
28 How we get out of purgatory and heal ourselves

author:Xiao Qiushui

I had the privilege of climbing out of the purgatory that the Cyber Rioters pushed me into, experiencing the tempering of blood and fire, and finally being able to see the heavens again - but I still dare not judge whether it is safe for the rest of my life, after all, the Power of the Internet Rioters is too great, there are too many means, it seems that after the calm of the wind and waves, suddenly let me die overnight, not necessarily impossible, but I am ready. Wills, organ donations, step by step survival, and death from time to time.

The hardships and sufferings in the process can now be admitted to themselves, because it has passed, or precisely, the trend of the times is approaching the end.

I actually hope that the 28 incident will be delayed until May, because the organized crime law can be implemented and the criminal gangs will be wiped out; I also hope that the XTYD Group can make more money, because if the amount is not huge enough, the sentence is not enough, anyway, the leeks are willing, even if some people (including me) are willing to wake up with their lives.

It is indeed a pity that the leeks must be supported by real money and silver to find that they will be deceived before they will be eaten, otherwise, they themselves will become accomplices in the Internet violence, and no amount of sympathy I wait for is useless, awakening, it is better for them to awaken themselves.

It is known that many people have developed 28PTSD (PTSD), insecurity, and are afraid to give compassion, depression, or other symptoms. I myself have also experienced, so far dare not say out, yesterday, was a Weibo user angry hands are trembling, a long time to recover, but there is still a little experience, share it, hope to be beneficial to people:

The cure for self is to help others and to love.

It seems very contradictory. Didn't we get hurt so badly in the 28th incident because of the mispayment of kindness? Why help others?

Because to help others, not to help everyone, is to know how to distinguish first.

Differentiation requires wisdom.

To be wise, we need to learn.

Learning is to master the corresponding thinking patterns, methods, tools, and constantly revise your own views in the process.

As a knowledge management expert, in the process of being attacked by the Internet, countless people ridiculed knowledge management, called me a self-styled knowledge management bricklayer, never heard of knowledge management, I am sorry to have affected the field of knowledge management because of myself, however, the field of knowledge management will not be shaken by the doubts of fools. In the era of the knowledge economy, knowledge management is everywhere. Knowledge management experts are not omniscient (as long as they are people, they can't do it), knowledge management experts are able to correct their own views after receiving new information and screening it, rather than standing still and making mistakes again and again.

If you know how to distinguish, you will first look at people, see things, do the right thing, and help people who deserve it, instead of rejecting everyone and rejecting people who are really worth helping because they are hurt.

So, even after experiencing the harm of 28, we still have confidence, hope, and still be able to love the world and life, so that we will not be extinguished by some people, by capital, by some forces, we can become better and stronger ourselves, we have not been defeated by the 28 evil forces, for the world we live in, we still want it to be better, and participate in its construction.

I know that I sent out five thousand words to someone but was treated with indifference and even follow-up vicious treatment, and was ridiculed by countless people, but I did not regret it, because, although I was hurt by this person, I was cured by the starting point that inspired me to send a long text, the headline user who hoped that I would actively communicate, she said, because of my article, she woke up in time, saved two thousand pieces ready to spend on a god, after she understood the facts, she used her best efforts to maintain me, she, just an ordinary netizen, I except for her ID It is not clear her real name, to me, she is indeed like a nameless person, for her, I am the same, but her enthusiasm, her bravery, her steadfastness in supporting me when I was attacked by the Internet, gave me a lot of confidence. Even if half the world laughs at me, the support of her and a few people makes me believe that this earthly world is worthy of trust. Yes, I have no regrets. Because, as far as my eyes can see, out of reach, I know that millions of people have benefited from my sacrifice, even if they don't know it, but eventually, they will wake up. Even if they wake up and still scold me, after all, there is less loss, whether it is money or emotion, and the confidence that still exists in society.

The so-called great love is such compassion.

I'm not Buddhist, but I study Buddhism. Buddha, meaning enlightenment, I am enlightened, I am a Buddha. I have high standards for myself, so I can't let myself fall.

Life is as short as the dew, I came to this world, but only a few short decades, the meaning I pursued, in the present of my life, has been reached, for the self, is the getaway, I did my best, including the fate to give me the blow, achieved "although lonely but free"; for society, is good as water, I am very happy, happy, but also did not ignore Cangsheng, even if Cangsheng (leek) does not appreciate, it does not matter, I have a group of people who have loved me for many years, we have been with us for many years, growing together.

