
Guan Dexing, from 1949 to 1980, starred in a total of 77 Wong Fei Hung films, becoming the actor who played the same role the most in the world film industry. Guan Dexing played Huang Feihong for the first time,

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Guan Dexing, from 1949 to 1980, starred in a total of 77 Wong Fei Hung films, becoming the actor who played the same role the most in the world film industry.

Kwan first played Wong Fei Hung in 1949 at the age of 44. The film is "Huang Feihong Whips the Wind and Extinguishes the Candle", and the picture (1) is Guan Dexing on the right.

Guan Dexing, from 1949 to 1980, starred in a total of 77 Wong Fei Hung films, becoming the actor who played the same role the most in the world film industry. Guan Dexing played Huang Feihong for the first time,
Guan Dexing, from 1949 to 1980, starred in a total of 77 Wong Fei Hung films, becoming the actor who played the same role the most in the world film industry. Guan Dexing played Huang Feihong for the first time,
Guan Dexing, from 1949 to 1980, starred in a total of 77 Wong Fei Hung films, becoming the actor who played the same role the most in the world film industry. Guan Dexing played Huang Feihong for the first time,

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