
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year's Eve

Little e here in advance to give everyone a new year's greeting

I wish you all:

Happy New Year in the Year of the Tiger

Everything goes well, every day is happy

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Spring Festival

It is one of the four major traditions and festivals in China

It is also one of the most lively festivals

The 100th festival year is the first

It is the most grand traditional festival of the Chinese nation

The Spring Festival is the New Year of the Lunar Calendar

Verbally called New Year, Too Big Year

So how much do you know about the culture of the year?

And also

Will you celebrate the New Year?

(Bad laugh~)

Let Little E show you how to live the "year"!

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Since I want to know how to celebrate the New Year

Then we have to know where it came from


The origin of the Spring Festival

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


There is a legend in the origin of the Spring Festival, in ancient China, there was a monster called "Nian", which lived deep under the sea for many years and climbed ashore every Chinese New Year's Eve. People flee deep into the mountains to escape the damage of the Nian beast. Later, one year Chinese New Year's Eve, an old man from outside the village told people how to drive away the "Nian" beast. It turned out that "Nian" was most afraid of red, fire and explosion. Since then, every year Chinese New Year's Eve, every house has posted red couplets and set off firecrackers; every household has a bright candle and waits for the age. Early in the morning of the first day of the first year, I also have to go to relatives and friends to say hello. This custom spread more and more widely, and it became the Spring Festival.


The Spring Festival is an evolution of the first prayer of the year, and in ancient times, people held sacrifices to repay the gods of heaven and earth and the kindness of the ancestors, to drive away evil spirits and pray for blessings in the past. The origin and development of the Spring Festival is a process of gradual formation, subtle perfection and popularization.

To understand things, you have to start from the source

Let's say that the origin of the Spring Festival is very interesting

Follow the little e again

"Chinese New Year"

The origin of the two words

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


Change of name for The Spring Festival

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Historical name: The "first day of the first lunar month" of the current lunar calendar, historically known as Yuan Shuo, Yuan Day, New Yuan, New Year's Day, New Year's Day, Yuan Chen, Xin Zheng and so on. The name of the festival "Spring Festival" on the first day of the first lunar month of the lunar calendar is not available in ancient times. (In ancient times, it was generally called the New Year and the New Year Festival)

Origin of the term "Spring Festival": The concept of "Spring Festival" was gradually mentioned during the Republic of China period. During the Republic of China period, the Gregorian calendar was introduced, and the lunar calendar became the standard for agricultural work.

In 1914, the Republic of China government mentioned in its submission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs that "it is proposed to designate the new year's day of the lunar calendar as the Spring Festival". Therefore, the saying of the Spring Festival has gradually spread. In 1912, the Beiyang government of the Republic of China adopted the Gregorian calendar, and from 1914 onwards, the first day of the first lunar month of the summer calendar (that is, the first day of the first lunar month) was regarded as the "Spring Festival", which was regarded as the beginning of the lunar year, that is, the beginning of the year.

The name of the Spring Festival is extremely rich

Little e also leads the little friends

Learn a lot about the Spring Festival knowledge~

How should this "year" be spent?

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


Introduction to Spring Festival customs


Celebrate the Spring Festival, New Year

It's not just the Spring Festival

It's from waxing moon

That is, the twelfth month of the lunar calendar begins

Let's see what to do in the waxing moon

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

23: Small Year Sacrifice to vesta

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

In different parts of the country, the date of the "small year" is not the same: the twenty-third lunar month is the "small year" in the northern part of the mainland, and the twenty-fourth waxing moon is the "small year" in the southern region of the mainland.

No matter what day the "little year" is, people who have worked hard for almost a whole year will begin to prepare new year goods and plan for a comfortable new year. The small year is the beginning of the New Year.

WaxIng moon twenty-four: sweeping the house

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The folk proverb says "Waxing the twenty-fourth month, dust sweeping the house". After the festival has been held, we officially begin to prepare for the New Year. Sweeping dust is the year-end cleaning, the north is called "sweeping the house", and the south is called "dust dust". Everywhere in the north and south of the great river, there is an atmosphere of joy and joy, hygiene, cleanliness and cleanliness to welcome the New Year.

Wax Moon 25: Push and grind to make tofu

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The folk proverb says that "on the twenty-fifth day of the waxing moon, push and grind to make tofu", so the twenty-fifth day of the waxing moon has the custom of grinding tofu. Interestingly, some places also have the custom of eating tofu residue before the Chinese New Year's Eve.

Waxing Moon 26: Slaughtering pigs and cutting meat

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

As the saying goes, "The twenty-sixth day of the waxing moon, kill the pig and cut the meat of the New Year" or "Twenty-six, cut the knife head", which refers to the main preparation of meat for the New Year on this day.

Wax Moon 27:

Slaughter roosters and catch big markets

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

In traditional Chinese Spring Festival customs, people slaughter their poultry on the 27th of the lunar month. Because the folk believe that the rooster is male, high-spirited, very grand, more festive atmosphere, so usually slaughtered rooster.

