
North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

The news of these days is like "the double heaven of ice and fire".

On the one hand, the Winter Olympics and the Asian Cup are in full swing, we know the Winter Olympic stars like Gu Ailing, and we are also touched by the sonorous blood of the women's football girls.

On the other hand, the incident of the eight-child mother in Xuzhou has also touched the hearts of many people. The slow and unclear results of the investigation, the father who received the advertisement endorsement, the situation of the women in the same village, and the many unknown incidents of abduction and trafficking of women...

Also as women, some stand on the podium and become models of female power in the new era, while others have shocking and even been sealed all the way.

At the beginning of this new year, we seem to be invited to recognize the complexity of the world, its brilliance and shadow.

This is not unrelated to a blockbuster weather event at the beginning of the year, that is, the seat change at the north-south intersection of the evolution of collective consciousness: on January 19, 2022, the real-month intersection axis will switch from the south-to-north twins to the south-to-Scorpio-North bulls, and will travel here until July 2023.

How will the seat change at the intersection of the north and south affect us?

In the more than a year of the previous South shooters and North China Twins, what have we gained?

And now, where will the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which is associated with resources, crises, and shadow healing, take us?

Let's follow this article and walk together into the past, and future marked by the moon's north-south intersection.

From the perspective of the Earth as the center, the north-south intersection of the moon is the point where the sun orbit plane (ecliptic) and the moon orbit plane (white channel) intersect, and the intersection point where the moon orbits above the ecliptic is called the north intersection, and the intersection point that orbits below the ecliptic is called the south node.

That is to say, the north-south intersection is a virtual point like the ascending point, and there are no physical planets moving here, and it is always in a retrograde state.

The axis produced by the connection between the south node and the north node, which we call the north-south axis, has a path-like energy, is an invisible track drawn by fate, and is a clear goal at the soul level, guiding us to achieve the balance of the north-south intersection.

But how can this balance be achieved? This requires us to learn more details about the North-South handover.

The South Node represents our innate talent, and under its shade, it will make people more comfortable and secure. If reincarnation exists, then the South Node is the gift left by the previous life, which is engraved in the depths of our souls and freely wielded in the hands and feet.

The North Node represents the goal of conscious development in this life, which is a choice of personal will, that is to say, people need to do something on their own to get to the target location, rather than relying on inertia to boost like the South Node, because inertia alone cannot be changed.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

Once we have achieved a balance between the north and the south, we will reap a deep sense of satisfaction, which is a kind of evolution and nourishment at the soul level.

If in an ancient novel, the southern jiaojiao must be the old city and ancient capital that has been inhabited for generations, and it is stable and reliable, then the opposite of the northern jiaojiao is a new state that has not been set foot in, or an unknown city that has been assigned to the crown prince, everything seems new and strange, and even some danger, making people stagnant.

At this time, fear and resistance are common feelings of people, don't forget to take the gift that Shangjiaojiaodian once gave you, fill the talent point and then set off, and embark on this journey that can make your soul advanced.

Let's start with the recent South-Cross-North Twin Axis.

In May 2020, the real moon's north-south intersection switched from the Capricorn-Cancer axis to the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, beginning a year-and-a-half-year exploration.

The theme of the Gemini-Shooter Axis is the balanced interaction between abstract beliefs and concrete information, ways of thinking and mental activity, belief and reality, macroscopic and fragmented, truth and truth.

Looking back at the past in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis on duty, the Southern Cross Archer's control of justice and morality, as well as the emphasis on the cultural level, these macro concepts and prospects were recorded one by one by Gemini in the form of regulations and regulations, with the fierce collision of Uranus-Saturn energy in the same period of celestial phenomena, once again strengthening the intensity of reform, which can be described as a new life.

First of all, it is the innovation of the education industry, whether it is the higher education symbolized by Sagittarius or the information collection symbolized by Gemini, all eyes are turned to the direction of education, so the South Jiaotong Sagittarius has a grand plan and expects the future scene, and the North Jiaotong Gemini is flexible and flexible, implemented in every detail.

