
"Red sail leads the pairing of village enterprises" to promote the long-term development of the village-level collective economy in Xiazhi Town

author:Nine factions view the world
"Red sail leads the pairing of village enterprises" to promote the long-term development of the village-level collective economy in Xiazhi Town

On October 12, Xiazhi Town held a "red sail leading, sea and land linkage" village enterprise party building twinning ceremony, the town's shipping chamber of commerce party general branch organized 10 enterprises and 10 village party branches to pair one by one, and signed a "joint construction agreement" on the spot. Through the way of "poverty alleviation, aspiration support and industry support", it is gradually realized to support a group of poor fishermen, absorb a group of fishermen for employment, drive the industry of one party's hometown, strengthen the collective economy of one side, and further promote the development of shrimp and stand.

2021 is the fifth year of village-enterprise pairing in Xiazhi Town, in recent years, the pairing of village-enterprises is mainly committed to the "co-construction of grass-roots organizations, sharing of party building resources, mutual help for the masses in difficulty, scientific development and win-win" and other four aspects, the paired enterprises through the pairing of village party branches to provide financial assistance, employment jobs, economic development guidance and consultation, etc., regularly organize the old party members, people with difficulties in life condolence visits, while targeted investment, boost the village-level collective economic development, and achieved certain results.

A total of more than 250,000 yuan of support funds were provided this time, mainly for carrying out condolence and care activities for party members, old party members and people in need during the Chongyang Festival. In the next step, paired village enterprises will continue to carry out the joint construction of party organizations, build a mutual assistance platform, help village-level organizations tap their development advantages, provide suggestions for their development, combine "blood transfusion" and "hematopoiesis", help accelerate the development of the local economy, help local farmers increase their income and become rich, and promote mutually beneficial, mutually beneficial and win-win development.

【Source: Putuo Party Building Network_Work Dynamics】

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