Wax Moon 28:

Steamed steamed steamed appliqué flowers

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Nian Song Yun: "Wax moon twenty-eight, play cake steamed steamed appliqué flower" or "eighteen, put the noodles hair". The so-called decals are the posting of New Year paintings, Spring Festivals, window flowers and various immortals.

Big Chinese New Year's Eve: Chinese New Year's Eve keep the age

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Sticking spring leagues and setting off firecrackers

Sticking spring leagues, also known as "spring stickers", "door pairs" and "couplets", are important symbols of the Spring Festival.

Firecrackers are one of the traditional customs, and firecrackers are said to have originated from firecrackers.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice and dumplings

Chinese New Year's Eve meal is also known as New Year dinner, Tuan New Year dinner, reunion dinner, etc., especially refers to the family dinner Chinese New Year's Eve at the end of the year.

Dumplings are eaten on many traditional festivals in the mainland, and Chinese New Year's Eve this day, dumplings have a different meaning than usual. Whoever eats dumplings wrapped in coins indicates good luck and auspiciousness in the new year.

Keep the age and press the old money

Keeping the age is also known as taking a waste, lighting a fire, staying up for a long time, staying up late, etc. The folk custom of keeping the age is mainly manifested as Chinese New Year's Eve the lights are not extinguished all night, and the vigil is called "burning the lamp to illuminate the age", that is, the Chinese New Year's Eve burn the lamp and candle all over the place.

Chinese New Year's Eve after the meal, the elders should distribute the prepared money to the younger generations, which means "praying for the blessing of the years", which gives the elders a good wish for the growth of the children.

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


The first day of the first lunar month

That is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar

It's the "Spring Festival"

But after this day, the Spring Festival is not over

Let's take a look at it with Little E

How to spend the "year" of the first month

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The first day of the Lunar New Year: New Year's Greetings

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

In the first year, you should pay homage to your elders or neighbors, and generally go out of the far door to visit the New Year. After Chinese New Year's Eve keeping the new year, people opened the door on the morning of the first day to congratulate each other, "Happy New Year!" Peace and auspiciousness".

The second day of the Chinese New Year: go back to your mother's house

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

On this day, the daughter who marries out of the house must take her son-in-law to the mother's house with her, and the gifts she brings should be paired.

The third day of the Chinese New Year: sleep peacefully and get up late

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

In traditional customs, the third day of the Chinese New Year is considered to be the day when rats marry their daughters, so they should rest early in the evening and cannot disturb the rats to marry their daughters.

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year: Greeting the King of the Stove

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

According to folk legend, at the beginning of the first month of the new month, the four kings of the four stoves should check the household registration, so every household must stay at home, prepare rich fruits, burn incense, light candles and set off firecrackers to show welcome.

The fifth day of the Chinese New Year: Greeting the God of Wealth

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The fifth day of the Lunar New Year is commonly known as breaking the fifth, and it is necessary to "catch up with the five povertys", including "intellectual poverty, poor learning, poor literature, poor life, and poor friends". People rose at dawn, set off firecrackers, and cleaned up.

The sixth day of the Lunar New Year: send the poor

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The fifth day of the first year has just welcomed the god of wealth into the door, and the sixth day of the first year will send away the poor god. On the day of sending the poor god, it is necessary to carry out a big cleaning in the house, sweep out the garbage, and useless torn clothes, etc. to be thrown away.

The seventh day of the Lunar New Year: "People's Birthdays"

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Also known as "Man's Victory Day", "Seven Days of Man" and so on. Legend has it that Nuwa was first created, and after creating animals such as chickens, dogs, pigs, cows, and horses, she created a human being on the seventh day, so this day is the birthday of a human being. Parents cannot teach their children a lesson on this day.

The eighth day of the Lunar New Year: Release and pray for blessings

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The eighth day of the new year is the day when the stars are in the netherworld, and the small lamps are burned and sacrificed, which is called Shunxing, also known as "sacrifice star" and "receiving star". It is also said that the eighth day of the first month is the birthday of The Valley. On this day, the weather is clear, then the rice harvest is harvested on this day, and the cloudy day is apologetic.

The ninth day of the Lunar New Year: Sacrifice to the heavens

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

The ninth day of the Chinese New Year is the day of the day, commonly known as "Tiangongsheng", and it is said that this day is the birthday of the Jade Emperor. The main customs are to sacrifice the Jade Emperor, Taoist Temple, etc., in some places, on the day of day, women prepare fragrant flower candles and bowls, and place them in the open air at the entrance of the patio alley to worship the heavens and ask for the blessings of the heavens.

The tenth day of the Lunar New Year: The birthday of the stone sacrifice

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

On this day, all stone tools such as grinding and milling could not be moved, and even sacrificial stones were set up, for fear of hurting the crops. Also known as "stone immovable", "ten immobile".

Fourteenth day of the first month: test the flower lamp

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

In most parts of China, everything on the fourteenth day is for the Lantern Festival on the second day. On this day, the lantern festival is officially opened for the public to buy lanterns.

