
Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

author:Little orange talks about life

There is a very famous Zen saying in Buddhism, "The Buddha is not far away in the spiritual mountain, the spiritual mountain is only in your heart, everyone has a spiritual mountain tower in their hearts, so as to repair the spiritual mountain tower", the meaning of this sentence is: the real Buddha and Bodhisattva do not live in the temple, but live in everyone's heart.

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are compassionate, so they believe that a person's compassion and kindness are the most important things. So what kind of people don't need to worship the Buddha and are close to the Buddha? Let's take you to find out.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

People who are not greedy

"Non-greed" refers not only to material dissatisfaction and greed, but also to greed in the spiritual world, especially to sexual immorality. As the saying goes, "Profit cannot be earned, blessing cannot be enjoyed, momentum cannot be exhausted, very smart use seven points, leave three points for children and grandchildren". It is impossible for a person to have spring flowers and autumn moons at the same time, nor can he have fruits and flowers at the same time.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

Since ancient times, people who have been the most taboo in life and want to get everything may often end up getting nothing. In the "Forty-two Chapters Sutra", it is said: Wealth is in people, and people are reluctant. For example, if the blade has honey, it is less than the beauty of a meal, and if a child licks it, there is a problem of cutting the tongue. It can also be seen that the consequences of greed are very disastrous.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

He who is not adulterous

Joy, anger, sorrow, happiness and seven emotions and six desires are all available, but everything should have a bottom line, rather than being left alone. We can't be a greedy person, you have to know that lust is endless, it doesn't bring any good, but after you can't satisfy your desires, you will become unscrupulous.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

Those who are adulterous usually do not have good results either. Because their hearts are very ugly, they can't feel the beauty of the world. At the same time, they do not receive help and blessings from others, so such people will only get farther and farther away from the Buddha.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

A person who is filial to his parents

As the saying goes, "our parents are Buddhas in the world, why do we need to worship Lingshan for thousands of miles", this sentence means that our parents have given us life and raised us to grow up, and we should always accompany and honor our parents, and we do not need to go to the Lingshan temple thousands of miles away to worship Buddha and burn incense.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

Buddhism attaches great importance to filial piety, the Buddha said: parents are the greatest blessing in the world, parents are our closest Buddha, filial piety to support parents, its merits are like offering to the Buddha. Buddhism also often says: You are not filial to your parents in the hall, what is the use of worshipping Buddha wholeheartedly? In fact, it is more effective to be filial to your parents than any "temporary Buddha's feet", and such filial people are also the people who are most happy to be Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

A person who does not create negative karma

As the saying goes, "Bodhisattvas fear causes, and sentient beings fear results", Bodhisattvas are afraid of cause and effect, not to mention ordinary people among all sentient beings? Buddhism believes that all the laws of the world are empty, and only cause and effect are not. The most fundamental law of Buddhism is, in the final analysis, nothing more than the word cause and effect.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

Since ancient times, no one has been able to escape this law, and when karma comes, no matter who it is, it is difficult to escape the responsibility.

People should still do more good deeds, don't commit bad karma, don't do things that you know you can't do, always do good deeds, your heart is pure, and the Buddha will come closer.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

People who have no quarrel with the world

If a person has a desire, he will continue to pursue it, and if he fails to pursue it, he will feel great pain, and this is the root cause of his troubles. A person who has no quarrel with the world usually sees "world affairs" very lightly, and it is not impossible to have desires, but do not pursue them too much.

As the saying goes, "work hard because of the cause, and follow the fate of the result", face everything with a cheerful and open-minded attitude. When the mind is free, the mood is relaxed, and on the contrary, it can be self-satisfied.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

People with good intentions

Some people may think that kind people will only be bullied, and if you back down, you will only connive at the other party's intensification, can you still choose to be kind? In fact, we need to understand that we are kind to others, not to be weak, but to be kind to others and to benefit ourselves.

As the saying goes, "God deceives, people deceive, cause and effect do not deceive, people are doing, and the sky is watching", others hurt you, and they have their own heavenly arrangements. If a person has good thoughts, God will bless them. People with compassion in their hearts, even if they don't believe in Buddhism, have good roots and deep Buddha affinities.

Buddhism: These six types of people don't need to burn incense to worship the Buddha, but they are very close to the Buddha, see if there are you!

Write to the end

"Taishang Induction Chapter" has a cloud: "There is no way for good fortune and misfortune, but people call themselves", if you can live a better life, you should try your best to do good. People are good, although blessings have not come, disasters have been far away; People are evil, although the disaster has not come, the blessing has been far away. This explains why some people don't have to worship the Buddha, but they can get closest to the Buddha.

Are there any of the above six types of people? If you have other opinions, please leave a message and discuss in the comment area, and you are also welcome to collect and forward. (The picture comes from the Internet invasion and deletion)

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