
In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

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Humans belong to social animals, and everyone cannot separate their relationship with the group. Perhaps because of genetic decisions or predestination, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we all hope that there will be a person who supports us 100% around us.

Whether it is a blood-linked relative, a friend who grew up together, or a lifelong love, as long as we communicate with each other and support each other, then there is no difficulty in the world that can stop us.

Blood relations can not be changed, from the moment we were born has been doomed, love relationship is also full of accidents, a little thing will make the two people part ways, only the sincere friendship between friends, strong and long-lasting, all the time people are moved.

In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

What kind of relationship is considered a friend? Some people think that there should be no secrets between friends, even if those things cannot be said in public, but with friends you can talk about it unscrupulously.

There are also people who think that the sincerity of friendship should be judged by the actions of the other party, if when you encounter difficulties, the friend can help you regardless of the cost, then he is definitely a person worthy of contact.

Speaking of this, some people may have doubts, the above 2 points do not meet any of their own, mixed to the end of the actually a friend is not, this situation is not normal in the end?

Very few people have established a relationship with each other as soon as they meet someone else, and true friendships often have to stand the test of time.

True friendship does not test quantity, but quality.

In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

I believe that everyone must have seen such a person in life, they are extroverted, good at communication, have a large number of friends to countless, but when they really encounter difficulties, no one stepped forward, such friends can be called wine and meat friends.

If a person only cares about the number of friends and does not care about the quality, then the end is mostly the same.

There is no one who does not need companionship and support, even the most powerful people, they also hope that someone can stand behind them, but unfortunately, the sincere feelings are too rare, and they look back to find that they have nothing.

There are not too many friends, just a few close friends. Confidants are hard to find.

In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

It is not difficult to establish a simple friendship relationship with others, as long as the personality of both parties is easy-going and tolerant of each other when chatting, then two people can get along very well.

But if you want to know yourself, it will be even more difficult. In ancient times, there were Yu Boya and Zhong Zi period, the two of them were elegant in character, they shared each other's hearts, without too much speech, and they could understand their state of mind just by the sound of the piano.

In real life, it is difficult to meet such friends, but everything is possible, as long as you go out of the house and socialize more, then the probability of meeting a confidant will gradually increase, but if you always stay at home, or even use the excuse of not being good at talking to refuse to interact with the outside world, even if the soul confidant is close at hand, you may not be able to find him.

In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

Of course, there is no need to deliberately create an atmosphere to get along with good friends, if two people are very compatible in all aspects, then the growth of friendship can go with the flow.

Not having good friends means too much of a failure? Do you have a problem with yourself?

The answer is no. Almost everyone wants to have a close friend who trusts each other 100%, but only a few are so lucky.

True friends don't care if you are rich or not, they will calmly offer their blessings when you are successful, and they will also decisively extend their hands when you are frustrated and take you out of the quagmire together.

When you have a strange idea, your good friend will not laugh at you, either with you to fantasize, or seriously consider the feasibility of the idea and work with you to make a plan to achieve it.

In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

If you meet such a person, then you will definitely feel that he is like another self in the world, with the same soul as you, this wonderful feeling is indescribable, but when you meet, you will understand.

However, some people complain that their friends do not seem to take this friendship to heart, whenever they put forward an idea, the other party always comes up with a rebuttal attitude, when they are sad and uncomfortable, friends will not take the initiative to comfort, but add fuel to the fire.

Gradually, people increasingly did not believe in the word friendship, and even suspected that there were no real friends in the world.

In fact, not meeting a sincere friendship now does not mean that the future will not be encountered, because friendship and love have a striking similarity, its appearance is always very special, and the timing of the appearance is also very sudden.

In the end, I found that I didn't have a friend, was it too much of a failure or was it normal?

As long as you insist on being yourself, down-to-earth step by step, then shining you will definitely be noticed by someone.

Don't feel sorry for yourself, immerse yourself in negative energy all day, life is very good, whether you have friends or no friends will be very happy, do not be wronged to cater to each other.

I don't know how you guys think about it? If you have something you'd like to share, let's talk about it below the comments section.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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