use it, but the graduate school and the possession of an iPad are two unsympathetic options.

Don't you believe you ask the people who bought tablets, are they often used to learn to draw, or to casually chase dramas, or simply cover bubble noodles? I believe that the latter will be much more.

Inertia is also human nature, and we need not be ashamed to admit it. All the ways to become self-disciplined by buying tools are against inner inertia, so they rarely work.

For example, if you want to stay in shape, simply buy a treadmill elliptical machine, and finally fate is to eat ash in the corner to dry clothes.

I wanted to establish a reading habit, I thought about buying a Kindle, and finally I couldn't escape the end of being shelved.


There is a saying that there are many stationery for poor students, and people always have a lot of weird rituals in order to be self-motivated.

For example, prepare for the exam to prepare for an iPad, for example, take a photo before studying and send a circle of friends... But the more cutscenes, the more distracting energy there is, and instead of spending a lot of effort to prepare for the effort, you may as well go straight to work.

Real effort does not require money to bless.

Want to buy an iPad first? A false sense of ritual is hollowing out your wallet

Students in the cold door can achieve excellent results in a simple environment, and real scholars can also rely on paper and pencil to master countless knowledge. If you want to see an online class laptop, you can, but you don't have to force a tablet to start learning smoothly.

If the funds allow, there is nothing wrong with buying anything. But it is still a student, need to rely on their parents to provide living expenses, some sense of ritual is really unnecessary, after all, the original intention of the tool is to facilitate people, but people are always limited by the tool imagination.

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