
Returning to my hometown for the New Year suddenly found that the older the parents, the more children there are, and the advantages of being closer to home. I used to feel that I and my lover didn't need to worry about when they were old, and we would definitely live well. also

author:Family education instructor Meng Mom

Returning to my hometown for the New Year suddenly found that the older the parents, the more children there are, and the advantages of being closer to home.

I used to feel that I and my lover didn't need to worry about when they were old, and we would definitely live well.

I once heard an educator say that you should never feel that you don't have children when you are old, and you won't fill your children with trouble.

It was a few years ago, after listening to it, I didn't feel it, and through this New Year's Day, I went home and had a different feeling.

My family is two brothers, I am in Dalian icon, and my brother is in Tangshan. The lovers are three children, and an older sister, in the village next door to the in-laws' house, and the other married far away.

When I went home for the Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year's Eve, and my lover and I ran at both ends, because there were no children around the parents on both sides. My brother and sister-in-law opened a wholesale store in Tangshan, and hundreds of thousands of goods were pressed on the New Year, and they were busy. But after the end of the year, you can come back with your children.

My dad is not in good health, sometimes in the hospital with the bed he will accompany a month, my dad insomnia, think more, the eldest brother will get up every two hours.

The sister-in-law also understands the eldest brother and supports the shop with her family.

On the mother-in-law's side, the eldest sister drove back and forth, except for the Chinese New Year's Eve night, the first day of the first year can not go back, other times basically with children, there is time to go back, the elderly are sick and also take to see a doctor.

Usually, as long as the children are on vacation, the sister-in-law will also let the children accompany the second elder at the grandmother's house, and they are also less lonely.

I remember that the online signature of a classmate in college was "Parents are not far away", so she graduated and returned to her hometown city, and at that time I did not understand the deep meaning of this sentence, until now.

The elderly on both sides have their own living habits and ideas, and they are not objects that let them go wherever they go.

Under the existing basic conditions, it is really found that the more children there are, the closer they are, the better.

#Parent-child happy New Year##这才是家庭教育 #

Returning to my hometown for the New Year suddenly found that the older the parents, the more children there are, and the advantages of being closer to home. I used to feel that I and my lover didn't need to worry about when they were old, and we would definitely live well. also
Returning to my hometown for the New Year suddenly found that the older the parents, the more children there are, and the advantages of being closer to home. I used to feel that I and my lover didn't need to worry about when they were old, and we would definitely live well. also
Returning to my hometown for the New Year suddenly found that the older the parents, the more children there are, and the advantages of being closer to home. I used to feel that I and my lover didn't need to worry about when they were old, and we would definitely live well. also

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