
Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

The 51-year-old director, Myung Kim Sung, died of a heart attack at the Confinement Center on the evening of the 8th.

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

Why does MingDao have a myocardial infarction in the center of the confinement? This is because his dragon and phoenix fetus has just been born 19 days ago, he is busy and happy, and the tragedy has happened, which is really sad.

Director Ming Jincheng is a well-known director of the mainland treasure island, and his works such as "Sparrow Loves Phoenix", "Queen of Love", "Witch No. 18" and so on, I believe some people have seen it.

MingDao was 47 years old when he got married, his wife was also 41 years old, they tried many test tubes, and finally harvested a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, the two babies were just born 19 days ago, Mingdao was waiting for the confinement in the confinement center, when he suddenly had a heart attack.

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

How exactly does myocardial infarction occur? What kind of inspection can you find out? How can myocardial infarction be prevented? I believe that many people will have such questions.

1. How does myocardial infarction occur?

Myocardial infarction is a disease in which the arteries and blood vessels of the heart suddenly occlusion occurs, and after occlusion, it leads to myocardial ischemia, which in turn leads to myocardial necrosis. When the heart vessels are suddenly occluded, the heart will then strike, that is, it will stop beating at any time, so it will cause sudden death. About 550,000 people die suddenly every year due to myocardial infarction on the mainland alone.

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

So why do the blood vessels of the heart suddenly occlud?

The reason for the occlusion of most heart arteries is thrombotic blockage, that is, there is a blood clot that blocks the heart blood vessels, you think about the large blood clot blocking the heart blood vessels, then the heart blood vessels will naturally be occluded.

So how does this big blood clot, or thrombosis, happen?

People who have myocardial infarction, the blood vessels of the heart are generally plaqued, that is, atherosclerosis, which is what the people call "vascular garbage". This plaque, some large and some small, some stable and some unstable; the larger unstable plaque, under some stimulus, may rupture. After the plaque is broken, it will bleed, and after the bleeding, the body will stop the bleeding, and when the bleeding is stopped, there will be a blood clot, which is called a blood clot in the blood vessel.

So under what stimulus does this large, unstable plaque crack?

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

Common causes: overwork, staying up late, stress, mood swings, cold stimulation, strenuous exercise, stool force, overeating, smoking and drinking, etc. may induce plaque rupture, leading to thrombosis, causing myocardial infarction.

So how did this plaque come about?

Plaque is what the people call "vascular garbage", and many factors are related, such as the biggest relationship is long-term hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia is not controlled; it is also related to heredity; it is also closely related to our lives, such as long-term obesity, no exercise, unhealthy diet, smoking and drinking, stress, staying up late, depression and so on.

The more these factors, the easier it is to lead to the occurrence of plaque.

Second, what kind of inspection can be found in the usual way?

Our heart usually has no blood clots, and only when acute myocardial infarction occurs, there will be blood clots, so it is not meaningful to check for blood clots.

So how do you find out if there are plaques in your heart vessels?

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

The most direct way is through coronary CTA, that is, ct of cardiovascular blood vessels, or through coronary angiography. These two kinds of examinations can more intuitively see whether there are plaques in the heart blood vessels, how big the plaques are, and whether the resulting narrowing of the blood vessels is serious.

But we can't say that in order to see if there are plaques in the blood vessels, everyone has a CTA or coronary angiogram, right? After all, CT and contrast are risky, and there is no need to do CT or contrast. CT examination or contrast is recommended only if it is felt necessary after evaluation by a doctor.

For most people, the main focus is on:

Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight can be, that is, to see if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and whether your weight is excessive. If there is, then actively control the three highs and control the weight. At the same time, we should also pay attention to whether we have an unhealthy lifestyle, and if we have, we should also pay attention to it.

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

Then for people with symptoms:

For example, recent chest pain, precordial pain, chest tightness and other symptoms, then we must pay great attention to it, go to the hospital to see, through exercise tests, electrocardiograms, or myocardial nuclide examination to see if there is myocardial ischemia, if necessary, after the doctor's assessment to see if there is any need for contrast examination.

Through exercise tests or myocardial nuclides can determine whether the heart has myocardial ischemia, in general, there is myocardial ischemia, indicating that cardiovascular plaque is more serious, stenosis has exceeded 70%. Coronary CTA or coronary angiography can see whether there are specific plaques and how large the plaques are.

How can myocardial infarction be prevented?

Most myocardial infarction can be prevented, but many people ignore it, usually do not care, and eventually myocardial infarction occurs, and even leads to sudden death.

A small number of myocardial infarction, usually without warning, may die suddenly at the first onset, but this myocardial infarction is rare. Most myocardial infarctions usually have some clues.

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

Simply put, the last omen of myocardial infarction is angina, angina indicates severe cardiovascular narrowing, angina if not treated regularly, these plaques may rupture, will form thrombus, and eventually lead to blockage of blood vessels, triggering myocardial infarction. Therefore, when symptoms similar to angina occur, we must seek medical treatment in time and treat it regularly to avoid myocardial infarction.

Of course, if angina occurs, it means that the plaque has been more serious, we must prevent, must be earlier, that is, to pay attention to the three highs, pay attention to healthy life.

The harbinger of myocardial infarction earlier is actually three highs + unhealthy lifestyle; long-term hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia are not found or found not to actively control, then it is easy to grow plaques, and after there are plaques, it is easy to rupture plaques leading to myocardial infarction. There are also a lot of smoking and drinking, sedentary and not exercising, unhealthy diet, staying up late under pressure, no good mentality, etc. The more these factors, the easier it is to grow plaque, which may eventually lead to myocardial infarction.

Dragon phoenix fetus just 19 days after birth, 51-year-old director father sudden death of heart attack! How can we prevent myocardial infarction?

In short, people who have myocardial infarction think that they will not have myocardial infarction, so they will not prevent it. If they know that they may have sudden heart attack one day, can they continue to live unhealthily without paying attention to the three highs?

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