
The Post: Zuma was revealed to be earning £125,000 a week, and West Ham's teammates were dissatisfied and wanted a raise

The Post: Zuma was revealed to be earning £125,000 a week, and West Ham's teammates were dissatisfied and wanted a raise

According to the "Post" report, West Ham defender Zuma was fined 2 weeks' salary for the video of abusing cats, which led to Zuma's high salary being exposed and triggered the dissatisfaction of West Ham's teammates.

After Zuma was criticised for the video of the abuse of the cat, some West Ham players, including Antonio, said they should give Zuma a chance to make amends. West Ham then fined Zuma a 2-week salary and donated the fine to the animal protection group RSPCA. The Post revealed that the money was £250,000, which means That Zuma's weekly salary is as high as £125,000, the highest salary in West Ham.

Zuma moved to West Ham from Chelsea last summer, when there was a lot of speculation about his salary, but there was no exact figure. After Zuma's weekly salary was exposed this time, many West Ham players were dissatisfied and hoped to get a higher salary. For example, Antonio and Yarmolenko, who recently renewed their contracts with West Ham, have a weekly salary of 100,000 pounds, while rice, Shochek, Fornals, Kufar and other West Ham players have much lower salaries than Zuma.

(Su Erhu)

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