
Involving the Liaoning epidemic! Harbin Municipal Disease Control Emergency Reminder

author:Life Newspaper

On February 9, 2022, there was a new case of local asymptomatic infection in Dadong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

In order to accurately implement the prevention and control strategy of "external prevention of import, internal prevention and rebound" and effectively control and block the risk of the spread of the new crown epidemic, the Harbin Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued the following epidemic prevention and control reminders:

1. All personnel who have been to Shenyang City, Liaoning Province since February 7, 2022, and who have lived in other medium- and high-risk areas or have intersected with the recently announced trajectory of the case, especially all those who have been to the same place at the same time or have taken the same flight and the same train to Kazakhstan, under the premise of personal protection, immediately report to their communities (villages), work units, and hotels where they live, and cooperate with the implementation of epidemic investigation, nucleic acid testing, medical observation and other prevention and control measures.

Second, remind the public not to go to the epidemic risk area in the near future, if you must go, you must report to the community (village) and the work unit in advance, and pay attention to the progress of the epidemic situation and the requirements of prevention and control measures at the destination, prepare sufficient personal protective equipment and necessary disinfection supplies, do a good job of protection, and after returning to Kazakhstan, it must be implemented in accordance with the relevant epidemic prevention and control policies of our city. If it intersects with the trajectory of confirmed cases or asymptomatic infected persons, or has recently been in contact with relevant personnel in the above areas, it should be actively reported to the community (village), work unit, and hotel where you live.

Third, if there is fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea and other symptoms, please do not take your own medication, you need to wear a mask as soon as possible to the nearest medical institution fever clinic for investigation and treatment, avoid taking public transportation during the treatment process, and take the initiative to inform the travel history and contact history.

Fourth, the general public is invited to fully understand the current complex situation of the epidemic situation, continue to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, and actively vaccinate against the new crown vaccine for the establishment of an immune barrier, especially those who have not yet been vaccinated against the new crown vaccine (except contraindications), including children aged 3-11 years old, those who have not completed the full vaccination of the new crown vaccine, and those who have not yet been strengthened by the full immunization for 6 months, all of whom must go to the nearby vaccination point to receive the new crown vaccine; they must do a good job of personal health protection and scientifically standardize the wearing of masks. In particular, when taking public transportation and when moving in crowded places, masks should be worn, when taking public transportation such as airplanes, we should also try to avoid contact with public supplies, reduce the number of times we eat and drink, and continue to observe and maintain safe social distance in daily life, do not gather, do not gather, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, eat less, share meals, use public chopsticks, cover coughs, sneezing with tissues or elbow sleeves, and actively cooperate with body temperature measurements when entering and leaving public places. Health code (itinerary code) inspection and other hygiene habits and lifestyles.

Consultation telephone number of the CDC of each district (city) of Harbin City

Daoli District CDC 51669665

Daowai District CDC 57672096

Nangang District Cd-operative Center 86243577

55694618 of the Xiangfang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Pingfang District CDC 86520920

Acheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention 53722510

Songbei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention 88105166

Hulan District CDC 57321893

The Twin City Center for Disease Control and Prevention 53163181

57222573 of yilan county cd-making center

Bayan County Center for Disease Control and Prevention 57502636

57914255 of the Penn County Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Fangzheng County CDC 57112343

Mulan County Cd-operative Center 57083497

Shangzhi Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention 53324184

Tonghe County Cd-operative Center 57435030

Wuchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention 55802434

53067333 of Yanshou County Cd-operative Center

Harbin Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention 51012320

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Longtou News and Life Daily reporter: Zhang Li

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