
"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang
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"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

In 2022, the film industry has set off a stormy wave. Feng Xiaogang, the former "King of Chinese New Year Films", suffered a box office waterloo in his new work "If Yun Knows".

, a great director who once called for wind and rain, has now become a "box office poison" that the audience avoids. What's even more embarrassing is that Feng Xiaogang's inappropriate remarks to the audience attracted severe criticism from the People's Daily.

On the Internet, the label of "perverted" is everywhere, and former fans have defected and launched a wave of collective boycott. Standing at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, Feng Xiaogang seemed isolated.

Even his wife, Xu Fan, who has always been regarded as his solid backing, seems powerless to reverse this menacing decline.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

What is the reason why this once dominant director in the film industry has come to this situation? What is it that makes this combination, which is known as a model couple in the entertainment industry, unable to save Feng Xiaogang's crumbling career? Let's walk into Feng Xiaogang's life trajectory and look for the answers that have been buried by time.

In 1984, the Beijing Television Art Center was in crisis. The only script of the hit drama "The Story of the Editorial Department" was accidentally lost on the way to review, and the crew was about to be paralyzed.

At this moment, an unknown young man stepped forward. He is Feng Xiaogang, and with his amazing memory and drawing talent, he recreated the entire script.

This feat not only saved the crew, but also won Feng Xiaogang a valuable opportunity as an executive director.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

Looking back, Feng Xiaogang's eyes flashed with a complicated light. The hardships of childhood seem like yesterday. From a poor family, in order to see the charm of the screen, he had to draw movie tickets by himself and blend into the theater.

However, it was this unforgettable experience that tempered his survival wisdom and artistic talent.

In 1993, opportunity favored Feng Xiaogang again. He co-directed "Pekingese in New York" with his mentor Zheng Xiaolong, which officially made him a director.

Immediately afterwards, his independently directed film "Never Lose My Love" became an instant hit, creating a grand occasion of thousands of empty alleys. Feng Xiaogang finally tasted success, and the joy of being recognized by the audience made him unforgettable.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

In 1997, Feng Xiaogang's talent was more widely recognized. Works such as "Party A and Party B" won him many awards, and his name began to appear frequently in major media headlines.

Every time he thinks of this time, the corners of Feng Xiaogang's mouth will inadvertently raise a smug smile.

After joining Huayi Brothers, Feng Xiaogang's career is even more prosperous. Works such as "No Thieves in the World" and "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" were not only applauded and popular, but also established his status as the "King of Chinese New Year Films".

Standing at the pinnacle of his career, Feng Xiaogang was full of spirit and seemed to have everything under control.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

However, the aura of success also quietly changed Feng Xiaogang. The poor boy who slipped into the theater by painting movie tickets back then has now become a big director.

But unconsciously, he began to gradually detach himself from the aesthetics and expectations of ordinary audiences.

Looking back on this glorious time, Feng Xiaogang was both full of emotion and faintly uneasy. He clearly remembered how he went from obscurity to success step by step, but he also vaguely realized that this path to success seemed to be quietly leading him to some unknown abyss.

In 1991, in a film and television base in Beijing, the crew of "The Great Satan" was in full swing to shoot. Feng Xiaogang, who is an artist, stood in a corner of the set, but his eyes were inadvertently attracted by the heroine.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

The actress with a graceful figure is Xu Fan, who will be entangled with him all his life in the future.

When Feng Xiaogang questioned Xu Fan's performance, he didn't expect that his outspokenness would be exchanged for a roll of the other party's eyes. Xu Fan's back when he turned to leave, but planted a seed of admiration in his heart.

This little episode became a wonderful foreshadowing of their future relationship.

Fate made people, and soon after, Xu Fan's relationship with the popular actor Wang Zhiwen collapsed. Feng Xiaogang keenly seized this opportunity and began his own pursuit journey.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

However, at this time, he was already a husband and had a daughter. Faced with this complicated relationship, Feng Xiaogang's heart was full of contradictions and struggles. On the one hand, he was in a dilemma with his growing admiration for Xu Fan, and on the other hand, he was in a dilemma with the responsibility and guilt of his family.

In this way, a complex triangular relationship that lasted for seven years began. Although Feng Xiaogang's wife knew about her husband's extramarital affair, she chose to remain silent. Her patience and forbearance undoubtedly cast a shadow on this relationship.

Feng Xiaogang often thinks that if he had been more decisive at the beginning, he might not have caused such a situation. However, real-life feelings are often more complicated than in movies.

In 1999, Feng Xiaogang finally made up his mind to divorce his ex-wife and married Xu Fan. When he took Xu Fan's hand and walked into the marriage hall, he had both joy and guilt in his heart.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

He knows that his choice has hurt many people, but he still firmly believes that Xu Fan is the person he is destined to be.

After marriage, Xu Fan became Feng Xiaogang's most solid backing. Whether it is the ups and downs of his career, or the ups and downs of life, Xu Fan has always stood by Feng Xiaogang's side and given him unconditional support and understanding.

Whenever Feng Xiaogang fell into the whirlpool of public opinion, Xu Fan was always the first to stand up and defend him. She once firmly said in public: "Anyway, our family is a man, and we won't suffer."

