
6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

author:Poetic dumplings FfY

On June 29, Katz dropped a stun bomb on an online platform, pointing directly at Iran's threat of a "devastating war", which was in fact a preview of digging his own grave. These words are like boiling oil dripping into an already boiling pot, adding a touch of irreconcilable tension to the already tense Lebanese-Israeli relations.

6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

Iran's statement the day before was interpreted by many as a kind of psychological attack and defense at the strategic level, and a self-defense with words as a shield in the face of Israeli military pressure. Despite the iron-clad appearance, Iran is well aware that in a contest of disparities in power, only prudent sailing can survive the rapids. Behind the warnings is a keen sense of Israel's possible actions against Lebanon, a desperate attempt to curb the adversary's impulses with early warnings.

6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

In contrast, Katz's response was like a fire in winter, burning not only at Iran, but also at Allah in Lebanon, and his rhetoric revealed a resolute and unquestionable response, as if heralding the approach of a storm. Such verbal swords have undoubtedly set off monstrous waves on the already unstable lake, and the clouds of conflict have become thicker and thicker.

6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

And the shadow of the United States looms in this intricate chess game. When the amphibious assault ship "Hornet" slowly sailed into the blue of the Mediterranean, the world saw the figure of the superpower and the strategic calculations behind it. The official narrative of the evacuation may only be a veil, which cannot hide the resolute support for the allies and the profound intervention in the regional pattern. Not to mention, the United States' military aid to Israel is so large, and the release of the 6,000 heavy guided bombs is undoubtedly a "gift" prepared in advance for a possible conflict, and it also reflects the unfathomable layout of the United States in the Middle East chess game.

6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

Peace seems to have become the nectar of the desert at this moment, which everyone longs for but is out of reach. The potential resistance of Allah and other regional forces is like an undercurrent that reminds the world of the unpredictability of the escalation of conflict. Against this backdrop, the call for peace, though weak but firm, is not only to relieve the immediate crisis, but also to put an end to the long-standing war in Gaza and to find a truly peaceful sky for the Middle East.

6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

However, the road to peace is long and difficult. It requires not only rhetoric at the diplomatic table, but also the wisdom and unprecedented compromise of all parties. In this ancient and troubled land, every heart longing for peace is silently praying that the decision-makers will lead this land to light and reconciliation with extraordinary courage and wisdom, instead of sliding into the abyss of irreversible conflict.

6000 500-pound bombs are ready, the next war, Lebanon! And then, "destroy Iran" ...

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