
"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

author:The Holy Book of Photography
"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In 1984, a young chef in Kunming, what delicious food was cooking?

In the 80s, most Chinese had never eaten Western food, not even KFC and McDonald's. It was a time when traditional local cuisine was predominant.

Today's young people, who have not experienced the 80s, simply cannot imagine how delicious the "street food" of that era was. However, at that time, many foreign tourists came to China with professional cameras, and they took photos of the street food at that time.

Compared with today's dazzling array of snacks, there was no barbecue, no milk tea, and no spicy hot ...... However, these traditional delicacies are very green and healthy, and no matter how you eat them, you will not gain weight.

What did "street food" really look like in the 80s? Let's take a look.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

On the streets of Guangzhou in 1985, the editor didn't see clearly, is this a snail or a fried chestnut?

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In the 80s, an uncle in the northwest was selling baked cakes on the street, which looked very delicious. However, this kind of roast cake has a special name, called "naan cake".

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In 1983, a little brother on the streets of Kaifeng sold "Henan braised noodles"? Or is it "Shaanxi Liangpi"?

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In Guilin in 1980, 7 uncles in Mao suits were dining in a humble restaurant, as if they were eating Guilin rice noodles.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In Chengdu in 1985, many citizens dined in the teahouse, do you remember such a scene?

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In Beijing in 1980, the grandfathers in the hutongs liked to eat fried dough sticks very much, and they were eaten together with fried liver and bean juice, which was simply delicious.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In Chengdu in 1980, a bald man was making ramen, a kind of kung fu that had to be played by an old chef.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In Kunming in 1984, a little brother in a Mao suit was holding a bowl of rice noodles across the bridge.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

In Chengdu in the 80s, a group of men in Mao suits were eating breakfast on the street. At that time, xiaolongbao was much more delicious than it is now.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

More than 40 years ago, it was very popular to eat roast duck all over China. At that time, the ducks were all free-range by farmers and were never fed feed.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

This photo was taken in Guilin, but it doesn't look like Guilin rice noodles, but a bit like screw noodles from Liuzhou next door.

"Street food" in the 80s: there is no barbecue, no milk tea, no spicy tang

Finally, let's take a look at a Shanghai braised stew from the 80s, which looks very delicious. At that time, the staff were very hygienic and wore white work caps.

The above is the street food of the 80s taken by foreign tourists, and now more than 40 years have passed, although the delicious things of that era are not abundant, but they are very green and healthy, and the taste is pure, which is really nostalgic.

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