
Soft texture sticky agarwood must be good agarwood?

The texture of agarwood is a topic that is often discussed, the so-called texture of agarwood is actually about its weight or proportion, it can also be said that his texture is what? So is there a direct relationship between this so-called texture and the advantages and disadvantages of agarwood?

First of all, it should be clear that the texture of agarwood does not necessarily determine the quality of agarwood, unless some of the same premise is designed here, the texture can be added as a measure. After all, in the hearts of many incense friends, the water is above everything, and this setting is wrong. If you compare the advantages and disadvantages of multiple pieces of incense wood horizontally, there is a premise that the origin is consistent, the tree species is consistent, and the fragrance type is consistent. It is only under the condition of these prerequisites that the texture can also be included in the evaluation. If the premise is consistent, the larger the proportion proves that the oil junction ratio is higher, and the higher the oil junction ratio proves that the content of aromatic organic matter is also higher. Coupled with the enthusiasm of market fans for submerged water recognition, submerged materials tend to be several times higher than non-submerged materials when the premise indicators are consistent. You must be clear about what I said earlier. If it is cross-appellational comparison, it becomes less important. For example: a 37-gram Brunei sunken water 1.6 and a 32-gram unsinkable old Hoi An, how do you choose? It must be the choice of high-end production, and the old Hui'an won the fragrance. But if it is 37 grams of Sunken Water brunei and 32 grams of unsinkable Water Brunei then it is inevitable to choose Brunei.

Soft texture sticky agarwood must be good agarwood?

Dara dry submerged water 08108 can be knotted

Let's move on to what determines how much gel is in a piece of agarwood? This also makes many incense friends confused a point, some incense friends asked me Liang Chen teacher, is it not sinking water is not the incense is not finished is the so-called raw fruit? Some incense friends asked if only the agarwood tree with a long age can produce agarwood incense? There is also a more question is whether the soft agarwood knot oil must not taste bad?

Here we answer it in a unified way, first of all, to answer the first question: the non-sinking is not necessarily raw knot, because there are many ways for the agarwood tree to end the incense, not all the incense is to wait until the end of the natural incense will fall off, which has a lot of natural external forces caused by the end of the incense, for example: placed in Japan's Todaiji Temple, the orchid is waiting for the yellow incense, that is, the unsinkable incense.

Soft texture sticky agarwood must be good agarwood?

Japanese National Treasure Orchid is luxuriously treated with yellow ripe incense

The second question is whether a short-lived agarwood trees are unable to bear agarwood incense. This is not absolute. But there is a certain scientific reason, because if the agarwood tree is too short, its veins are not developed enough, so it is not easy for the agarwood tree that is relatively old to bear the agarwood fragrance. Unless the cause of the incense is special, such as human intervention or intervention by external forces in nature. After all, the production of shenshui incense not only requires the age of the tree to be long enough, but also the process of incense is long enough, but because of this need, the age of the tree has also become a prerequisite. Because only old trees that are old enough can carry various changes and repeated infections in the process of agarwood incense.

Soft texture sticky agarwood must be good agarwood?

Raw materials for submerged water in Nha Trang can be linked

The third question is more interesting, many incense friends will ask this question, after all, due to the tree species caused by the fact that many of the top incense wood oils we see are soft in texture. For example, The soft glutinous of Qinan, such as the softness of Bodhisattva Chess, such as the honey lipidization of Nha Trang, will give everyone an impression that this texture must be a good fragrance, I publish my personal experience, I have tasted a lot of soft but not hard enough agarwood, and everyone tastes the relatively good and soft agarwood. After all, this process is a sales process, and the seller will definitely price according to the product, so such a comprehensive impression will be generated.

In fact, there are many similar problems, such as some incense friends to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the texture, some incense friends to judge the degree of softness and glutinous color, agarwood is a comprehensive judgment of multiple dimensions in the end can not withstand the furnace product, aroma supremacy is the last word. Talk less, comment less, and see the truth. I am Liang Chen hope that a simple summary can add bricks and tiles to the road of incense friends. Welcome friends to exchange and grow together.

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