
"That's the money we bought, you borrowed it without my permission, if you can't get it back, let's get a divorce." Jiang Xiaoyu issued an ultimatum to her husband Maga. The cause of the epidemic this year

author:Wang Xiaohua's retirement

"That's the money we bought, you borrowed it without my permission, if you can't get it back, let's get a divorce." Jiang Xiaoyu issued an ultimatum to her husband Maga. The reason for the epidemic this year can not go back to his hometown, Jiang Xiaoyu wanted to transfer 1,000 yuan to his mother to let his parents buy some New Year goods, which found that the 220,000 in the card was only 20,000 left. Her first instinct is that the money was taken away by her husband Maga, that is what they have saved up one by one in recent years, the deposit of the house has been paid, and the down payment will be paid after the start of construction years. A phone call went through, and Maga admitted that the money had been lent to his sister to buy a house. Jiang Xiaoyu was anxious, rushed out, if the money can not be returned, divorce it.

Jiang Xiaoyu and Ma jia were high school classmates, and later Ma Jia went to a university in a foreign country, and Jiang Xiaoyu, who was not admitted, was recruited to the industrial park and became a worker on the assembly line. Four years later, Maga became an engineer at Jiang's fish factory.

The encounter was particularly cordial again, and later the two of them fell in love, and Maga took Jiang Xiaoyu to meet his family. Both are rural, and they are also considered to be the door, right, the difference is that Maga's home is close to the county seat, a step away, and Jiang Xiaoyu's home is remote. There is also a sister in Maga's family, Ma Zhen, who has a somewhat special personality and vows not to marry for the rest of her life.

It can be seen that Maga's parents are not very happy, but they have not said anything, just not enthusiastic. Jiang Xiaoyu knew that his education was low, and they were not satisfied with their son's choice of himself. These Maga did not hide from her, let him not pay too much attention to his parents' attitude, and after a while it will be fine. For the attitude of Maga's parents, Jiang Xiaoyu was mentally prepared.

When cooking, Jiang Xiaoyu took the initiative to enter the kitchen and got busy with Maga's mother, washing vegetables and cutting vegetables. Jiang Xiaoyu was originally a diligent person, with a live in her hands and feet, and her performance at the first meeting added a lot to her. Although Maga's mother's face has not yet cleared, Jiang Xiaoyu believes that everything will be fine.

After eating, Li Suo was packed up, and the eldest sister Ma Zhen came back. Jiang Xiaoyu quickly took out a gift for her, which was a brand-name bag that she herself was reluctant to buy, more than 3,000 pieces. Ma Zhen took over, she was a person who knew the goods.

Ma Zhen said that she wanted to drink soup, and asked Jiang Xiaoyu to make her a bowl of egg flower soup, and the tone was quite blunt. Maga gave the little fish a look and motioned for her to do it. This was difficult for her Toni Xiaoyu, but she didn't expect that after the soup was served, Ma Zhen was angry: "Who let you put the coriander?" Don't you know I don't eat coriander? ”

"Nobody told me, I don't know."

Jiang Xiaoyu is particularly aggrieved, she also blames Ma Jia, your sister does not eat coriander, why don't you tell me?

"In the future, you must remember what this family eats and what not to eat, otherwise how will you be a daughter-in-law?"

She said this, the in-laws did not speak, Maga did not speak, and the family seemed to acquiesce to Ma Zhen. Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly felt that this family was not so easy to enter, especially the eldest sister was even more difficult to get along with.

Jiang Xiaoyu accidentally became pregnant, the two families sat down in advance to talk about marriage, the mother-in-law said that the family in the countryside on this condition, clean out a room is the wedding room, the wedding is the rural wedding banquet, the bride price of 60,000 and three gold.

At first, Jiang Xiaoyu's parents did not agree with this family affair, mainly because of Ma Zhen's sister-in-law. Now that the little fish are pregnant, what else can they say? Discussing the marriage was all smooth, and in the end Ma Zhen's words were almost mixed.

"The stomach is bigger, but why do you want such a colorful gift?" Let's discuss it at home. After saying that, she dragged her parents away, throwing down Jiang Xiaoyu and her parents were extremely embarrassed. Ma Jia quickly apologized for his sister, seeing this, Jiang Xiaoyu's parents added another condition, that is, after marriage, they could not live under the same roof with his sister, and they could not afford it, even if they rented a house, they had to come out, otherwise they would not agree to this marriage.

After marriage, the two of them rented a house in the county town, and sometimes returned to their mother-in-law's house for a meal. Ma Zhen has always been yin and yang against Jiang Xiaoyu, looking down on her lower education than her brother. Jiang Xiaoyu tolerated everything, did not want to clash with her, and did not want to embarrass Maga.

The son is four and a half years old, and Jiang Xiaoyu plans to buy a house. Recently, they looked after a second-hand house opposite the school, paid the deposit first, and then went through the formalities after the start of construction in the new year.

The eldest sister recently talked about a boyfriend who is 6 years younger than her, and she said that she wanted to buy a house and marry her boyfriend. She herself has 100,000, her parents give 100,000, the down payment is not enough, just heard that her brother's family also wants to buy a house, they have more than 200,000 deposits in their hands, her mother's family will help 300,000, Ma Zhen is envious and jealous, she wants to get enough down payment from her brother's family to buy the house first.

She and her mother put pressure on her brother, bitter mouth, family affection offensive, plus one cry, two troubles, three hangings, snot and tears flying around. In the end, Maga was persuaded to lend the money to his sister, after all, her sister was so old, it was not easy to meet someone she liked.

But Jiang Xiaoyu did not agree, no matter how Ma jia explained, she just would not borrow. She is very clear, said to be borrowed, in fact, the meat bun hit the dog has no return, will your sister return? Your family knows it.

It is not easy for them to save this money, and their parents have already withdrawn the pension money in advance before it is due, and they have sold three cows and made up 280,000 yuan to help their daughter. This side also paid a deposit of 30,000 yuan, if you suddenly say not to buy, what is the loss? My son has more than a year to go to elementary school, and the preparation of the house is imminent. In addition, for so many years, the eldest sister targeted herself everywhere, why did she give her her her own hard-earned money?

Maga didn't know what to do either.

@Wang Xiaohua's retirement

Jiang Xiaoyu and Maga's marriage door is right, and there is no question of who climbs high. However, Maga's education is higher than Jiang Xiaoyu' education, his family, especially his sister, looks down on Jiang Xiaoyu a little, and life is also aimed at her everywhere, and the eldest sister has become the main creator of family disharmony.

On the issue of buying a house, the eldest sister who has not been able to marry wants to buy a house and get married, and should have gone to her boyfriend to discuss the down payment, but she set her sights on the money for her brother's family to buy a house, and joined hands with her mother-in-law, without Jiang Xiaoyu's consent, she got the money from Maga. Jiang Xiaoyu did not forgive and vowed to divorce without taking back the money.

Is It right for Jiang Xiaoyu to do this? Maga doesn't want a divorce and can't get the money back, so what should he do?

"That's the money we bought, you borrowed it without my permission, if you can't get it back, let's get a divorce." Jiang Xiaoyu issued an ultimatum to her husband Maga. The cause of the epidemic this year

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