
You can refer to the army incentive system of the Great Qin Empire [Zan] The People's Liberation Army will be invincible to the world! You can learn from Great Qin's military merit system! Link the meritorious service of soldiers with the actual interests, so that military merit can be honored

author:Stubborn and persistent grass

You can refer to the army incentive system of the Great Qin Empire [Zan] The People's Liberation Army will be invincible to the world! You can learn from Great Qin's military merit system!

Linking the merits of soldiers with practical interests,

Let military merit reflect honor and social status and be clearly linked to life security!

For example, one first-class merit enjoys county-level treatment, two first-class merits enjoy the treatment of deputy departments, and three first-class merits enjoy vice-provincial treatment.

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You can refer to the army incentive system of the Great Qin Empire [Zan] The People's Liberation Army will be invincible to the world! You can learn from Great Qin's military merit system! Link the meritorious service of soldiers with the actual interests, so that military merit can be honored

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