
Whether a middle-aged man has the ability or not, he does not rely on his mouth to speak, but only looks at the practice of his wife and children

Whether a middle-aged man has the ability or not, he does not rely on his mouth to speak, but only looks at the practice of his wife and children

Everyone wants to be excellent, especially people to middle age, the advantages in all aspects are declining, there are more excellent young people at work, physical function is gradually declining, and the youth years have gone away to make many people become anxious.

So some men will look for new friends outside in order to flaunt their strength, and some will talk in front of outsiders, claiming that they can't do without him at home, and their wives have not contributed anything over the years.

In fact, middle-aged men are impatient to pick and choose their wives, and those who are self-motivated and have a pattern are all working hard to take care of their wives and children and protect their own families.

Whether a middle-aged man has the ability or not, he does not rely on his mouth to speak, but only looks at the practice of his wife and children

I can't be patient enough to blame the people around me

A reader said that after many years of marriage, her husband only cares about supporting herself, the expenses inside and outside the family, the human relationship is all her, and all aspects of the children are also under her control.

But her husband never praised her, and even pointed fingers at every little thing she did, and every sentence had to be provoked.

Having lived together for more than 20 years, never getting a shred of warmth, no matter how much she paid for her family and how much pressure she had at work, what she finally heard from him was always complaining.

In addition to your work every day, you are at home, responsible for the family's breakfast at 6 o'clock in the morning, still managing the children at 10 o'clock at night, eager to be on the job 24 hours a day, and your feet do not touch the ground, but his own things always blame you for not helping, blame you for not caring.

In his eyes you are Superman, without seven passions and six desires, a spinning machine.

When single, a person has nothing to worry about except work, the workload of marriage has increased unabated, and there is more family affairs to do with a large family, and finally, you have to listen to a person in the name of her husband, endless complaints.

He never saw what he was doing, a husband and wife, married for many years, without support, heartache, and some were just picky, demanding and accusing.

Whether a middle-aged man has the ability or not, he does not rely on his mouth to speak, but only looks at the practice of his wife and children

I have watched "The Ordinary Man and His Wife" and was also impressed by the story of Mr. Omelon at the end.

We thought it was hard to go to work, and when we came home, we could pick and choose our wives' work and nitpick.

But in fact, the family is an extremely complex and delicate organization, and managing household chores is no easier than running a company or factory.

Not to mention that in addition to her family, she also has a job, and we can forgive her mistakes at work and explain them with no one, but we can't stand the little imperfection of the family.

Two people become husband and wife, just to make up for their shortcomings, play their own advantages, and make the family better, rather than finding someone to dislike you, and living every day trembling, like walking on thin ice.

Whether a middle-aged man has the ability or not, he does not rely on his mouth to speak, but only looks at the practice of his wife and children

Responsible men will take care of their wives and children

Recently watched "The World of Man" everyone said that Zhou Bingyi has responsibility, not to mention that at the beginning he gave up his future for Dongmei, and then got married, because Dongmei could not have children, Zhou Bingyi said that it was his own problem.

This is an ordinary person, who must have accused his daughter-in-law of not being able to bear children for himself, and constantly wanted to replace his daughter-in-law, but he comforted his parents and understood his wife's mood everywhere.

Just the right way to get along with high emotional intelligence and maintain their respective family relationships is very enviable, so you must find a responsible man when getting married, and the responsibility is not only a sense of responsibility to the family, but more importantly, a sense of security for you.

He will put you at ease when you have a problem, rather than worrying that he will go against you before it happens.

A responsible person can make you feel that it is happiness in the face of the marriage of chai rice oil and salt, rather than the food is not delicious, tired and confiscated to be blamed by him, and little by little to consume yourself.

Whether a middle-aged man has the ability or not, he does not rely on his mouth to speak, but only looks at the practice of his wife and children

Some people are polite and tolerant to colleagues and friends, and be a good man in other people,while they are harsh on their wives and have no patience to pick and choose, and they lose their temper if they want to lose their temper.

If every man could treat a woman the same way he did when he was in love, which woman would inexplicably lose her temper more and more.

Couples should be more affectionate and considerate of each other as they spend more time together, rather than just seeing each other's shortcomings and picking and choosing.

Such a life is actually torture for two people, and while you are critical of each other, you are also questioning your own vision.

So you are more picky, the unhappiness of two people will deepen a layer, the feelings of marriage will be reduced, and in the end, the other party will be indifferent to your words, and you will be angry.

Feelings directly reach the freezing point, and it is not far from the dissolution of marriage.


Interpret emotional confusion, pay attention to marriage problems, and be willing to listen to your sorrow and happiness, along the way

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