
The Huang Lao School of The Huang Lao Scholar is a branch of the Taoist school in the Warring States period, and the representative figures include Shen Zhi, Tian Biao, Huan Yuan, Jie Zi and so on. They take Lao Tzu's heavenly path of nature and inaction

author:Five thousand years of small stories

A short story of history is a yellow old scholar

  The Huang-Lao School is a branch of the Taoist school in the Warring States period, and its representative figures include Shen Zhi, Tian Biao, Huan Yuan, Jiezi and others. Based on Lao Tzu's Daoist ontological thought of nature and rule by doing nothing, they integrated the Confucian thought of rule by virtue and the rule of law of the Law to form a new theoretical system with the core of quiet inaction, love for the people and benefit the people, and criminal name magic. This school of thought honors the Yellow Emperor as its ancestor and Lao Tzu as its close ancestor, so it is called the Yellow Lao School.

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