
How do you feel when you see this late news? The three are involved in crimes, and those who lie to the media again and again, especially officials in the system, should not bear the responsibility

author:Sima Nan

How do you feel when you see this late news?

Three people are involved in crimes, and those who lie to the media again and again, especially officials in the system, should not be held accountable?

Man, how numb does it take to tolerate a woman being chained for so long, giving birth to 8 children, and enduring inhuman torture and humiliation?

Without the continued fermentation of the media, can we wait for this result? Are there any similar and similar situations in places that have not been noticed by the media? How to learn from each other and rescue women who have been insulted and damaged?

How do you feel when you see this late news? The three are involved in crimes, and those who lie to the media again and again, especially officials in the system, should not bear the responsibility

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