
Rural daughters-in-law became rich women overnight, and they were heartbroken. In "The First Episode", in a small village, there lives a family of four children, two husbands and two men, called Wang Yaonu, who is called Tianniu, and is a male every day

author:Calm dewdrops

Rural daughters-in-law became rich women overnight, and they were heartbroken. "Part 1"

In a small village, there is a family of four children and two full couples, the male is called Wang Yaonu, who is called Tianniu, and every day the man goes to the nearby county to work, and the woman picks up and drops off the children every day, and also works in a small processing factory, although it is not very rich, but it is also quite happy.

One day the family was eating dinner, heard someone knocking on the door man went to open, opened the door to see that the police put Wang Yao's fright and shouted loudly to Tianyou, then one of the policemen said don't be nervous, we just want to give you some information, at this time from behind the police came an old lady, and then the police said to introduce you to this Ms. Wang, we suspected through the investigation that you are Ms. Wang's daughter who lost more than thirty years ago, and as soon as the words landed on Tianyou, Wang Yao almost fell to the ground Wang Yao rushed to support Tianniu, At this time, the old lady cried and said child, I am sorry for you! I didn't take care of you when I was 4 years old and lost in a market.

At this time, Tiannian's tears also flowed out, and she said with tears, what the hell is going on, I have lived in this village for more than thirty years, I have a father and a mother, how can I be your daughter? The old lady went on to say child, I have been looking for you for more than thirty years, and my eyes are almost blind from crying.

At this time, the police next to you said that it does not count if you say who said it, you went to the hospital to do a paternity test and other test reports came out, today is too late tomorrow you go to the doctor to do a paternity test! I hope you cooperate, let's go back to the police and say to the old lady, the old lady left in tears.

The couple stood silly in the doorway and watched them leave, and the husband also helped his wife into the house and back to the house

Tiannian is going to call her parents, she has to ask her parents if they are biological, in the end, whether what the old lady said is true, Wang Yao said that you must not call your parents when they are old and their bodies are not very good, you want this question Even if you are not biological, the old man knows that your biological mother came to recognize you, can they accept it?

Hearing Wang Yao's words, Tiannian gave up calling, and at this time, the daughter next to her asked, Is what the mother's grandmother said true? You are her daughter not the grandmother's own child, Tianyou was angry and said nonsense, the daughter cried and frightened the side of the son did not dare to speak, Wang Yao said to the child, you go back to the room to sleep! I had to go to school tomorrow, and the couple didn't sleep one night

The next day the couple sent their children to school, opened the door to see that the door was full of luxury cars, and an old lady in front of the car with an open door got out of the car and said that these two children were my grandchildren! Tiannian said no, pulling the child away the couple sent the child to school, the old lady followed behind the inseparable, the couple knew the meaning of the old lady, it was very important for the old lady to go to the hospital and thought, go and go is also a decision, and even if it is done, it is not necessarily her daughter, maybe the old lady is mistaken.

When the identification results came out, the two people were dumbfounded, Tianniu was really the daughter of the old lady, and Tianniu said how is this possible?

The fact that the parents I have lived with for more than thirty years are not biological, it is impossible that this sentence cannot be repeated all the time.

The old lady cried and said I'm sorry for you!

The old lady said again, at that time, she did not look favorably on you and lost you, and has been looking for you all these years...

The old lady said you have a sister and a brother, they all miss you, I don't have a sister, I have two younger brothers, you recognize the wrong person.

Saying that Tianyou pulled Wang Yao to turn her head and run, the old lady followed behind, from then on the old lady would wait at her door every day, waiting for her daughter to recognize her, after almost a month everyone on the street knew about this matter and everyone in the surrounding villages knew about it, and said that the rural daughter-in-law had become a rich woman, and over time her adoptive father and adoptive mother also knew, and her adoptive mother knew that her biological mother said that she had lost herself in the market

。 Her adoptive father and adoptive mother were angry, saying that her biological mother was talking nonsense, listening to her adoptive father say that it was his mother, when she was working in the field, she heard the baby crying, shun this cry saw a baby on the side of the road and took her back to the house, when the adoptive father and adoptive mother were married for more than a year without children, after taking her home, the family was very happy, saying that it was a child given by God, and gave the child a name called Tianjiao, and if the family got the treasure, maybe their kindness touched the heavens. A year later, they gave birth to twin brothers. The family was very happy.

Tianqiu was angry when she heard her adoptive mother's words, what the hell was going on, the old lady cried and said that it was all my fault, it turned out that Tiannian was abandoned by her mother, Tianniu had a sister, she was the second child, her mother thought of having a son, after giving birth to her, she was because she was a girl. Later, her mother gave birth to a son, and her mother said that maybe God was punishing her daughter for dying in a car accident, and her son had just graduated from college but had liver cancer, and the doctor said that only by finding a suitable liver and doing liver transplants could he prolong his life

After many inquiries, I actually found the whereabouts of her heavenly lady, her son has the hope of living, I know that I am sorry for you, I have no face, as long as you want to do surgery, you can give you as much as you want, in this life I am sorry that you will repay you in the next life as a cow and a horse, I beg you to save him!

Hearing this, Tiannian cried and threw her own mother out of the house, saying that she would never forgive her in this life.

The old lady guarded the door every day, hoping that Tiannian could forgive her tongyi to do surgery, and every day she would buy many delicious toys and new clothes for the child, and later under the persuasion of Tiannian's adoptive mother, Tiannian's mother lived in Beijing, an authentic Beijinger, doing real estate in Beijing, and several commercial buildings, and said that as long as Tongyi did surgery, she would give Tiannian 1 million these properties under her name to choose as much as she wanted, and also said that they would be taken to Beijing to let her live there and let the children go to school there. In the end, Tiannian agreed to the liver transplant operation, and after more than a year of surgery, Tiannian's brother died, will Tiannian return to Beijing with her biological mother?

Rural daughters-in-law became rich women overnight, and they were heartbroken. In "The First Episode", in a small village, there lives a family of four children, two husbands and two men, called Wang Yaonu, who is called Tianniu, and is a male every day

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