In front of the screen of your computer or mobile phone, you who see this article, please, be sure to understand one thing:

Now, all the people alive in the world will die, but it is only a matter of time or late. Perhaps in the future, technology can develop to immortality, including the current use of gene editing can also be partially realized, but, after all, our generation may not be able to see. Life is limited, in fact, it is a gift, because it is limited, it will be cherished.

I've been reminded many times: think about it for your own children.

The malicious ones think I'm talking about their children and completely ignore my compassion, and they feel that, as a childless woman, I'm full of jealousy of them. I like children, never, for children I have no chance of being born, so for children I have no chance of having a chance to be born, so for children who are related to me, and so for children who are not related. I don't regret not having children, because I enjoy the beauty of my children, the unparalleled value they bring to the world, and they are the hope of tomorrow.

We deserve to leave a good world for future generations, not a devastation.

We should set an example for our children, not a negative example.

Many years ago, my sister said to me that I should stay in my hometown and watch my children grow up, but it is a pity that I missed this period of time. Without hesitation, I replied to her: I don't feel sorry, family members, each has their own mission, I take care of the twin nieces until they are 5 years old, accompany them day and night, write a diary for them, the little niece, also see two years old, and then leave home, I said, I hope to become a model for children, not limited to the countryside, far away from flying, flying farther and farther, because, the sky outside is wider. Inner coils are everywhere, and only goofy can break through.

In the world, how to choose has regrets, since my sisters and sisters can accompany the children, then I am willing to become a high-flying example and exist. To this day, what I focus on leading is still their spiritual world.

Because of love, there are shortcomings. I dare not let the children see the rumors on the Internet. How their deceased father and mother were slandered by the Internet rioters by fabricating rumors, I hope that they will never touch them, because I can grit my teeth and bleed as much as possible, but I am afraid that they cannot. Yes, when the Internet rioters threaten me, I don't think so, but when they threaten my family, I stay up all night, and they know my weaknesses, so they use my family to threaten me, to humiliate my mother's grave to hit me, I almost want to collapse, but I will hold on, because I know that what they want is for me to collapse and commit suicide, and I take my last breath, and I can't let them do it.

When people gently advised me: Just quit, you don't talk about it, and soon you forget it.

They didn't know that what I was going through was a catastrophe, a war that killed me.

They didn't know I was on the verge of nine deaths.

My life is nothing to them, even if they sympathize for a while, they forget it later.

However, I can't bear to leave a wound on my family. In our family, there have been many people who have passed away, my brother-in-law, although drunk, but he is not drunk driving, he is a company employee out of the team building, happily drunk and sat in the chartered car, did not expect the disaster from the sky, the driver crashed, my brother-in-law because of drunkenness, can not react normally like others, died on the spot. I can never, never forget, when I was newly married in Beijing, immersed in the joy of honeymoon, my family hid this unfortunate news from me, and when I returned to my hometown, my father went to Yanzhou Station to pick me up and told me this unfortunate news, I immediately fainted, because I instinctively thought of my sister and my young niece, when I was woken up, I was already at the door of the house, my 5-year-old niece greeted me at the door, crying: Second aunt, my father is dead.

My heart was broken.

My two twin nieces were only 5 years old and lost their father.

Even so, my family did not hold the driver too responsible, and did not want to let people die because of the death of people in my family. The driver also has a family and a mouth, we have given full compassion, and my family, to spend a lifetime to digest this pain, and dare not say that it can be digested.

After my sister died, she was buried with my brother-in-law, and this bitterness is beyond words. I cried all night, and then fell into a long period of depression, and it took a long time to get out of the pain.

I did record my heartbreak in the article, not to sell misery, but to record those experiences, how I encountered these misfortunes, and how I survived with difficulty. My mental journey has inspired countless people, and many years later, because of the 28 incident, various tragedies in my family have become the material for Internet rioters, saying that my brother-in-law is drunk driving, damn, saying that my sister committed suicide because she broke the improper relationship between me and my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law died in 2002, my sister died in 2019, 17 years apart, I don't know how to use the most shameless imagination to make up relationships that did not exist, I do not know the extreme scum of human beings like Deyu, Lingsu cat, Alisa, How to inhumanize the fabrication of such rumors, I don't know, how the wisdom in the palm of the hand, who is called a chivalrous man on the Internet, cleverly used my trust in the soldiers in the dialogue, set out my family's city (I have chat records as evidence), and then revealed it to the Internet rioters, let them go to my mother's grave for humiliation, what kind of thought, they will never respond to me positively, but secretly, with the most despicable means, try to force me to collapse and commit suicide; I only know that I almost did as they wished. In that extreme despair of human nature – I really helped them! At that time, there was no doubt, sincerity and sincerity - I felt that only my death, or even an extremely tragic death with no room for maneuver, such as jumping from dozens of high-rise buildings, crushing my bones, and there was no way to save my life, to be completely liberated, because, really tired and disgusted, I felt that the world was too dirty, these people were too dirty, and then, because I was afraid that my liberation would bring eternal wounds to my family members who had been devastated, and then, I finally struggled to support it, and some people said that my psychological quality was strong and seemed indestructible. They morally kidnapped me and demanded that I stand in solidarity with others.

