
Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

author:No makeup self-media
Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

I believe that more than 90% of people don't know about it, and it is generally believed that it is best to have a medical check-up once a year. However, it is not always necessary to have a free medical check-up unless you have a special need. Some people may question, why not go for free? Today, I will explain in detail the routine of free physical examination. After listening to it, I guess you will be surprised, oh so they actually did it.

Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

When the neighbor's eldest sister had a free check-up last year, the doctor found a small cyst on her body and said that she needed further examination, otherwise it might be risky. But when the doctor advised her to pay for the test at her own expense, the neighbor was frightened. As a result, I spent thousands of dollars for a full body physical examination, but I didn't find out what the disease was, and I was only diagnosed with a small inflammation. The doctor comforted her and said that she was fine, prescribed some medicine, and told her to go home on time and take medicine and rest more. The neighbor's eldest sister smiled and said that as long as there is no major problem, she can rest assured, which is really spending money to buy a peace of mind.

Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

Relatives who work in the hospital told us that we should never go for free physical examinations, especially for free physical examinations, but for this kind of physical examinations that do not cost money, most of the free physical examinations are carried out by interns, and they are practiced in the physical examination center. He also said that there is a more than 90% probability that some problems will be detected by free medical examinations, otherwise how can hospitals make money? And for all self-paid projects, the doctors in the department have commissions and rebates.

Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

If you feel unwell, you should go to a regular hospital for examination, at least a 3A hospital. Early detection and early treatment, for free physical examination, it is best not to participate, it is easy to be tricked.

Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

In fact, many medical examination centers have a cooperative relationship with hospitals, and medical examination centers transport patients to some hospitals, so there is often a link of interest between them. If one of our indicators does not meet the standard,

Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

It may be due to not drinking enough water or not resting enough for the day. As a result, I went to the hospital for a check-up, spent money, and made myself very nervous. So, it's okay not to always covet those free check-ups.

Don't go for a physical examination at will, if you don't have special needs in your body, don't go for a physical examination easily.

A healthy body is the foundation of happiness, and I hope that everyone can look at the physical examination normally, avoid excessive examination, and do not have a physical examination unless necessary. What do you think about the free medical checkup? Do you still go for free check-ups? Please put your thoughts in the comment section and talk about it, that's all for today, see you tomorrow. The above is a personal opinion, and there is no adverse inducement. Finally, thank you for your support and attention. #聊聊退休生活##头条创作挑战赛##爆料#