In the past year and a half, we have witnessed the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the adjustment of the new college entrance examination model, comprehensive quality education, etc., with the goal of teaching according to aptitude and deeper exploring the true value of knowledge.

The sagittarius-twin desire for information exchange and dissemination is often applied to the communication and media industry in addition to the field of education, so the second important reform in 2021 is the clear action of the media industry.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

Since the "pouring milk" incident in May 2021, the chaos in the rice circle, the loss of idols, and the Weibo for a time "melon field and plum down", such a chaotic scene has angered sagittarius's moral bottom line, so the moral rectification in the industry has begun, thinking that eliminating the absurd beliefs that are unknown and returning everyone to a clear and clean.

Behind the "explosion" of Weibo, a further issue of the shooter-twin axis has been raised, that is, we want to be free, we want to see the truth, and this demand must be actively and clearly expressed.

Gemini is undoubtedly intelligent and agile, strong curiosity drives people to collect more information, and exuberant communication desire leads the public to speak out, to speak for sagittarius moral justice, and to speak for the truth in everyone's heart.

But then, we have entered a state of confrontation between the north and the south, and in one controversy after another, we have begun to find that the ideas we hold may not be applicable to the actual situation, the things we believe may be repeatedly "reversed", and what we see and hear on the Internet is not necessarily the truth - some people are threatening sagittarius kindness and using Gemini mouths.

So a new question has emerged, public opinion law enforcement, Weibo judgment case is "carnival" or justice?

This is where we seem to gain a more valuable experience: faith is not perfect, truth is always relative.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

So we begin to have some new views of the world, temporarily take off the high hat of thought or purity or nothingness, accept the variables in the truth, get rid of the moral dilemma, and then relax, go to reality, to learn more knowledge, to understand a wider range of information, to observe life instead of just imagining life, to do something interesting, but not necessarily in line with the current "meaning" cognition.

Living vividly in every moment of life, in this way, we are truly free, to have the opportunity to have a higher level of wisdom, to see the pure truth, to talk about, to share, not only about ourselves, but also about the world.

The answer to the shooter-gem is already on the paper, and what awaits us next is the deeper challenge of Scorpio-Taurus.

The return cycle of the moon's north-south intersection is about 18.6 years, that is, every 18.6 years, fate will give us similar theme tasks to help us achieve individual leaps and upgrades of collective consciousness.

With copper as a mirror, you can wear a crown; with history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall. What happened before the North-South crossed into the Taurus-Scorpio axis?

The most recent Scorpio-Beijiao Golden Bull axis was from April 2003 to November 2004, during which the severe international situation, the full-scale invasion of the SARS virus, the war brought about by the Iraq dispute, the frequent earthquakes and fires, and the Indian Ocean tsunami, etc., all reflected the shadow side of the Scorpio in Nanjiao, the fierce competition for resources, and the bone-cutting fear of death.

From October 1984 to April 1986, the Chernobyl explosion, the crash of the US space shuttle, and the poison gas leak in Bhopal, India, were all horrific disasters and crises of life.

In the long river of history, scorpions are like upside-down bats in the middle of the night, wrapped in darkness, they are deep and heavy, wars, disasters, viruses, nuclear explosions... And the golden bull, just like its name, is a loyal and down-to-earth bull, they long for peace and prosperity, cherish every inch of land, and calmly and firmly defend their homeland.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

Departing from the southern node of Scorpio means that the journey will not be too comfortable from the beginning, and the north-south intersection was changed in December 2021, and the same period of the celestial phenomenon and the quartile phases of Saturn and Uranus deepened the issue of breakthrough-reconstruction.

The fierce sense of destruction of the South Jiaotong Scorpion and the desire for stability and prosperity of the North Jiaotong Golden Bull contradict each other, we are like a plant growing in a dark slit, in order to obtain light nutrients can only rely on their own efforts to break through the obstacles, to see the clouds.

How to harvest sunny happiness in the dark night is a new task given to us by fate.

In the darkness and turmoil,

Seek true tranquility

In the next year and a half, the epidemic crisis may be suspended, but the still tense international relations and frequent natural disasters have made the situation more and more urgent in the shadows.