I confess that at that moment, I really wanted to die, because as I had told Deyu late at night before: this world does not deserve me.

At that time, I believed in Deyu, thinking that she was kind and warm-hearted, until I woke up to the fact that she was a foreigner, she may have ulterior motives, and when I got the solid evidence, I knew that the person I had always trusted was inserting a knife in the back, inserting it into my heart, and I was coughing and vomiting on the side of the road. It was a cough that would cough out the heart and lungs, and I had to suffer from some people who used my illness to ridicule and ridicule me, saying that I was being arrogant and cheating. I woke up in the middle of the night, incomparably desolate, and finally understood that what is better than death is to live. In fact, the purpose of their gang has been achieved, or rather, achieved, but I still tried to cover it up, until I survived, was reborn in a pool of blood, and was no longer afraid of exposing my wounds, because at this time, this was the glory of the thorny road.

How, how, how, how difficult it is to live!

Tens of thousands, 100,000 people, on the three major platforms, rushed to condemn me, insulted me, and used all kinds of vicious titles, all kinds of abusive words, and fabricated absurd stories, in their vicious curse, in fact, I have died a thousand times.

When I exhausted all my strength and finally survived, in fact, I was dying, in fact, in the middle of the dry, superficial maintenance of external strength, they rightly felt that I am very strong, everything I experienced, there is nothing, they said lightly: If you have suicidal tendencies, I will also comfort you.

If I had a knife in my hand at the time, I would not hesitate to deeply cut my arteries.

At that time, I didn't have a knife in my hand, I watched my hands tremble and watched my heart break, I didn't understand why those people, who were not demanding of me, hurt me, but I didn't feel anything.

In the 28th incident, those who say that they are good but do evil things have seen more, but they have seen more and more, and they have been disappointed in human nature once.

Fortunately, I woke up in time. So you can still look at them condescendingly and hang them.

Later, I witnessed the hypocritical behavior of some people, watching the drama performance, superficial set, actual set, because disgusting decisive blackout, is my way of self-help, I do not regret my determination, because, this is the attitude I must adopt. Yeah, everyone is a first-time person, why should I tolerate repeated harm?

My enthusiasm, cherishing, and love only pay those I think are worthy, no matter how much external condemnation and insults, because I am blocked by my own words and continue to denounce me, I am indifferent. Feel free, I hope that in this life and this life, we are all under the barrier of the high wall, and there is no intersection. Even if I touch porcelain, I don't respond because I don't care.

I finally understood, the last part of "Three-Body Death Immortality", Cheng Xin entered the small universe, in a world of consummation, escaped the collapse of the universe, my world, because of 28, became very small, sifted out of many people, leaving only those I think are worthy, I spent the rest of my life, only for these people, and others, will be outside my boundaries, sorry, I have been hurt enough, I have reason to choose who I am willing to pay, instead, to adopt the standards of others. Trouble round a little farther, farther away, a little farther away, a hundred and eighteen thousand miles away from me, to avoid me from vomiting when I smell the smell, because I really can't stand the smell of scum, that stench, I don't want to touch it in my life.

I became very weak, because I bore what I should not bear, and the layers broke my shell, and today I am already a person who has been broken and reassembled, and all around me are dense scars;

I also became extra strong because, I dared to fight hard, dared to defend my reputation, and did my best to keep people worthy.

To other people, I can be indifferent but not blame myself.

28 For me, the biggest gain is that people who are invariably like-minded but like-minded. For fear of implicating others, I never asked anyone for help, but someone came out of the darkness, held me shaky, and instilled in me strength, and I was full of gratitude to them.

I have no half compassion for vengeance, and they should pay the price for their evil deeds. I'm not in a hurry, just watch the play at a leisurely pace, and wait for this moment to come.

If I have any wishes, I would like to see all the perpetrators, shattered pieces, crushed to pieces, turned into mud and dust, and entered the eighteenth layer of purgatory, never to be turned over.

This is indeed a vicious curse, but it is the retribution you deserve!

And I, because I have experienced the most vicious human nature, have experienced tragic encounters, but I can finally be reborn from the fire, phoenix nirvana, even if I die immediately, I have achieved the consummation of this life. You can destroy my flesh, but you can't crush my soul!"

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