
1. A Korean father took his 19-year-old daughter to a nightclub for a drink and poured it hard until her daughter was drunk. The next day, when my daughter got up, she saw honey water and a note at the head of the bed: Last night

author:Love life Corrick

1. A Korean father took his 19-year-old daughter to a nightclub for a drink and poured it hard until her daughter was drunk. The next day, when my daughter got up, she saw honey water and a note at the head of the bed: You drank too much last night, and your father carried it back to you. Remember! Half a pound of low-grade wine five bottles of beer This is your limit! Dad can't take care of you for a lifetime, and you have to be measured in the future... After waking up, my daughter's eyes were red and she understood a lot of truths. Then there was a northeastern dad who wanted to follow suit and took his daughter to drink, so from hot pot to food stalls, from KTV to bars... Dad drank and vomited four times and lay on the table. The daughter pulled her neck and shouted: Gaha, gaha? Can I drink it? What about fish farming??

2. My girlfriend kicked me last week! At that time, the reason for me was that her parents found her a blind date who was much better than me in every way! So I was depressed at home for a week. Yesterday morning, Aunt Wang introduced me to a girlfriend. This afternoon I went to the blind date to take a look, and at the same time I was stunned by the other party, it was actually my ex-girlfriend!

3. The buddies rented a BMW in order to soak the company's new beautiful female clerk who spent half a month's salary. In the evening, she took beauty to eat Haidilao, and beauty ordered a large table of lamb rolls, beef rolls, hairy belly, blind leaves, etc. After eating, the buddies took the initiative to send the beautiful woman home. Beauty face Honghong said: "If you go directly to the hotel after eating, I will inevitably refuse, but I didn't expect that you are a decent gentleman, so I am willing!" The buddy squeezed the remaining 5 yuan and roared in the night wind: "You can die if you don't eat so much?" You've run out of money! ”

4) The rich man took his seven-year-old son to a private hospital in the suburbs. The rich man said: Doctor, what is wrong with my son, today is a day, not pacing in the house. I was lying in bed and sleeping, and I was reading a book abnormally! Doctor: Do you live in a villa area? Regal nodded: "Yes! The doctor said: Then it's all right, you go back, your son is fine!" The rich man wondered: Doctor, what happened to my son? Doctor: I heard others say that the villa area circuit maintenance, power outage for a day, my son did not have WiFi for a day, also this bear-like!?

5, are said that the girl brother once go to the man's home to eat, generally will collect the point, obedient and clever. And my girlfriend is more powerful, very bold, and does not regard herself as an outsider at all. My brother officially came to my house once to eat three steamed buns and a bowl of rice, two plates of vegetables plus two bowls of soup. Afterwards, my mother commented that this girl was really good, not hypocritical at all. I didn't go to her brother to eat 5 steamed buns and two dishes at a time, plus poured his father down!

6, the buddy's girlfriend was unmarried and pregnant, the buddy did not want to be responsible and ran away, I saw that she was very pitiful, so I spent 80,000 dowry to marry her home. Not long after the marriage, she gave birth to a son, who is now five years old. Today, when I was addicted to smoking, I said to my son, "Son, go downstairs and buy me a bag of Chinese." Son: "Running errands costs 10 yuan a trip." Me: "The errands are too expensive, almost thirty percent commission rate, very unreasonable." Son: "Now that the errand market is monopolized by me, do you have a second son to buy you cigarettes?" ” ??

7. Dad borrowed 2 million mesh bags to fry bones, and finally lost all the money. Dad sold the house and car to pay off the debt, and we moved back to our old village in the countryside. At that time, my family was particularly poor and could not afford to pay the tuition, and the teacher urged me to pay the tuition several times. Once, I was talking to my dad again about paying school fees. My father asked me to bring a message to the class teacher, saying that the millet was sold in the autumn and that the money owed to the school was paid at once! The next day, the class teacher asked me about the tuition fee, and I tried to recall my father's words yesterday, saying: "My father said, you wait, he wants to find you to settle the account after the autumn!" "From now on, the class teacher will carry a baseball bat with him wherever he goes!"

8. When I was in junior high school, there was a buddy in the class who came from elementary school karate, and he often caused trouble everywhere because he had some skills. Once, he made a date with someone on the Internet, and specially called us to watch the game, and changed into Zhongshan suits and black leather shoes. As a result, when we all went to the distance to watch him abuse the dish, he came up with a kick and the crotch of his pants was gorgeously split... I still can't forget the driver's wild laughter when we carried him with a blue nose and swollen face to the taxi.

9. I attended the wedding of a junior high school classmate last weekend, and I ran into a goddess who I chased to death when I was in school. As soon as she saw me, she screamed again, and she punched and punched me again, that intimacy, I took a lot of effort to stabilize her, at that time I was so beautiful that I almost fainted, haha, maybe I can relive the old dream, who knew that she came at this time: I heard people say that you have died a long time ago...?

10. A few days ago, the girlfriend went on a blind date, and after the matchmaker asked the girlfriend: How do you feel about the man? The girlfriend said bluntly: Inappropriate! Come in and do it, can such a man still talk? The matchmaker said: No, I see that people are quite gentlemanly, how can they do it? But people take the initiative to talk to you, you have nothing to say. The girlfriend said: Don't say anything to come in and do it, three times five divided by two dishes have been eaten by him, I have not tasted how can I know the taste?

11. Fa Xiao, who suffered from polio, was sent to the mountain by his father to learn martial arts, and after ten years he finally returned from school. In order to pick him up and invite him to have breakfast together, the breakfast shop was crowded with people. At the neighboring table, a killer Matt with a mosquito body on his arm, wiped his mouth after eating breakfast and left, and did not pay for it. Fa Xiao went up to a sweeping leg and fell down at once. At this time, the shop owner rushed out with a kitchen knife in a furious wheel: "Why did you beat my son?" ”

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