This unreserved trust made Feng Xiaogang feel warm.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

However, as time passed, Feng Xiaogang found that even his beloved wife could not fill the emptiness in his heart. The success of the career brings not only honor and wealth, but also invisible pressure and expectation.

He began to doubt himself, his hard-won relationship, and even his artistic pursuits.

In 2017, Feng Xiaogang launched the highly anticipated film "Fanghua". Although this work has received a good reputation, it has also become the fuse that caused a series of controversies.

In pursuit of the so-called "realism", Feng Xiaogang adopted some controversial shooting techniques. One of the most eye-catching is that he asked the crew to deliberately isolate the heroine Miao Miao, in order to allow her to better experience the loneliness of the character.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

However, this extreme approach soon caused an uproar. Rumor has it that Miao Miao suffered from severe depression during filming. In the behind-the-scenes footage that flowed out, other actresses were talking and laughing, but Miao Miao was standing alone in the corner, and the picture was poignant.

In the face of these doubts, Feng Xiaogang's heart was full of confusion and uneasiness. He didn't understand why his original intention of pursuing the truth of art had evolved into such a situation.

Just when the public opinion turmoil has not subsided, the "Miao Miao Incident" once again pushed the controversy to a climax. At a grand banquet, Feng Xiaogang ignored the strong opposition of the famous actor Chen Daoming and insisted on asking Miao Miao, who was wearing high heels, to dance on the spot.

The move immediately sparked a public backlash, and the label of "pervert" followed.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

Feng Xiaogang stood on the cusp of public opinion and felt unprecedented loneliness and helplessness. He began to question the artistic philosophy he had adhered to for many years, and he also began to reflect on whether his actions had really crossed the bottom line of morality.

The once confident director is now mired in deep self-doubt.

At this time, rumors about Feng Xiaogang's immigration to the United States were rampant. Although he later clarified that he was only to accompany his daughter to study, the public discontent has been difficult to quell.

Feng Xiaogang felt that the distance between himself and the audience was getting farther and farther away.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

Faced with a series of controversies, Feng Xiaogang's heart was full of contradictions and pain. He began to doubt his talent and whether he could still create works that touched people's hearts.

The once high-spirited director has now become a victim of gains and losses, and often falls into the predicament of self-doubt.

At this difficult moment, Feng Xiaogang could only hold on to his wife Xu Fan's hand tightly, hoping to get a trace of comfort and strength from her. However, he knew in his heart that even his beloved wife could not solve all his problems for him.

Standing at the crossroads of life and career, Feng Xiaogang didn't know where to go. He began to realize that maybe it was time to re-examine his creative philosophy and direction.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

However, in this era of rapid change, can he find a way to adhere to his artistic pursuits without losing the audience's affection? This problem has become a difficult problem in front of Feng Xiaogang.

In 2024, Feng Xiaogang will launch a new work "If Yun Knows" with great expectations. However, the box office results after the film's release were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing his enthusiasm.

This work, which has poured a lot of effort into it, has become a box office poison. Feng Xiaogang stood in the empty theater, full of loneliness and disappointment.

Faced with criticism from the media and the audience, Feng Xiaogang was difficult to accept for a while. In an interview, he blurted out: "The low-class public cannot appreciate the true meaning of good art."

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

The remarks undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and provoked even greater public outrage.

The People's Daily even issued an article severely criticizing his remarks, stating: "We should devote ourselves to improving the quality of our own works, rather than blindly complaining about the aesthetic level of the audience."

Such criticism is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Feng Xiaogang, who once dominated the film industry.

Feng Xiaogang stood in front of the mirror, looking at his aging face, and couldn't help but fall into deep self-doubt.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

During this low period, Feng Xiaogang felt lonely and helpless like never before. Even with the support of his wife Xu Fan, it is difficult for him to get rid of the confusion and confusion in his heart. He began to realize that maybe it was time to re-examine his creative philosophy and direction.

But how easy is it to reinvent yourself? What was once glorious seems to have become a shackle, making it difficult for him to make changes. Feng Xiaogang knows that if you want to win the hearts of the audience again, you must put in more efforts, and even need to start over.

Standing at the crossroads of life and career, Feng Xiaogang fell into a deep confusion. The glory of the past seems to be yesterday, but today's doubts and criticisms are so real.

He was well aware that if he wanted to win back over the audience, he would have to put in more effort than he had in the past to rebuild the audience's trust in him.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

However, times are changing rapidly, and so are the tastes of audiences.

At this difficult moment, Feng Xiaogang looked at his wife Xu Fan beside him, and his heart was full of gratitude and apology. He knows that no matter what choice he makes, Xu Fan will continue to support him.

But he also clearly understands that even his beloved wife can't really save his crumbling career.

After all, the road to the future must be explored and opened up by ourselves. In this moment of uncertainty, the only thing Feng Xiaogang can do is to re-examine his original intention and think about what he really wants to convey.

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest", but now it is a pity that Xu Fan can't save her husband Feng Xiaogang

Perhaps, as the old saying goes: "Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but in the journey of career, everyone has to face their own destiny alone after all.

Feng Xiaogang's future, will it be reborn as a Jedi, or will it sink? The answer may only be given in time.

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