
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

author:Night Qin Spirit

The Chinese nation has been ahead of the world since the Qing Dynasty closed the country, and later the continent that was disconnected from the world was opened by the great powers with strong ships and cannons. The First and Second Opium Wars, the Eight-Power Alliance's War of Aggression against China, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the Chinese nation have experienced several years of humiliation.

During this time, the city of Beijing was looted, the Yuanmingyuan was burned for three days and three nights, countless national treasure-level cultural relics fell into the hands of the enemy, and even the once supreme emperor fled in a hurry.

There are many untold stories, and countless nationals have been shipped overseas to undergo inhuman torture. And in 1854, a ship bound for Britain was huddled in a small space with 40 young Chinese girls.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

See the dark trade of the untouchable

After the First Opium War in 1840, China was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties, gradually degenerating into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. However, due to the influence of China's smallholder economy, the great powers did not have much market. As a result, the powers that did not satisfy their vested interests repeatedly made unreasonable demands on China, and finally won the right to employ workers.

At that time, China's productivity was extremely low, coupled with the exploitation of the rulers, the people lived in dire straits every day, especially looking forward to getting rid of such a day. As a result, the great powers that saw business opportunities began to transport young Chinese girls to their own countries, making them prostitutes.

And the young girls who are brought on board do not know what kind of inhuman torture they will face next. Most of them were abducted, and only a very small number of them were forced by their families to sell them to foreigners.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

Perhaps, when they got on the ship, they all fantasized about being able to live a warm and well-fed life, happily waiting to change their fate.

These abducted young girls were given the insulting title "Pig Flower" by the great powers. The so-called flower is actually the name of the special industry in the Guangzhou dialect, and the pig flower is to reduce them to the ground.

Their only value is to be sold abroad as prostitutes, to satisfy the selfish desires of others, and in the eyes of the great powers, they are only living goods.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

Because of the withering of the Qing Dynasty's national strength, even if the authorities knew about this matter, they could only watch the great powers act recklessly. Later, they even acquiesced to such behavior.

The rulers of the Qing Dynasty, in order to maintain their so-called dignity, constantly erased evidence of their abuse. Fortunately, we can still glimpse their suffering lives from the remaining evidence.

A ship full of sin

In 1854, a ship was intercepted in Xiamen, China, and in a small cabin on the ship were 47 young Chinese girls, most of them only seven or eight years old. But in such a dirty and small space, waiting for a tomorrow without light.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

This cabin was originally very small, but the foreigners let them eat and drink there, and the whole cabin was filled with a foul odor, and the distraught foreigners sealed the entire cabin in order not to let the smell spread.

Having been in such a confined space, these girls' bodies were also full of stench, and some parts of their bodies began to fester. But foreigners don't care at all, to them these girls are just goods.

Those girls had to eat all day in such a smelly room without knowing what it was, where they stayed without a glimmer of light, without a glimmer of hope, and they had to overcome all kinds of difficulties to survive all day long at sea.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

They watched their friends on the boat together being thrown into the sea like garbage because they had no breath, and their hearts were full of fear. When the ship arrives at its destination, it will drive the girls off the car like cattle, leaving them to wait like cargo for the guests to choose.

If you are lucky, you can be bought as a daughter-in-law by the laborers who have fallen abroad, and if you are unlucky, you can only be sold to a brothel, become a plaything for men, and make money for the seller until the last moment of life.

In fact, the series of things that the great powers did in China were similar to the black slave trade in the 15th century, which was to sell the laborers of other countries to the places they needed, and to rely on the so-called price difference to make huge profits. Among them, the number of deaths on the road accounts for more than half of the total number. But the huge profits still make many foreign businessmen flock to rush to the front.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

The Qing government that did nothing

The Qing government not only did nothing about this matter, but also tried to destroy the corpses, so that this period of humiliating annihilation and historical trends.

China prides itself on being a heavenly kingdom, and it is actually dismissive of the so-called barbarians, until the great powers open the door of the country with strong ships and cannons, forcing them to sign a treaty of mourning power and humiliation, and they understand that China is still the China it once was, and the world is no longer the world it once was.

But the Chinese rulers who understood these things still did not really awaken, and they tried to erase all the facts. While acquiescing to the legalization of such human trafficking, they suppress the people and preserve their ridiculous dignity.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

Therefore, even if the girls were fortunate enough to be inspected by Chinese officers and soldiers during the transportation process, their fate would not change in any way.

It can be said that from the moment they are brought on board, the only two paths that await them are death or being bought and sold. Fortunately, the remaining evidence is still fighting for them, and they have not let their suffering be brushed away, or even disappear completely.

According to the various existing sources, the Chinese had already suffered unprecedented disasters during that time, not to mention the evil deeds that were too anti-human and lost their conscience, which were intentionally or unintentionally concealed. What position do we have now to forgive those people, and how can we be exquisite?

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

In fact, since the implementation of reform and opening up on the mainland of New China, it has gradually integrated itself with the world and has caught up with or even surpassed certain advanced technologies.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese War, our diplomats can stand tall and tell the world that China is no longer the China of a hundred years ago. But that in no way means that the tragic past can be forgotten.

Remembering that history should be the belief of every Chinese in the pursuit of a better life, and that humiliating history makes us understand that backwardness will be beaten, and only when we are strong can we have the right to speak, can we have a peaceful development space, and can we meet the needs of people's growing yearning for a better life.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a foreign ship and 47 young Chinese girls unveiled a history of overseas humiliation

In the past, most Chinese people thought that foreign products were good, and even if they squeezed their heads when traveling, they had to buy what they wanted, ironically: Chinese used to queue up to grab The Japanese toilet.

Until now, many people feel that Chinese manufacturing is inferior to foreign products. Mentioning these is actually not to feel that Chinese can only buy domestic products, everyone has the right to pursue beauty, but I hope that everyone can give domestic products a little confidence, to China to create a little confidence.

Every piece of history should not be forgotten, and the only thing my generation can do is to work hard to continue this great era and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

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