
Family Education Short Story Essay Exhibition 丨 Parent Group Second Prize

Family Education Short Story Essay Exhibition 丨 Parent Group Second Prize

In order to vigorously create a good atmosphere that pays attention to the family tutoring and family style

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"Poetry City Family Dialect" family education short story

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Family Education Short Story Essay Exhibition 丨 Parent Group Second Prize

Today's push is the second prize work of the parent group

Integrity and quality of education by word and deed

Legal Brigade Li Bin

Children are the hope of every parent, is the continuation of their parents' lives, Liang Qichao said: a hundred years of life, born in early childhood. The words and deeds of parents are the beacon of children's growth, children are like a piece of drawing paper, and parents' words and deeds are like a touch of color left on the drawing paper. Educating children not only focuses on "words and words", but also focuses on "teaching by example", so that children can learn and grow in the words and deeds of their parents.

I remember when my daughter was in elementary school, she once took her to a friend's house as a guest. The living room of a friend's house placed an extremely beautiful white hanging basket, sitting on it is very comfortable, shaking around like a swing, this time poked the daughter's careful thoughts, sitting on it for a long time did not want to come down, but also secretly said to the mother to put one at home, the mother did not consult with me, full of mouth with her said that as long as the final exam results on the door 95 points will agree to her. After the final exam, the daughter excitedly took the transcript to let her mother fulfill her promise, but then the mother hesitated, came to me and told me that buying a hanging basket was not practical, and occupied a large part of the family space, trying to convince my daughter. I thought about it and solemnly told her that the child's trust in his parents is unconditional, but it only takes a moment to break the trust, and since he has agreed, he must "do what he says and does what he does", and he cannot lose his child's trust. Later, although the number of hanging baskets as our daughter grows up is getting less and less idle, we use our own words and deeds to tell our children to make a promise, have faith in words, be honest, promise others things must be done, talk and promise to think twice, if you really can't fulfill your promises for various reasons, you must also explain to each other in time to let the other party understand.

There are many more of these small things, education exists in the small things of life, the child is not a vassal of the parents, she has her own unique life path, parents should be a mentor on the road of children's growth, help the horse to send a ride, compared to preaching for children, their words and deeds have greater significance for children's education. When we ask children not to indulge in TV and mobile phones, we should not be "low-headed" in front of children. Children are the mirror of parents, there is no poor teaching of children, only parents who will not educate, the "words and deeds" throughout more family education life, tempering children's good qualities of trustworthiness, diligence and courage.

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Family Education Short Story Essay Exhibition 丨 Parent Group Second Prize

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