
The beginning of another year

author:Sister Lulu who loves music

It is estimated that most rural families in China should be male and female, and men have returned to their work units in recent days? The current situation in China is that most men will go out to work after the new year, in fact, there is no work to do in their own local areas, but the salary is not as high as the outside wage, so most men will still choose to go out to work to make life better, and many women will stay at home with children to cook and take care of the elderly at home, and the husband and wife usually communicate through WeChat video, talk about children, talk about family, talk about work, and so on every year, which may be the most common state of life in modern China. So sisters, if the old men in the family are tired of working one day, ask him: "When you don't want to go to work, look at the balance of the bank card", maybe he will be full of energy [ya ya] [ya ya]

The beginning of another year

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