These are the first challenges that Scorpio South gives us, requiring us to accept fate and possible crises, to face them head-on, and to find the key to healing and peace.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

Fear and revenge are not the best policy, the quiet self-sustainment of taurus north node is the ultimate key, we need to learn to cherish the beauty of life in the light of the crisis, cherish the resources and environment we have, which is the first step for us to overcome all the disasters that may occur in the future.

Fertile soil is arable, and perhaps barren land can also be cultivated. The fear of survival at the Scorpio South Node may instead stimulate the Taurus North Node to explore what is really a resource and value.

The socio-economic impact of the pandemic in recent years has been there for all to see, and the Scorpion-Taurus axis will accelerate our adaptation to tensions. In the past sagittarius-twin axis, we have achieved the universalization of online education, avoiding the impact of isolation and closure on students as much as possible.

And the next direction we strive to do is to make people's sense of security always above the threshold.

The financial sector and agriculture will be given priority, and society will pay more attention to and take measures to deal with various incidents and injuries that damage welfare and rights.

While maintaining a sense of security, it is also necessary to have someone to guard this tranquility, the darker the place, the more heroes are needed, and the Scorpion-Taurus energy often appears in the military and police professions. In the future, this period will also be an era of heroes, more and more people will stand up for peace, and the industry that guards the public will also receive more attention and respect.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

An infusion of art and healing

This seat-changing journey at the intersection of the north and the south will also accompany Jupiter into the annual theme of Pisces and Muhai, which will undoubtedly inject a healing and belief into this journey of exploration in the darkness, and this search for the truth and the contemplation of life will also deeply affect the fields of art, film and television, communication and so on.

Taking the film and television industry as an example, in the film market, the Lunar New Year file is a crucial part, in previous years, it was often based on romance and comedy films, but this year's New Year file was dominated by crime and war films.

"Manslaughter 2" caused brainstorming, and "Chosin Lake's Watergate Bridge" commemorated the martyrs, both of which received considerable box office, including the infinite flow hit drama "Beginning" in early 2022, which makes me personally still hold negative emotions about the pressure cooker. To tell a joke, even the title of the explosive twist comedy "This Killer Is Not Calm" has the word "killer" in the very scorpion.

This may confirm the aesthetic impact of the Scorpion-Taurus axis from the side, people have begun to pay attention to dark and profound events, disasters, wars, deaths and other art forms will be more touching, triggering our deep thinking about life.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

Jupiter enters Pisces at the end of December 2021, and Jupiter Neptune in Pisces in April 2022, which adds a Pisces compassion to the Scorpio-Taurus axis, and also stimulates people's desire to create in art.

In the next year and a half, film and television dramas and publications depicting the energy of Scorpio-Taurus will be the focus of the market, such as suspense and reasoning, war disasters, espionage and so on.

In addition to using art to feel people's inner common belief in seeking the truth, there will be more charitable medical projects at this stage, the strong helping the weak, overcoming difficulties together, using sustained and stable efforts to overcome difficulties, even in barren land, you can live a healthy and strong life.

On the other hand, the intervention of Pisces Energy will further introduce the attention into the field of environmental protection, environmental protection industry, ecological breeding and clean energy will be the focus of future development, animal cruelty, environmental destruction, etc. will be more severely condemned and sanctioned.

The Taurus North Node requires us to cherish and protect every inch of this earth, and the Wooden Sea Pisces will take us from small to large, deeper insight into the unity of all beings and nature, and harvest inner forgiveness, healing and faith.

North-South Swap Seat! In the next 18 months, you have more than you lose (depth)

Are you ready for this north-south exchange seat trip?

Are you ready for any shifts? Welcome to leave me a message at the end of the article.

Finally, I would like to share a sentence that touched me very much, describing the Scorpio-Taurus axis, and I would like to encourage you.

"But you may slowly discover that Earth is not such a bad place, and eventually in your life, there are more buildings than demolitions, more wins than losses, more possession than losses."

Bless everyone.

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