For the Lantern Festival, performances like dragon and lion dances began to be practiced on the streets. There are also people who write riddles to guess the riddles to increase the festive atmosphere. In China, Lantern Puzzle is a very traditional anagram game.

15th day of the first month: Lantern Festival

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

On the same day, you should eat Lantern or Tangyuan, filled with sugar, roses, sesame seeds, bean paste, yellow cinnamon, walnut kernels, nuts, date paste, etc., wrapped in glutinous rice flour into a circle, which can be meat and vegetarian, with different flavors.

The customs of the Spring Festival are often the highlight

The taste of the year is also getting stronger and stronger in it

The Spring Festival in memory is always a family reunion

Happy Chinese New Year

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


Spring Festival food

New Year's Eve in addition to various customs

The most attractive thing is that

A variety of new year's exclusive dishes are now available

Just thinking about it makes Little E drool

(Smash it, smash it in the mouth)




Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

"Delicious but dumplings", dumplings are an indispensable food on the table of the northern Chinese New Year's Eve. "Dumplings" and "intercourse" are harmonious, which means "more years of intercourse". And the shape of the dumplings is like a yuanbao, and eating dumplings during the Spring Festival means "recruiting wealth into treasure", symbolizing the source of wealth like soup water rolling in.

rice cake

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?




Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Eat rice cakes during the Spring Festival, one is that rice cakes are made of grain, congratulating the grain harvest, and the other is the harmonic sound of "cake" and "high", symbolizing "rising every year". A small piece of rice cake, which means that people hope that life and work will get better and better every year.

Wax flavor

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Eating wax flavor during the New Year is a traditional custom in Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan and other places on the mainland. In the old days, life was hard and there was a shortage of materials, so people meant good wishes to the harmonious New Year food, so eating sausages during the Spring Festival meant "often eating".


Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

In traditional culture, the Spring Festival is to eat ravioli, taking its meaning of "chaos first opening". In addition, "wontons" and "hun hoards" are consonant, meaning that grain is hoarded and grain is abundant.

spring roll

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Happy New Year

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Spring rolls, also known as spring cakes, pancakes, etc., in some areas of the south, do not eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, but eat spring rolls and tangyuan. Eating spring rolls during the Spring Festival is exquisite, and it is necessary to wrap up the pancakes and vegetables and eat them from the beginning to the end, which means "there is a head and a tail".


Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Because of the harmonic sound of "chicken" and "auspicious", it has the meaning of auspiciousness, ward off evil spirits and festivities. Therefore, chickens play an important folk role in Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and many places have the saying that "no chicken is no seat", symbolizing "everything is auspicious".


Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Because "fish" is pronounced "yu", it means that there is a surplus. Eating fish in the New Year also has a special point, fish is the last dish on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner table, and it is basically not eaten on the table, and staying means "more than enough every year". In some places, Chinese New Year's Eve rice and eat fish, they should keep their heads and tails until next year, sending a good wish of "having a head and a tail" in the coming year.


Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Tangyuan is the main food of the Chinese Lantern Festival, Tangyuan is the same as the reunion, there are also regions to eat the Lantern, although the practice is different, but the two foods are similar in appearance, the meaning is the same, meaning "reunion round".

When we were young, our favorite thing was the New Year

A variety of delicacies are served during the Chinese New Year

Chicken duck fish.....

Figure a good color head

Oops, hungry again!

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Finally, little e to everyone to say one

Related to the Spring Festival

Interesting trivia



Earliest and latest Spring Festival:

The time of the Spring Festival (the first day of the first lunar month) is traveled between January 21 and February 21 in the Gregorian calendar. The difference between the "earliest Spring Festival" (such as January 21, 1966) and the "latest Spring Festival" (such as February 20, 1985) is a full month. According to the calendar, if the lunar calendar is not artificially adjusted, February 21, 2319 will usher in the "latest Spring Festival in history", after the Spring Festival appeared at the latest on February 20 of the Gregorian calendar, 1920 and 1985.

The Spring Festival may pass two times:

Leap Spring Festival, also known as "Leap Month", began in 1645 AD using the calendar leap system, and by 2800 AD, the leap month of the lunar calendar occurred only 6 times, and its years were 1651, 2262, 2357, 2520, 2539, and 2634.

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


Strange knowledge has added

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?
Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Here you go

You should know

How did this year pass

New Year's Day is a reunion

New Year's Day, the picture is idle

No matter how the year went

Rejoice and don't complain

Leave it alone at home for a few days

Reunion is a good year!

To be happy is to have a good year!

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?


E up for the Winter Olympics

Don't you eat dumplings for the New Year?

As the largest and heaviest sports equipment in all the competitions of the Winter Olympic Games, the cross-border transportation of snowmobiles and sleds is very difficult. In the snowmobile event, the smallest snowmobile is the women's single snowmobile, which weighs 162 kg, and the largest snowmobile is the men's four-person snowmobile with a body weight of 210 kg. The snowmobile is huge, with a length of 3.8 meters and a width of 0.67 meters, so it cannot be carried by athletes as carry-on baggage, and generally arrives at the venue by freight.

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