
Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years

It is often said that "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors", and everyone wants to live in harmony with their neighbors. After all, the neighbor is the closest person to live in, in case there is any urgent need for help at home, the neighbor can also arrive as soon as possible. But there are also some neighbors who often do infuriating things that make it impossible for people to get along with them. A beijing car owner had a dispute with a neighbor over a parking space problem, and he locked the other party's car in his own parking space for more than three years.

Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years

Mr. Zhang spent more than 200,000 yuan 3 years ago to buy a parking space in the community, because the house was renovated at that time, Mr. Zhang did not live in the community for a long time, and the parking space has been empty. Every time he came to see the progress of the renovation, Mr. Zhang saw an Audi A8 parked in his parking space. At first, Mr. Zhang did not care too much, he felt that he did not live here anyway, and it was a good thing to facilitate others.

Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years

But then Mr. Zhang and his family moved into a new house, and the Audi car was still parked in his parking space. Mr. Zhang learned that the owner of this Audi car is a neighbor of the same building, and Mr. Zhang thought that the other party did not know that this parking space was a private parking space, and wanted to make it clear to the owner. However, he called the Owner of the Audi, and the other party did not answer, so he asked the property for the address of the Owner of the Audi Owner's Home.

Mr. Zhang thought that if he calmly told the other party clearly, the Owner of the Audi would drive the car away. Unexpectedly, the Owner of Audi drove the car for three days and drove the car back on the 4th day. Every time he came home, he had to contact the owner of the Audi car first, which bothered him.

Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years

The parking spaces that you buy at your own expense are frequently occupied by others, which is estimated to be difficult to calm down. Mr. Zhang angrily called the owner of the Audi and told him not to park the car in his parking space in the future, otherwise he would bear the consequences. The Owner of the Audi only thought that Mr. Zhang was talking angrily, and replied very indifferently: I will not move, but I want to see what the consequences are.

Seeing that the owner of the Audi car refused to repent, Mr. Zhang couldn't bear it, he went to the lock shop to buy a car lock, locked the wheels of the Audi A8, and said: Since you want to park in this parking space, then park here forever, I will lock you for two years.

Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years

When the owner of the Audi car came to pick up the car, he found that his car was locked, so he called Mr. Zhang and asked him to unlock it. But the owner of the Audi was arrogant, he said that his car was worth millions, and asked Mr. Zhang to be careful and hurry to open the lock. If there is any loss in his car, he must lose his family. But Mr. Zhang did not care about the threat of the other party, he said that he wanted to open the lock and leave the door open.

Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years

It is said that these two people are also grumpy, one dares to lock and the other dares to stop, the Audi owner really did not come to pick up the car, the car was locked in the parking space for more than three years. Because the parking time is too long, the body is full of dust, and many people throw garbage in the car. Some owners saw this dirty and messy Audi, and couldn't help but leave a message to the owner: Don't drive me.

Millions of Audis occupy the parking space, and the neighbors fight back domineeringly: Lock you for 3 years


Occupying other people's parking spaces is a very uncivilized behavior, and it also reflects the quality of car owners to a certain extent. Everyone knows that parking spaces are difficult to find now, so when parking, we must park in place, "a turnip and a pit". If you have the conditions, it is best to buy a parking space yourself, if you can't afford to buy a parking space, you can rent a parking space in the community, don't occupy other people's parking spaces.

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