
I don't know which one invented the diaper is not wet, suitable for the elderly and children! It is indeed convenient to use, liberate the labor force, do not know, each has its own advantages and disadvantages! I've observed that some children are over two years old, three years old, and still

author:Integrity Coke A

I don't know which one invented the diaper is not wet, suitable for the elderly and children! It is indeed convenient to use, liberate the labor force, do not know, each has its own advantages and disadvantages!

I have observed that some children are more than two years old, three years old, and they are still wet with diapers! Children in the past, especially boys, who are one or two years old are bare-chested, and the little sign is exposed, running and falling to the ground, grinning at most! All of them are thin, oh, carry! Today's children are snow white and pink!

From a physiological point of view, the more the body is exposed, the more it is exposed to ultraviolet rays, and the ability to resist various bacteria is strong.

Moreover, the ingredients of diapers are mostly synthetic chemical fibers, do not absorb sweat, this is a small matter, the key part, male vital organs, on the early development of children, is there an adverse effect? I don't know, it's just my opinion!

In recent years, infertility has been more frequent, for a variety of reasons, in any case? Or close to nature is good, whether it is food or health supplies!

Girls long-term use is easy to breed bacteria, of course, good conditions, change the diligent, can avoid!

The above views are only for ourselves, slightly touched, and sincerely hope that our children and young people can grow up healthily!

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