
The 70-year-old Li woke up feeling that one hand and foot could not move, and immediately called 120 to the hospital accompanied by his son, and the doctor diagnosed: cerebral infarction. Lived in the hospital for more than a month, still half of the body

author:Plain happiness is the truth

The 70-year-old Li woke up feeling that one hand and foot could not move, and immediately called 120 to the hospital accompanied by his son, and the doctor diagnosed: cerebral infarction. After staying in the hospital for more than a month, he was still discharged from the hospital.

At the beginning, the two sons and daughters-in-law tirelessly ran before and after running, buying medicine, feeding medicine, massage, rehabilitation exercises, buying vegetables, buying nutritional products, all laughing and giggling in turn. After a period of time, Old Li still could not speak, and the rehabilitation effect was not obvious. One day, the eldest daughter-in-law found that the mother-in-law and the little daughter-in-law did not come out of the room with the door closed for half a day, and wondered if there would be anything to hide from herself, the eldest daughter-in-law went home at night and muttered to the eldest son, and the eldest son said that the eldest daughter-in-law should not be suspicious. A few days later, the eldest daughter-in-law came home and said to the eldest son: I saw my mother-in-law and the little daughter-in-law whispering something behind her back. The eldest son said that the eldest daughter-in-law should not be suspicious of gods and ghosts all day, and the eldest daughter-in-law did not dare to say anything more.

After a while, the little daughter-in-law came back from buying vegetables, quietly pushed open the door, saw the eldest daughter-in-law took a stack of money and hurriedly put it into her pocket, and saw that the mother-in-law looked panicked, and immediately was not happy, asked the mother-in-law what was going on, the mother-in-law and the eldest sister-in-law were in a hurry, the little daughter-in-law took out the phone and told the younger son to go home quickly, the younger son did not know the details and hurried home, asked a big question, and immediately called the eldest son to call home. The eldest daughter-in-law and the younger daughter-in-law began to argue that the mother-in-law was eccentric, and each said that each had its own reason, which meant that the old man's money could not be swallowed by any family. The mother-in-law could not argue with a thousand words, and helplessly sat on the edge of the old man's bed and cried loudly. The eldest son and the younger son said no, did not say nor did it.

The war lasted for a few days, and it was useless for a few elders in the family who could speak to mediate, and finally the half-dead old Li tearfully let his wife take out the lifelong collection in case of accident and divide it equally to the eldest daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, which calmed down the war.

The eldest daughter-in-law and the younger daughter-in-law then took turns on duty, and for a long time they were safe and sound.

The day before yesterday, the little daughter-in-law saw what the mother-in-law and the eldest daughter-in-law said in the room, the little daughter-in-law was not happy, thinking that the old man had opened a restaurant for decades, there must be a lot of money left unallocated, would he give money to the eldest daughter-in-law again, the war began again, there was no theme There was no war without gun smoke, the theme was: the old man and the mother-in-law were eccentric. Lasts from morning to night. Suddenly Old Li fell from the bed with a loud scream and foamed at the mouth, and soon after, Old Li died.

The family wept and cried and went through the funeral. The eldest son and the younger son discussed what to do, how to pay for it? The two daughters-in-law spoke and asked the mother-in-law to take the money, instead of letting the mother-in-law give the money to whomever, it was better to let the mother-in-law take out all the money. The mother-in-law said several times that there was no money, and the eldest daughter-in-law and the little daughter-in-law said in one voice that there must be money that had not been taken out. The eldest son and the younger son want to help the old woman speak, look at his wife, and the fart does not dare to let go.

In the end, it was the neighborhood committee and the judicial office that helped, and old Li went into the ground to make peace.

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