
At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

author:Dream Cliffs is a beauty

In September 1983, the 12th International Conference on antarctic treaties was held in Australia, attended by China as a state party, and China sent a three-member delegation of Guo Kun, Sima Jun and Song Daqiao to attend.

However, what is surprising is that every time the decision-making and voting stage is held, the three-member delegation sent by China will be driven out of the venue under the pretext of "drinking coffee", why is China, one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, treated so unfairly?

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

The significance of Antarctica

Antarctica, the last land on earth to be discovered by humans, is known as the "seventh continent", "wind reservoir", etc., and is also the only continent in the world that is not inhabited by humans. Since the discovery of Antarctica in 1820, humans have never stopped exploring it.

At present, the exploration of Antarctica by major countries in the world has achieved certain results, allowing people to understand Antarctica one step closer. There are currently nearly 80 scientific research stations on the Antarctic continent, which serve as a base for human exploration of Antarctica.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

It has been proven that Antarctica is rich in mineral resources and other energy sources. According to reliable sources, under the ice covered by the Antarctic continent, there is the world's largest coalfield.

In addition, the earth's freshwater resources available to human use are extremely scarce. The freshwater resources contained in the Antarctic continent account for about 70% of the freshwater resources available to humans, especially the ice on the surface of the Antarctic continent.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

The Antarctic continent has very beautiful scenery, and the spectacular glaciers have high commercial value and can be used to vigorously develop tourism.

But the most important thing is the scientific research value of Antarctica. The entire process of world climate change is recorded on the Antarctic continent, even dating back to the earth's ancient times. In today's global warming, it has played a crucial role.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

Antarctic Treaty and China

In order to protect the treasure land of Antarctica, a treasure of feng shui, countries around the world have decided to protect the Antarctic continent to a certain extent, and jointly guard, explore and develop this pure land.

On December 1, 1959, the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, Argentina and other countries signed the famous "Antarctic Treaty" in Washington, D.C., which divided Antarctica separately, and Antarctica did not belong to any one country, but belonged to all mankind.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

Two years later, in 1961. On June 23, 1961, the Antarctic Treaty entered into force. In June 1983, China applied to the United States to join the Antarctic Treaty, and the U.S. government quickly acceded to China's request.

I have to admit that on the issue of antarctic exploration, China has indeed not been able to seize the opportunity like the United States, and when China joined the Antarctic Treaty in 1983, 18 countries had already established scientific research stations on the Antarctic continent.

When China acceded to the Antarctic Treaty, it joined as a state party, not a negotiator. This makes China very passive, in short, only the right to participate, but not its own voting rights and discourse power.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

In September 1983, China participated in the Antarctic Treaty conference for the first time. However, at the meeting, every time it reached the voting stage or the speech session of the meeting, the three-member delegation of China was always invited out of the meeting venue by some country with ulterior motives in the name of "drinking coffee", and no one informed them of the final decision of the meeting afterwards.

In the face of the disregard and bullying of other countries, Guo Kun could not help but secretly swear in their hearts that China must have its own acres and three points of land at the "Antarctic Treaty" conference, and must have its own scientific research station, otherwise there will never be a day to emerge.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

A similar scenario is not unheard of. On January 18, 1919, the Paris Peace Conference was held at the Palace of Versailles, and the Entente, led by the United States, Britain, and France, ignored China's demands and transferred Germany's rights and interests in Shandong to Japan, and China's representative, Gu Weijun, refused to sign.

On February 4, 1945, on the eve of the end of World War II, the Yalta Conference, led by the "Big Three" dominated by the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, was held. Once again, China's interests have been eroded.

At the Yalta Conference, the US Government, behind the back of the Chinese Government, agreed to the unreasonable demands of the Soviet Union, and separated China's Outer Mongolia forever, the northeast also lost its access to the sea, and China, the United States, and the Soviet Union also underwent subtle changes.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

Chinese has its own research station

It is better to be angry than to be angry. After the three-member delegation arrived in China, Guo Kun did not forget the shame, and immediately joined forces with a group of scientists to ask the central government for instructions to build China's own research station in Antarctica, and the idea was quickly approved.

Many patriotic scientists and engineers joined the ranks of the construction of the research station. We must know that building our Chinese our own scientific research station is not only a matter of strength, but also a question of the dignity of our Chinese nation.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

But in those days, how easy was it to talk about? At that time, China had just begun to reform and open up, and there was no experience in working on the Antarctic continent before, so it was conceivable how difficult it was to build Chinese its own scientific research station on the Antarctic continent!

Whether it is capital, equipment or experience, China is lacking. However, China has no shortage of people, and it is not lacking in human wisdom.

Without a professional icebreaker, China will design and build its own icebreaker, Xiangyanghong 10; without an accurate map, China will draw an accurate map of antarctica from other countries' literature... Everyone's nerves are tense all the time.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

On December 30, 1984, under the leadership of Guo Kun, the Chinese scientific expedition team successfully planted the five-star red flag on the Antarctic continent. Prior to this, Comrade Deng Xiaoping also wrote an inscription for them: To contribute to the peaceful use of Antarctica by mankind.

In the following months, the Chinese scientific expedition team completed the site selection and construction of the Chinese scientific expedition station. On February 20, 1985, China's first scientific research station, the Great Wall Station, was completed. The members of the expedition team present were all elated, and Chinese stood up again!

In October of the same year, at the thirteenth meeting of the Antarctic Treaty, China successfully upgraded from a state party to a consultative party, completely getting rid of the embarrassing situation of being invited to "drink coffee" in the past, and Chinese raised its eyebrows again!

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

However, the good times did not last long, the establishment of the Great Wall Station did not block the mouths of individual countries, and all kinds of doubts, speculations, and negative voices began to be heard endlessly. But After all, China is China, how can it fall because of some doubtful voices?

The completion of the Great Wall Station provides a theoretical and material basis for the construction of the next new scientific research station, as well as valuable experience. On February 26, 1989, China's second scientific research station, Zhongshan Station, was established like a loud slap in the face, completely shutting up individual countries.

At a humiliating international conference, China was invited to "drink coffee" and the delegates made an oath on the spot

Later, China built Kunlun Station, Taishan Station, and Ross Sea Station, which is expected to be completed this year. Looking to the future, China's Antarctic scientific expedition can be described as a unique scenery, and the future is bright!

In the past forty years, countless patriotic scientists have thrown their heads and spilled their blood in Yugoslavia. It has added bricks and tiles to the scientific expedition of the motherland, and written a breakthrough in China's scientific expedition antarctic undertaking from zero to one, and a new chapter of development from one to infinity!

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